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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
Hello all,

I have a hypothetical....suppose in November the D's take the WH, the senate and keep the house, maybe even gain some seats and a total blue tsunami down ballet....

How fast will the GOP and his base dump tRump*?

Talk among yourselves, there is coffee and a lovely pound cake I bought at the bakers today on the server...I feeling a little verklempt.



Active member
George, just curious, have you ever been to a country with national health care? Or, have you ever even been to another civilized country? I'm just curious where you get this 'fairist', freest, most equitable country stuff? People from countries with 'free' healthcare come to the USA for treatment - Really????

I'm very curious George because I have travelled to allot of other countries and had medical treatment, including surgeries, in several other countries. Also, I lived in a country with national healthcare for many years. My wife is a Registered Nurse from a country with national healthcare. We are pretty well versed on the subject. You on the other hand have no idea what you are talking about.


Well-known member
The percentage of the Venezuelan economy being privately owned rivals that of the US's lol (70 to 80%)..... that's the opposite of socialist.


Active member

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Engineers and architects keep buildings from falling down on us among other things. Regulations enforce the codes and standards. Keep us from burning up in our bedrooms. I guess that’s a bad thing.

Labor is the largest variable. When unions get involved, prices go way up. The public bears the weight. When only part of the labor force is unionized, the other part bears the weight.
Both parts contribute the same effort.

That’s where Obama screwed up. He put too much faith in the unions. They were self serving.

That is one of Sanders biggest faults. Blind support of unions. They are the main cause of housing not being affordable. 80% of property taxes going to union teachers and police, with no incentive to produce, and can be criminal and/or incompetent with no chance of losing there jobs. People are not promoted because they are the best, they are promoted for being there the longest. If they under perform, they can hire more of them. Our schools have 10 children per class, and in a town of about 1000 families, we have 20 police, and zero crime except for maybe 2 or 3 car thefts a year, which insurance covers. The police alone cost over 5 million. Work 20 years and retire at full pay, for sitting around all day doing nothing. All school should have been replaced with online school decades ago. There is zero reason it is not online, except union workers will have to get a real job.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Don't you think they have probably cured cancer a dozen times over with cheap to produce drugs, and it was quickly buried. If you can extend their life and make a million a year, capitalism does not want a cure.

Capra ibex

Don't you think they have probably cured cancer a dozen times over with cheap to produce drugs, and it was quickly buried. If you can extend their life and make a million a year, capitalism does not want a cure.

I can be cynical but i highly doubt that something as massive as a cure for cancer could or would be buried for the sake of $$$$.... especially because you could make huge money as well as just feel like a god for helping so many people- effectively being a god, if huge ego type of stuff is your thing, which $$$$ is as well.


Well-known member
Nah only the ones who don't have at least 7 months to wait for treatment or need paticular,specialized care

The only people coming here for health care are people who can afford to do so.

Wait times is more bullshit propaganda. The US has wait times according if you can afford to pay or not. Other countries have wait times based on need.


Boreal Curing
That is one of Sanders biggest faults. Blind support of unions. They are the main cause of housing not being affordable. 80% of property taxes going to union teachers and police, with no incentive to produce, and can be criminal and/or incompetent with no chance of losing there jobs. People are not promoted because they are the best, they are promoted for being there the longest. If they under perform, they can hire more of them. Our schools have 10 children per class, and in a town of about 1000 families, we have 20 police, and zero crime except for maybe 2 or 3 car thefts a year, which insurance covers. The police alone cost over 5 million. Work 20 years and retire at full pay, for sitting around all day doing nothing. All school should have been replaced with online school decades ago. There is zero reason it is not online, except union workers will have to get a real job.
If you paid your teachers more, they'd be able to afford a home. You pay your teachers, and other professionals shit in the extreme while money gets siphoned from the top.

Don't buy into elite bullshit. Our teachers make 80+k and the world hasn't ended or ruined our country. People are clamoring to get a teaching job here. The result are candidates with multiple degrees and we get to choose the best to teach our kids and returning students.

Want a teaching job? Get a 3rd or 4th degree. It's either that or do your 5 to 7 years teaching in the land of the midnight sun. And that's only IF you have a masters in education. BTW, up north you can make 6 figures.


Well-known member
I have told people for years the best way to improve education is to make teaching a highly desirable job. And if they fuck up or have problems dealing with children or any abuse. They are fired. Period. Watch test scores start skyrocketing in the first year. And with zero negative side effects.


ICMag Donor

Nah only the ones who don't have at least 7 months to wait for treatment or need paticular,specialized care

Yup..... What George?

Yup you have no idea what national healthcare is and your story about people from national healthcare countries coming to the US for medical care was a fabrication?

7 months,,,,? My doctor made house calls and surgeries were quicker than in the US.
Once again George you are spewing and have no idea what you are talking about. Clueless George.


ICMag Donor
I have told people for years the best way to improve education is to make teaching a highly desirable job. And if they fuck up or have problems dealing with children or any abuse. They are fired. Period. Watch test scores start skyrocketing in the first year. And with zero negative side effects.

BTF, My wife comes from western Europe. School for her was 8 to 4 weekdays. There was no study hall and no gym or sports in that time. All academic. Graduating high school she spoke 4 languages, knew every country and major geographic feature in the world. She had also taken calculus, trig and statistics. When we moved to the states she took her nursing boards in english, her third of 4 languages, and passed the first time.

Unfortunately our education system is crap and they have some of us believing it's solid gold. Our education system needs a huge redo so that pay, work conditions and stature attract the really good people.


Well-known member
Bernie's leading in Texas.

"If Dems go on to nominate Sanders, the Russians will have to reconsider who to work for to best screw up the US. Sanders is just as polarizing as Trump AND he’ll ruin our economy and doesn’t care about our military. If I’m Russian, I go with Sanders this time around." - Lloyd Blankfein (criminal)

they're shitting themselves :)


ICMag Donor
One more thing about my wife's education in western Europe. The food. In school the food was excellent. All made fresh by real cooks. They always had fresh made soup, main course and desert. Let me tell you, when it comes to bakery goods and desert, these people do not mess around either. The school food is really good and the same goes for hospital food. That's a great way to start a conducive learning environment or helping people feel better.

It's a whole mindset on quality and doing things well. Quite the contrary to what's been going on here where it's more of a bs game. Just serve em crap and tell them it's great.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Bernie's leading in Texas.

"If Dems go on to nominate Sanders, the Russians will have to reconsider who to work for to best screw up the US. Sanders is just as polarizing as Trump AND he’ll ruin our economy and doesn’t care about our military. If I’m Russian, I go with Sanders this time around." - Lloyd Blankfein (criminal)

they're shitting themselves :)

Lloyd's a billionaire.

He would fit in the guillotine.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
There are wait time issues in specific areas of the country. When I lived in the bay area no wait times.. Now im in a area where patients out number the dr's.. My apt wait time for Ortho in this area is 2.2 months for the 1st available apt.

Getting a apt for my primary care Dr there is only a week wait at most.
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