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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
Culinary Union comes out against M4A.

If government provides healthcare and guarantees a livable wage, safe working conditions... Why would anyone want to pay union dues? They would get no return.


am watching the latest comments and capers from the Barr/Trump world
Barr letting it be known that Trump's tweets are interfering with his ability to perform his job
in other words he's telling Trump to shut up
i'm looking forward to the next chapter in this reality drama

A good chunk of the time I imagine partnering up with trump to be like a bank robbery comedy movie. Burst in with masks and start clearing the vault when one of lifts up his mask and goes "dammit bob jones, ss# 555-55-5555, we are fuckin genius. They will never catch us. Wtf is that red blinking light in the corner..."


Active member
You seem like a bitter person....

How is anyone swinging on billionaires nuts by going to their stores to get cheap food?
They are there, so people use them.... if they weren't so big, (which they shouldn't be able to get so big in the first place)and the current uber-corporations are forced to be broken up or whatever, people would still be able to get cheap things, just that the businesses would be smaller, so rather than all the profit going to one uber wealthy family it goes to smaller businesses.... is spread around more.

You would have to be retarded to think anyone is trying to emulate Cuba or Venezuela.... they are having their own problems.

Yes, that is EXACTLY what fucking socialism is kiddo... put whatever lipstick on the pig you so desire, but it’s still a pig.

Your ‘well it’s convenient might as well use it’ is double digit iq logic. YOU are the reason billionaires exist... supermarkets are boomer tier economics. Want meat? Go to the local meat market. Want produce go to the fresh farm. To start, the bullshit ‘tomatoes’ you are buying from Walmart have to have a 30 day ‘fresh’ guarantee... meaning they are picked early, gassed to preserve then sit on a shelf for 30 days.

-buy supermarket/ amazon bullshit
- cry about muh billionaires
Pick one kiddo

As far as bitter? Nah your hypocrisy is actually hilarious.


Lol, yeah...that's a better one. Man I loved bobcat as a kid. That movie with a horse, hot to trot I believe, cracked me up.

Mr D

Culinary Union comes out against M4A.

If government provides healthcare and guarantees a livable wage, safe working conditions... Why would anyone want to pay union dues? They would get no return.

The gulag gang is making threats against the union.

Culinary Union officials face profanity-laced attacks after scorecard says Sanders would ‘end’ their health care


A commenter on a Nevada Independent article referred to members of the Culinary Union, who hail from 178 countries and speak more than 40 different languages, as “illegals.”

Gee I guess the Bernie bros only like immigrants who vote against their own best interests. Bunch of racist hypocrites.

Sorry Bern but us union members like our healthcare.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
After Barr declassifies a few long awaited damning documents and redactions, it's likely that Flynn and maybe Stone will be cleared. No need for a pardon. My guess is that the house will come up with an excuse to cancel Barr's subpeona for March 31st.
They are already realizing that having him testify will be very very bad for the deepstate. Maybe a state funeral? Maybe they'll take Ruth Bader Ginsburgs corpse out of it's cryogenic chamber to thaw.


Well-known member
i do see the DOJ has just dropped the McCabe investigation
another tooth off the gears of the deep state destruction
but please, tell us more about the deep state, we haven't heard enough yet


Active member
The gulag gang is making threats against the union.

Culinary Union officials face profanity-laced attacks after scorecard says Sanders would ‘end’ their health care


Gee I guess the Bernie bros only like immigrants who vote against their own best interests. Bunch of racist hypocrites.

Sorry Bern but us union members like our healthcare.
In the end, your union is just one more bureaucracy.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
i do see the DOJ has just dropped the McCabe investigation
another tooth off the gears of the deep state destruction
but please, tell us more about the deep state, we haven't heard enough yet

The DOJ added: “Based on the totality of the circumstances and all of the information KNOWN TO THE GOVERNMENT AT THIS TIME, we consider the matter closed."

What did I just say about declassified material due to be released imminently?

Mr D

The DOJ added: “Based on the totality of the circumstances and all of the information KNOWN TO THE GOVERNMENT AT THIS TIME, we consider the matter closed."

What did I just say about declassified material due to be released imminently?

It's a head fake to put the kabosh on narrative about political retribution.


Well-known member
The gulag gang is making threats against the union.

Culinary Union officials face profanity-laced attacks after scorecard says Sanders would ‘end’ their health care


Gee I guess the Bernie bros only like immigrants who vote against their own best interests. Bunch of racist hypocrites.

Sorry Bern but us union members like our healthcare.

this is just another attempt at the establishment to try and derail bernie lol bernie wants to give every one the same health care, not take anyones care away. framing it in such a way is an obvious smear tactic.

union members overwhelmingly support bernie.

taking benefits and health care out of labor negotiations frees up space to talk about wages and i'm sure the leadership among some labor unions don't want that lol for example what good is a teachers union if they are paid dogshit and have oversized classes that they can't negotiate with the union over because health care is the #1 issue in the country.

Mr D

this is just another attempt at the establishment to try and derail bernie lol bernie wants to give every one the same health care, not take anyones care away. framing it in such a way is an obvious smear tactic.

union members overwhelmingly support bernie.

taking benefits and health care out of labor negotiations frees up space to talk about wages and i'm sure the leadership among some labor unions don't want that lol for example what good is a teachers union if they are paid dogshit and have oversized classes that they can't negotiate with the union over because health care is the #1 issue in the country.

Actually it mirrors what thousands of members are saying as the leadership tries to reign them in. I've been privy to the conversations of the IBEW, Iron workers, Carpenters, IUPAT, Operating Engineers, plumbers and pipe fitters, laborers, sheetmetal workers, longshoreman and a few others at the top of the union food chain. They are deeply concerned.

You can keep repeating what's coming out of Bernie's campaign and what some union officials are saying publicly. But I'm telling you based on first hand knowledge the members are not going to vote for Bernie in any meaningful numbers.

Mr D

The IBEW represents approximately 750,000 active members and retirees who work in a wide variety of fields, including utilities, construction, telecommunications, broadcasting, manufacturing, railroads and government.

Now try to find a single mention of medicare for all or support for Bernie that you claim exists...
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