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Well-known member
Lovely @BC LONE WOLF looks like one is already showing signs of being pollinated :yes:
When breeding, better use clones from selected well tested parent plants rather than pollinate blindly.

Yeah early pollination was done because I have a one of a kind male with strong structure, so the male was not blindly selected. I also wanted to do most of the pollination process as outdoors as possible and being 49N I know after September non stop rain will kill the pollination process.

On the other hand I do have 3 clones of each Chiang Mai which will be tested during winter so I can know if it’s worth or not to keep the seeds I have already made. I’m also planning on testing progeny this winter. Clones and seeds on the same run.

I don’t have same parameters of breeding ACE has, I’m hoping to create a large gene pool for my future enjoyment, I have all the time in the world to do testing in the future.

One question for you if I may; when I read the description on these Chiang Mai; it says a well worked line. Would that imply that breeders here have already made selections ?


Well-known member
Lovely @BC LONE WOLF looks like one is already showing signs of being pollinated :yes:
When breeding, better use clones from selected well tested parent plants rather than pollinate blindly.
Expected a little better of a response from you @dubi. This guy is clearly respresenting YOUR brand of Thai ACE growing on this thread with great looking plants. He's told you multiple times he lives in the 49n trying to repo some beans for his outdoor micro grow.
We all know about clones but we all don't grow on multiple acres like you do from ACE.
Why put in feedback that's so basic, which YOU know, he knows about already!?
Have you seen his Duterte's (Phillpino male) ? You should be applauding it my friend.

H e d g e

Active member
@BC LONE WOLF great post for #420 in the thread! Beautiful plants😍.
@dubi you were right about my strawberry, I flowered the seed plant and it’s about 50:50 male female. I’ve not given up on it yet though, this is it grafted onto Baluchi rootstock.
Might be happier living in a small pot as a scion if the roots have a bit less vigor.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Sounds like a good plan @BC LONE WOLF Sorry if my previous post came across as rude, that wasn’t my intention. I just wanted to emphasize the importance of the following order when breeding with a new line: grow as many as possible from seed, clone them, flower them, evaluate them, and then select the ones for breeding. When taking a different route, the results are never as good.


Well-known member
Thai, 5 on the right side of the tent



Sounds like a good plan @BC LONE WOLF Sorry if my previous post came across as rude, that wasn’t my intention. I just wanted to emphasize the importance of the following order when breeding with a new line: grow as many as possible from seed, clone them, flower them, evaluate them, and then select the ones for breeding. When taking a different route, the results are never as good.
I appreciate you Dubi and I'm sure a lot of other people on here do as well
For argument sake, let's say I start 10 seeds. I get 5 males and 5 females. I run each group in two separate areas. I take pollen from every male and pollinate one bud on every female, labeling as I go.
I then finish the run, test the unpollinated female flowers and make my observations overall (even let the males run just for fun).
Finally I pick the best female or females, and accordingly the best males paired with the best females, and use those to move forward.
I think this would be nearly as good as the cloning and running everything out method. This is only practical in lower numbers tho.

What I've been doing is selecting
males and hitting every female on one branch with each male I picked. Then the seeds from the best girls are the seeds I use moving forward.


ACE Seeds Breeder
grow as many as possible from seed, clone them, flower them, evaluate them, and then select the ones for breeding. When taking a different route, the results are never as good.

That's mainly for hybrid breeding like in your case @BC LONE WOLF

However, for landrace preservation open pollination of large populations is required. Otherwise, genetic diversity is lost with each new reproduction, bottlenecking the population. Unless carefully inbred for desirable traits, the line can easily become low in vigor and uninterestingly homozygous.

In the case of this Thai Chiang Mai preservation, dozens of parent plants from different generations were open pollinated after removing intersex females, males, and low vigor plants during growth. Different phenotypes were observed, as described in the strain description, and the best females from each phenotype were identified (and previously cloned). Only seeds from the best seed lots have been included in this release.

