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Well-known member
nice plants @Keif Cake , i think they are going to fill up very nicely with time. i have a very small space and i started making knots (1 loop, not too tight) in my stretchy sativa plants. it works quite well, as it lowers and spreads/fills the canopy and keeps a 'main cola'. i will post some pics, when the next one are ready to harvest.

an update on the two thai chiang mai, flowering around 90/100 day 11/13. the resin is getting stronger. so do the smells, especially on the not seeded one (2nd).
if i compare it to the smells i know.., i have a hon x pan plant, that smells like an old ladies parfum, kinda floral and heavy. this thai plant is the counterpart and smells like a mans perfum, it's kinda woody, musky, savory/leathery
i think 20/30 days more.

im currently battling a thripse invasion. i ve put some nematodes and they surely slowed down the population, but i would like to get rid of all of them, or do some of you grow with them without any big trouble?
any tips? i think i probably have to make a new start, with new soil, new sprayed cuttings and a cleaned space. that would suck a bit, but yeah, they suck too :)

Keif Cake

Active member
nice plants @Keif Cake , i think they are going to fill up very nicely with time. i have a very small space and i started making knots (1 loop, not too tight) in my stretchy sativa plants. it works quite well, as it lowers and spreads/fills the canopy and keeps a 'main cola'. i will post some pics, when the next one are ready to harvest.

an update on the two thai chiang mai, flowering around 90/100 day 11/13. the resin is getting stronger. so do the smells, especially on the not seeded one (2nd).
if i compare it to the smells i know.., i have a hon x pan plant, that smells like an old ladies parfum, kinda floral and heavy. this thai plant is the counterpart and smells like a mans perfum, it's kinda woody, musky, savory/leathery
i think 20/30 days more.
View attachment 18837685 View attachment 18837686

im currently battling a thripse invasion. i ve put some nematodes and they surely slowed down the population, but i would like to get rid of all of them, or do some of you grow with them without any big trouble?
any tips? i think i probably have to make a new start, with new soil, new sprayed cuttings and a cleaned space. that would suck a bit, but yeah, they suck too :)
Thank you! I agree, especially after seeing how much they have grown since i was contemplating not letting them flower.
When looking at the number of days, it seems like such a long time, but I've gotten used to it enough an 8 week finisher sneaks up on so FAST


Well-known member
i have to add to my post above, surprisingly i found some strong lemony/citrussy terps in the mens parfum i described. the appearance of the smell changed very much, wouldnt describe it as mens parfum anymore.


Active member
im currently battling a thripse invasion. i ve put some nematodes and they surely slowed down the population, but i would like to get rid of all of them, or do some of you grow with them without any big trouble?
any tips? i think i probably have to make a new start, with new soil, new sprayed cuttings and a cleaned space. that would suck a bit, but yeah, they suck too :)
If you can manage them for now and then get rid of them that is fine. I don’t think it necessary to start over with new soil. Adding more nematodes and spraying with spinosad should be enough.

Just add a few sticky traps for now, use the blue ones if possible and kill any you see flying around. You should consider the source also, plus lady bugs eat these things if you have any around.
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Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
nice plants @Keif Cake , i think they are going to fill up very nicely with time. i have a very small space and i started making knots (1 loop, not too tight) in my stretchy sativa plants. it works quite well, as it lowers and spreads/fills the canopy and keeps a 'main cola'. i will post some pics, when the next one are ready to harvest.

an update on the two thai chiang mai, flowering around 90/100 day 11/13. the resin is getting stronger. so do the smells, especially on the not seeded one (2nd).
if i compare it to the smells i know.., i have a hon x pan plant, that smells like an old ladies parfum, kinda floral and heavy. this thai plant is the counterpart and smells like a mans perfum, it's kinda woody, musky, savory/leathery
i think 20/30 days more.
View attachment 18837685 View attachment 18837686

im currently battling a thripse invasion. i ve put some nematodes and they surely slowed down the population, but i would like to get rid of all of them, or do some of you grow with them without any big trouble?
any tips? i think i probably have to make a new start, with new soil, new sprayed cuttings and a cleaned space. that would suck a bit, but yeah, they suck too :)

From what I'm seeing you have at least a month left on that one. For thrips you can spray permethrin. It will decompose quickly but if you're ansy about using a pesticide (albeit low toxic from Mum flowers) then spray, leave it alone for 15 minutes and rinse off the plant with plain water either using a garden hose, kitchen sink sprayer.....

Uncle Ben


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks for sharing the progress of your 2 Thai Chiang Mai in flowering @ilovegrowing :)

Unless the infection is severe and out of control, I would not spray anything with the plant so advanced into flowering, better try to control the pest in this cycle as better as you can, and fully clean the setup, tools, pots, etc ... for the next round.


