I was so fucking confused at first, but then when the dude started talkin, man
I was so fucking confused at first, but then when the dude started talkin, man
Awesome pictures as always dude, and nice toys
Heres another video to the secret to dense nugs - I recommend you take a real fat toke before you start that second video and don't have any food in your mouth lol or drink
Sir, thanks and ya not a prob... I'll call you this weekend !
joesy, just picked up a handful of them things, my buddy gets them from the V.A. free of charge... someone better hide the damn cat ! Seriously though I hope when/if I try them, "it" doesn't last longer than four hours, be embarrassing as hell to have too see a doctor... In full on Hard mode !
LyryC thanks but not sure I wanna click the link... virgin eyes and all !
Ok, all disagreements at the sandpit have been rectified... permanently. So I can now turn my attention towards the tasks at hand, that being the up coming harvest this weekend, my trimmers will be here tomorrow and with the 3 of us going at, it should go reasonably quickly... I hope. Anyway here a few pics for now, after I get one of the nets cut down I'll get in there with the tri-pod and take some nice high quality pics.
Those glues look awesome!!! I just took down a few glue plants that have the same look and fade as yours. One of the first times I have ever had the leaves go full on yellow. Usually the leaves are green. Still smokes good, just green leaves. Excited to see how it tastes with a nice fade.
Silver... I don't get it either, stuff just grows like a damn weed !
Carlos, if I had your spot, I'd have two of them up and running by now. Course you'd need way more fecal matter, purple bells and cockle shell I hear tell help as well... face all that shit towards the south young man. That'd be quite a show indeed !
Dan, still have to give you the edge in bud size though...
DubbtripOG, I believe you'll enjoy the flavor that a mature bud brings too the table, that chocolate/mocha aroma wafting through the air...
joesy, thank you sir, the stuffs not too shabby for bag seed weed ! I wasn't sure how the colorful they would be, run'n the Veg & bloom nutes compared to Flora nova, but as you can see they turned out real nice, stick as fuck too, can't wait to burn some and check the flav.
Wildman, thanks I appreciate the kind words and constant encouragement.
One last picture... they're all chopped and drying, won't be long now till my jars are once again full.
with your system being so fine tuned , i'm betting the EC could be dropped a bit more . your running about what i do in coco & alot of it stays right in the medium untill i flush it out . with your system the plants are getting every bit of it & it might be a bit much for them . i see lock out on a couple of the smaller nugs & thats what got me thinking about it .
dial it down a notch on the next run , i'll be willing to bet ya see a difference .
thats just my thoughts on it brutha
this is the pic that has me thinkin the juice is still a little strong
That particular bud was about 12" from the Horty 1K, if you look at some of the older group shots You'll see it, but ya I hear on the rest. This next batch will be more mature when they hit flower and I think that'll help out immensely, been kinda rushing shit lately, and it shows.
That said, it was another nice harvest, there was a lot of bud in there... more than I thought Judging from what I could see from the door entrance.
Carlos, snuck one passed me there aye... will this one have a door ?
Dan, nothing could be further from my mind... my good friend ! Them buds are rock hard, should digi up real nice once it hits the scale.
Sir, schwag lol, haven't heard that one in a while... do people still smoke that brick~weed, I mean the stuffs not bad but once they started too use trash compacters, the oils from all the seeds permeated the buds making it all but un smoke able. Where I grew up if you passed someone a joint with a seed in it, defecation was likely too hit the rotary oscillator.