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That Lil~shit's @ it again.....


Living life large...
Cali, times are rough... what can I say, lol !

SirSmoka` for me it was Rush, 3 guys, that much sound, impossible !

Arthur, seen ya got them buckets going, how's that working out ?

Alright, as usual I been busy as shit, work, fish, Moto-x, sex, sleep...
In that order too. ;) As for the turn around, I'll be moving plants
into flower tomorrow morning. The Nightmare diesels will be going
in first, followed by the Gorilla glues approximately 10 days later.
The plan is to run the ND`s 80 days and the GG`s 70 as usual, with
them all finishing at the same time for a smooth, efficient harvest.

Achieved much better node spacing with the new veg room/lights too.


GG in da jar`o...

It being "The 24th of May" seems only appropriate too play one of my favorite songs.

Peace and be safe on this, the long holiday weekend,


Active member
Friggin Guy... Rough like back in Beirut for sure!!

Vegroom looks tits mcgraw indeed and the nodular activitahh def shows it nice work eh!!!

FYI headin to da norfwoods 2 weeks from wednesday!!


Active member
Chopped all that schwag weed down I see.
What's next, brick it up seeds and all and smoke til ya head hurts?!?

Like the color. I think your levels are good. 12" is just to close for a 1k.

A lot of that taco leaf biz is just from the flush and the leaves getting to hot from radiant heat.

Nailed it!
I still suck at growing lately but that damn glue always adds up so nice as Dan said Nice Surprise. A very welcomed surprise.

this statement coming from the KING of NV. shwag company, llc.


Living life large...
Carlos, I'll have the lil woman polish up the boat... maybe if we pimp
Silver enough he'll make the drive up, lord knows he's out of excuses.

You two... Shwaggers. :biglaugh:

Well I'm a day late... and a few dollars short (get too that in a bit)
Anyway got the Nightmare diesels moved into the boom-boom room.
The extra couple of weeks in veg really made a big difference and
I'm expecting a much better output from her this round as well...
I know, I know... the floors dirty, lol !

I'm also re-doing the entry so forgive the yellow tape, it'll be covered
when I'm done. Tell you what though, that is the stickiest tape ever !

Now too the funds part, after a 25 year hiatus I've decided too
once again race motocross... Been riding 3 times a week with one
of the local pro`s working on corning and of course the gate drop.
We also completely rebuilt the CRF450R to the tune of 8 large...
She's putting out just north of 70 horsepower now and @ 225lbs
it's quite the ride, rarely do I get too impressed, but... ya it's fast !
There's a few pics of the bike in my album "Sprouts pics" I set it to
private so only folks on my friends list can see them... a lil~anonymity.
My first race is on the 7th of next month and I'm fucking stoked !

Whip'n and scrub'n deem jumps,


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
The plants look alot fuller this time around sprout ! the new veg room did them right ! they're gonna explode in flower !!! :plant grow:

back into racing after 25 years ..... you've got more balls than i do !! lol i loved riding & really miss my old green machine (KX400 ) but i never rode profesionally , just stoned woods romping :biggrin:
my new camp spot is an ATV park too .... that has me thinking about a brute force 750 or 850 to romp through the woods with again !! plus i could put a plow on it for winter with all the white shit we got last year .

good luck on the first race brutha !!! hope ya at least place !!! :good:


Active member
Yeppers you better get that whip buffed up real nice!!! Bc you know huwwhat they say boota dirty boat.. lazy woman is near.. :)- We'll just get a friggin float plane to grab silver and airdrop him in da lake with more snacks!!!

Oh dang sprout's back on the dirt track better call Carmichael and tell him his records maybe in jeopz lol.. That's rad tho eh do dem damn tangz!!! I'm an air n speedfreak too I just prefer rigs with rollcages n belts of seat..

Plants def look way fuller nice work farva!!