ACE Seeds Breeder
I hope you dont mind, I am really curious about what kind of strategy you would suggest to grow your thai indoors?

I have so far sexed 7 girls and 4 boys. All boys are on soil. Very happy with these numbers so far. Is this what is expected, about 1/3 boys and 2/3 girls or it is just random numbers?
These ones are still sexing, they are in 1,3 lt pots and 2 lt pots. The 500ml beer can is for pot size reference
All plants over 2 mt tall, tallest on 2 lt pot are 2,5 mt tall
View attachment 18822207
On right 2 plants sexing on 1,3 lt pots and left is a girl in 20 lt pot
View attachment 18822208
This Thai girl is reaching 3 mts in 20 lt pot
View attachment 18822209
This is the lower leaf of the plant above ^^^
View attachment 18822210
These are a couple of Thaidelica survivors
This is the 4 mt tall pheno
View attachment 18822211
This is the Thaidelica 3,5 mt tall pheno still stretching in a 20 lt pot. I think is a small pot for this variety and if not for ercole pots, these plants would be rootbound too fast
View attachment 18822212

How do you grow your Thai indoors??? In 5 mt tall rooms?
This is the most vigorous seed line I ever grew so far, outdoors is challenging, I hate topping and it is almost impossible to keep below 3 mts tall.... I dont imagine how you can keep this line happy indoors
I am very very curious about this Thai, looks very promising and real. It is different from the other Thai line I have from Northern Thailand which has wider leaf than yours and similar grow features. Indoors Northern Thailand 2008 is 100% intersex. Outdoors this season I will know

Have a nice day

sorry @funkyhorse i completely overlook your post. Yeah, 2/3 females and 1/3 males is quite common sexing ratio when working with SE Asian sativa landraces. To grow pure Thai indoors is really difficult, only for the most trained indoor growers and most passionate sativa lovers. To grow pure Thai indoors can be even more difficult than growing pure Haze indoors since some Thais can be even longer flowering than Haze and more sexually unstable.

As i have described previously, the best way to tame indoors super vigorous and long flowering tropical sativa genetics like Thai is to start the flowering indoors from sexually matured clones with a dedicated suitable photoperiod for equatorial sativas, and feeding much lesser than with typical sativa/indica hybrids, then with lots of patience, experience, love and skills to properly finish them.

Glad you found your Thai Chiang Mai plants very vigorous in your greenhouse. How are they doing these days ?


ACE Seeds Breeder
How long have they been into flowering @Keif Cake ? They can be really challenging from seed since they take a long time to reach their sexual maturity to be able to properly start the flowering. All the efforts should be focused to create a nice canopy under most effective angle of the lamps until end of early flowering stretching, and to avoid the tops grow taller than the angle of the light, otherwise tropical sativa tops show leaf curling and they don't flower correctly.

Keif Cake

Active member
@dubi The younger two are probably a month into flower, the big bushy one has to be 6-8 weeks in at this point and almost far enough along to put a bag of pollen over a branch or two.

The lights are off so i snapped a shot to show bud development at this point. The other two aren't behind by much, one got a little too much fish mix a couple weeks back.

That has been my strategy, ive had to be pretty rough with them to keep them mostly under the lights.

The big bushy one

The other two


Edit: although i stated younger two, they are the same age, just put into flower a few weeks behind


Well-known member
Big respect to all the indoor growers who try south east asians indoors against all odds:respect:
Seedsman Haze and Oldtimer Haze indoors are a children game compared to thais indoors
Monster plants
I have 10 girls, 6 of them in 20 liter pots and 4 are in 40 lt vegboxes, they are a happy family
I am taking pictures only of the lowest branch, I need stairs to get to the upper buds, so full picture of top shots at harvest time

I am noting in the thais 2 different flowering onsets: some plants start after 12 hours photoperiod which I call Bangkok phenos and others are very late and only start flowering when photoperiod is down to 11 hours.
I wonder if this is indicating anything about potency or it is unrelated
Girl 1 in 20 lt pot is a beast of more than 3 meters, the top shot is smashed against the roof
Thai ACE 1.jpeg
Thai ACE 1 lowest branch.jpeg

Girl 2 left and girl 6 right. Same thing like girl 1. Girl 2 is the latest flowering girl, the 11 hour photoperiod pheno
Thai ACE 2 and 6.jpeg

This is girl 2 lowest branch. The following branch is flowering and have bud formation but getting a picture is a mess
ACE Thai 2 lowest branch.jpeg