After this point, once the landrace is well preserved in seed form and the best parent plants are safely cloned, females with specific, desirable, and well-known traits are selected for hybrid breeding goals in combination with other genetics.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thai, 5 on the right side of the tent

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I appreciate you Dubi and I'm sure a lot of other people on here do as well
For argument sake, let's say I start 10 seeds. I get 5 males and 5 females. I run each group in two separate areas. I take pollen from every male and pollinate one bud on every female, labeling as I go.
I then finish the run, test the unpollinated female flowers and make my observations overall (even let the males run just for fun).
Finally I pick the best female or females, and accordingly the best males paired with the best females, and use those to move forward.
I think this would be nearly as good as the cloning and running everything out method. This is only practical in lower numbers tho.

What I've been doing is selecting
males and hitting every female on one branch with each male I picked. Then the seeds from the best girls are the seeds I use moving forward.

Hi @LG/ if the goal is preservation, then yes, that's the best approach in your case. Your future populations will certainly become more inbred using a low number of plants, becoming less diverse with each generation. So at least try to fix or improve the quality-frequency of certain desirable traits that you prefer through your selections and inbreeding process.

Keeping the best parents in clone form really makes a difference, as you can more accurately inbreed the line for your favorite traits and incorporate these desirable traits into outcrosses more easily, allowing you to replicate results, both in cultivation and breeding.


Hello, yes @dubi just one seed , really three but just one female , whiteout any sign of hermis, smell woody and a little lemon.

@dubi, I have seen dried out leaf tips curling up like in the pics of @entonces repeatedly in different landrace sativas yet. But I'm still wondering what the exact issue is. Is it overfeeding (especially with phophorous and/or potassium)? Is it any deficiency or a pH problem? Or heat stress?

Whenever I'm confronted with those crispy tips I'm asking myself, what would be the right next step.

@dubi, maybe you can elaborate a little on that issue. I would highly appreciate to read about your thoughts on that.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Welcome to ICMag @PapaThai :)

It’s not easy to finish long flowering tropical sativas indoors with immaculate health. Due to their long flowering period, it’s easier to encounter problems during this phase: rootbound plants, overfeeding, pH swings, salt buildup, and the use of indoor fertilizers not suited for landrace sativas. These are typical challenges indoor growers face when cultivating long-flowering tropical sativas, such as Thais.

Outdoors, in a proper warm-hot climate and planted directly in the ground, it’s a completely different story. Tropical sativas easily finish healthy and green without needing the same amount of nutrients as modern strains, just water, sun, and consistent high temperatures.


Welcome to ICMag @PapaThai :)

It’s not easy to finish long flowering tropical sativas indoors with immaculate health. Due to their long flowering period, it’s easier to encounter problems during this phase: rootbound plants, overfeeding, pH swings, salt buildup, and the use of indoor fertilizers not suited for landrace sativas. These are typical challenges indoor growers face when cultivating long-flowering tropical sativas, such as Thais.

Outdoors, in a proper warm-hot climate and planted directly in the ground, it’s a completely different story. Tropical sativas easily finish healthy and green without needing the same amount of nutrients as modern strains, just water, sun, and consistent high temperatures.
Thank you @dubi,
this makes up a good checklist for the next time I spot the first brown tips. Bookmark set!

Most time I experience those issues during a heat wave. It might well not be the heat itself but rather salt buildup as you pointed out, due to the plants taking up more water but less nutrients (relatively) during a hot period.

Another point I was thinking about, was high temps in the root zone. A problem you would rather not have outdoors as well.


Well-known member
Here is my thai chiang mai about 8/9 weeks 11/13.

I have to say, I didnt expect to finish her without burning the tips of her, which happened already, but otherwise bringing her through to the end is the main goal. and its not looking so bad :) starting to see some resin and a getting a good overall look of the flower structure

Also dont know how it happened, i guess it was too much bloom fertilizer and being rootbound. Will put her to a bigger pot asap. Next update with smell description👃




Well-known member
Stretch is strong 💪

I had her in a 1 L pot the first 3/4 weeks, and from then on they are in 3,6 L. They look like they didnt have enough nitrogen throughout the passed time, and still they stretched a fair bit until week 7/8 i guess.

Outside with good sun, warm temperatures in a big pot or even in the ground, the stretch would be gigantic. I guess 4 times the size from start of flowering. One of the stretchiest strains i have (yet). Thai chiang mai yoga queen :)

My guess is 22 weeks