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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Is there a housing/homeless crisis in California?
How much California real estate was bought up by China in the last crash? Is it wise to allow foreign chinese nationals to purchase houses and commercial realestate just to rent them out at over inflated rates? This is the only article I've ever seen on the topic. I just know from personal experience. I know so many people who pay rent to somebody living in China (not dual citizens).



Active member
Hello all,

Don't know what to lead with....

1. I got a nickel that says deluded Donnie will pardon both stone and Flynn after the election.


Hoping that the judge Amy Berman(sp) will call for a hearing to investigate the sentencing guideline changes and find out what the oranges of the matter are. This would require political appointees to testify....could be interesting, ey?

Roger Stone should get a pardon.I was treated better when I got raided by the dea for 108 plants.Plus a sex offender democratic congress man got 3 months for sending dick pics to a teen-age girl. They gave Stone 9 yrs.Nine

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Roger Stone should get a pardon.I was treated better when I got raided by the dea for 108 plants.Plus a sex offender democratic congress man got 3 months for sending dick pics to a teen-age girl. They gave Stone 9 yrs.Nine

Plus, one of the jurrors was a never trumper who ran for congress in 2012 as a dem, of course. Her twitter is full of TDS. She was requested to be removed, but the judge would not comply. Odd?


Active member
Is there a housing/homeless crisis in California?
How much California real estate was bought up by China in the last crash? Is it wise to allow foreign chinese nationals to purchase houses and commercial realestate just to rent them out at over inflated rates? This is the only article I've ever seen on the topic. I just know from personal experience. I know so many people who pay rent to somebody living in China (not dual citizens).


I have an empty house out there. Got the number for the Chinese?


Active member
Well, to be perfectly honest, nobody would say "look around" in my neighborhood. It looks like a god damn zombie apocalypse around here. Come visit beautiful San Francisco, ibex. Come "look around' and see what I see. Ask yourself why? Ask yourself who is responsible? Just today a news story broke about a huge corruption investigation in SF that will hopefully lead to the downfall of all these corrupt California politicians, PG&E the energy monopoly, and a bunch of dem sponsored contracting organizations. The swamp is about to drain.


Hell of a conclusion. Few facts and a lot of injection.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites


Well-known member
Roger Stone should get a pardon.I was treated better when I got raided by the dea for 108 plants.Plus a sex offender democratic congress man got 3 months for sending dick pics to a teen-age girl. They gave Stone 9 yrs.Nine

Somebody doesn't understand how the criminal justice system works. Not all crimes are treated the same, and it really matters what evidence is admitted and what is kept out.


Active member
China scare.

They’re obsessed with drug development. We’re obsessed with walls. I blame them.


Active member
Do you think that Bernie endorses people being poor?
He would like everyone to be on a more level playing field, if you want to fly in comfort go for it, you don't need to be a billionaire to fly first class....

Order from amazon? Shop at chain grocery stores? Interesting how you swing on billionaires nuts to make sure you get the cheapest imports possible then seethe about the billionaires you sweat so hard. And yes he promotes people being poor. Check out Cuba and Venezuela’s stellar economic model...


Well-known member
Nothing is wrong with purchasing from billionaires, although buying local is usually better. The problem is the billionaires do no pay their fair share of taxes.

Its not rockets science. In fact. Its basic math.


Active member
What if you buy from local billionaires?

If I shop local, I often see the same Chinese products. I may as well buy them straight from China.
Amazons prices can usually be beat by smaller business operating their own websites.
Cottage industries are the new “local”.
Barney’s Farm vs. Gypsy

Capra ibex

Order from amazon? Shop at chain grocery stores? Interesting how you swing on billionaires nuts to make sure you get the cheapest imports possible then seethe about the billionaires you sweat so hard. And yes he promotes people being poor. Check out Cuba and Venezuela’s stellar economic model...

You seem like a bitter person....

How is anyone swinging on billionaires nuts by going to their stores to get cheap food?
They are there, so people use them.... if they weren't so big, (which they shouldn't be able to get so big in the first place)and the current uber-corporations are forced to be broken up or whatever, people would still be able to get cheap things, just that the businesses would be smaller, so rather than all the profit going to one uber wealthy family it goes to smaller businesses.... is spread around more.

You would have to be retarded to think anyone is trying to emulate Cuba or Venezuela.... they are having their own problems.


Well-known member
Order from amazon? Shop at chain grocery stores? Interesting how you swing on billionaires nuts to make sure you get the cheapest imports possible then seethe about the billionaires you sweat so hard. And yes he promotes people being poor. Check out Cuba and Venezuela’s stellar economic model...

this is the most accurate meme to ever exist



Well-known member
It’s not even the first time Biden has used the phrase. At a 2018 campaign event, talking about the Republican senator Kevin Cramer of North Dakota, Biden said: “As my brother, who loves to use lines from movies, from John Wayne movies … there’s a line in a movie where an Indian chief turns to John Wayne and says: ‘This is a lying, dog-faced pony soldier.’”

Biden’s spokespeople said the line comes from a John Wayne film – but it’s not clear it does. There is a 1952 western called Pony Soldier, but it does not star John Wayne, and no one is called a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier” in it, according to Slate. There is, reportedly, a line in the film in which a chief says: “The pony soldier speaks with a tongue of the snake that rattles.” Swings and roundabouts; dogs and rattlesnakes, I suppose.

:D :D :D


Active member
It’s not even the first time Biden has used the phrase. At a 2018 campaign event, talking about the Republican senator Kevin Cramer of North Dakota, Biden said: “As my brother, who loves to use lines from movies, from John Wayne movies … there’s a line in a movie where an Indian chief turns to John Wayne and says: ‘This is a lying, dog-faced pony soldier.’”

Biden’s spokespeople said the line comes from a John Wayne film – but it’s not clear it does. There is a 1952 western called Pony Soldier, but it does not star John Wayne, and no one is called a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier” in it, according to Slate. There is, reportedly, a line in the film in which a chief says: “The pony soldier speaks with a tongue of the snake that rattles.” Swings and roundabouts; dogs and rattlesnakes, I suppose.

:D :D :D
It goes back to Custer, pony soldiers with beards, lying to the Indians.
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