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Ever time I wanna race again, I remind myself of all my friends with broken collar bones and blown knees.
Takes care of that. That's why I'm geared towards a RZR these days
I do want to get a track bike for motto X and street bike
Just for practice days
I miss both greatly.
Who wants to go fast? I do.

Glad your getting back into it. Just avoid those injuries!


Living life large...
Dan, I'm def digg'n the new veg area, there's plenty of room
for the plants too sprawl out more, aiming for that hedge look.
Never been "short" on balls that for sure, as for brains, well... :crazy:
My mother had me tested, I'm not crazy, Dr. says I have what
they call an "inner Evil Knievel", it's totally contagious too, Lmao !
If'n you do get a quad runner, make sure too pick up a good helmet.
Thanks for the support. :)

Carlos, I do know a guy with floatplane, that's not outside the realm
of possibilities, I think Ricky's records are safe for now... :tongue: for now !

Sir, no doubt about the torn up knees, I have Leatt C-frame knee
braces and fox neck brace (Hans devise) that clips up to my roost
protector, just didn't have it on for the photos that's all, my bad.
Once the kids are grown and the mortgage is history... a fella can
take a few more risks in life, it's now or never as I'm not getting
any younger, I'll be damned if I'll let that door slam shut... again.


I'm going the distance...
Sprout. :ying:


Active member
Momma always thought I wanted to be a bird bc I was always jumping n shitting on things..

Good ol Ricky eh!! Dang clean record furrmeow indeed.. isn't there hookers for sale in Vancouver??

Never too old to be awesome.. Hammah Down Meow!!!

silver hawaiian

Active member
good shit ~sprout! Inspiring me to wanna go relive my own glory days, kickboxing styl-ee!

("Polk High, four touchdowns in one game!")

:laughing: Married with a kid, who has time for that anymore? :crazy:

Instead I've become a boring old guy who gets his kicks by using his feet to pound the pavement for a stretch. :dunno:

I need'a find a f'ng plane to take me UP there, screw 10 hours in the car (I think that's what it was last I checked)? Hell at that rate, it's damn near closer to hot chuck than me!


Living life large...
Carlos, you calling me old ? ;) Awesome is my middle name...

Silver, just do it man !

Moved the Gorilla glues into the flower room last night, a full 10 days
after the Nightmare diesels, which are really give'n her this round...
It'll be nice too take her (ND) out to her full potential and see what
she's got. Also going with a double net this time for the GGs, I got
the lower net installed this morning and in a few days I'll stack on
the second one... Nightmares are going all natural with bamboo sticks.
Anyway here's a few picture of the room , bang'n on all 8 buckets now !

Nightmare shrubbery...

Racing tomorrow, so I'm confident that sleep will elude me this evening.

Living life Loud,
Sprout. :ying:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
I'll second that ! good luck Sprout !!! Givem hell & have a blast .... but leave the body in one piece huh ? lol :tiphat:


Active member
yeah man make them eat some dirt, and get back safe,we don't wanna see those girls get neglected hehehe, we need this thread running just like it is, so that we have to be on our toes , you keep pushing it, clean ass grow, and with some major dank budd!!!


Living life large...
Good evening gentleman, I'm happy too report that I'm alive and well.
A Lil sore but no worse for the wear... in the first moto I got a great
start and was running in 6th until I stalled the bike when it got hung
up in really deep rut, 4 stokes are notoriously hard too re-start when
they're hot (mines no exception) long story short, finished in 18th. :shucks:
Did better in the second moto... after get'n jammed up in the first turn
I managed to pass 10 riders and came in 9th giving me 12th overall for
the day in a field that included 40 racers, not great, but not too bad. :)

During the hour long ride home, I was totally exhausted and still had a
fair amount of dirt wedged in my ass crack... :biggrin: yet I just could not stop
smiling, I've never ever felt so young and so old at the same time, all I
know for sure is I'm back in the game and it just seemed soooo right !

Thanks for all the support you guys, it meant a lot to me when I needed it the most.

Slumber comes easy on this night...

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