This is Thai Ace girl 6 right and Northern Thailand 2008 girl 3 left for side by side comparison. They are cousins, they are from neighboring villages. Only difference is in veg the Northern Thailand 2008 has fatter leaf, the rest is so similar is impressive. It seems like thais from the North of Thailand are one strain with some variability on the leaf looks, bad formation is very similar in all of the thai/lao varieties which are pure race
N Thai girl 3 left Thai ACE 6 right.jpeg

This is Vegbox girl 2 left, girl 3 in 20 lt pot center and girl 4 in 20 lt pot right. All of them 3 meter beasts
Thai ACE vegbox 2 left, Thai ACE 3 Center and Thai ACE 4 right.jpeg

Thai Ace 3
Thai ACE 3.jpeg

Thai Ace 4
Thai ACE 4.jpeg

Thai Ace vegbox 2
Thai ACE vegbox 2.jpeg
Thai ACE vegbox 3 (2).jpeg


Well-known member
Thai ace girl 5 is a monster, branches of these thai monsters are more than 1 meter long
Thai ACE 5.jpeg
Thai ACE 5 (2).jpeg

This is Thai Ace 5 right and N Thai 2008 girl 1 left for comparison between cousins
Thai ACE 5 right and n Thai 1 left.jpeg

And this is the opposite, N thai 1 right and Thai Ace left from another angle
N Thai 1 right and Thai ACE 5 left.jpeg

This is Thai girl 5 left next to Thai Ace vegbox 4 right
Thai ACE 5 left Thai ACE vegbox 4 right.jpeg

Vegbox 4 is the only girl that might adapt to indoors. She is the shortest at 1,8 meters tall and she has a little different flowering as well. The only short plant out of 17
Thai ACE vegbox 4.jpeg

Thai Ace vegbox 4 top shot and lower
Thai ACE vegbox 4 top shot.jpeg
Thai ACE vegbox 4 (2).jpeg

Thai Vegbox 3, all plants 3 meter beasts except vegbox girl 4 above
Thai ACE vegbox 3.jpeg

Thai Vegbox 1
Thai ACE vegbox 1.jpeg

So these are the 10 girls at this stage, I will get more pictures at harvest time and a little before
Have a nice day everybody


ACE Seeds Breeder
damn @funkyhorse :giggle: they are huge, looks like you are having fun there hehehehe they are filling in nicely if those are the lower branches. I don't think they will be ripe at least until winter solstice, so patience and good luck!
This is Thai Ace girl 6 right and Northern Thailand 2008 girl 3 left for side by side comparison. They are cousins, they are from neighboring villages. Only difference is in veg the Northern Thailand 2008 has fatter leaf, the rest is so similar is impressive. It seems like thais from the North of Thailand are one strain with some variability on the leaf looks, bad formation is very similar in all of the thai/lao varieties which are pure race.
Yeah, that's what i like to call the classic SE Asian green landrace phenotype, widely found for decades in countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, ...: super vigorous, branchy, green tropical sativa plants of moderate to very long nodes, long (4 months) to very long flowering (6 months), excellent mold resistance (especially against botrytis, againt mildew not so much) of mostly lemony, woody, spicy terpene profiles and very psychoactive (chemotype of high THC and very low or nul CBD content) electric, psychedelic effects without ceiling and finishing with a super clean come down.
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Keif Cake

Active member
The perfectly structured bushy beast is certainly the keeper, hard to get a much tighter node spacing.

Seedsman Haze and Oldtimer Haze indoors are a children game compared to thais indoors
Is that so?? A Haze run has been on my mind lately.
The Metal Dragon in Dr Doom is an old Metal Haze Line crossed with something to preserve it. I think with the Dr Doom and Rainbow Dragon's Fire, that i will want to run those all at once to continue the line. Plus that Rainbow Dragons Fire sounds like a wonderful super polyhybrid.


Picking what goes first of the bunch is the hard question.
i really Need and to see whats in the few Destroyer x OTH i ended up with.

Edit: it would be nice to throw several more very nice sativas into the Dragon's fire mix

Keif Cake

Active member
I guess i could do a little update on the males since it's almost time to pollinate the Thai.

The male i didnt really like the structure of as much, wound up being much quicker to flower, and much less productive, so it has been left to wither until i have time to spray it with water and move it.

The one that i loved the structure of, took several more weeks to really start flowering, and is several times more productive.

This is why it's good to intervene, or else I would have tons of seeds with a much less desirable male.


Well-known member
I think it all depends on what we want and the limitations of our environments
I think the short bushy thai girl pheno with short internodes is good for indoors. I dont know if this particular pheno can be isolated

The tall thais with long internodes are very productive and for me the male you discard is good male for outdoors and thais
Pure Hazes are breeding tools. You can keep them in a smaller pot than thais and be happy and you wont find intersex issues you might find with thais

If it is for breeding or for growing options would be different
If breeding, from the stock you are showing I think the better most potent hybrid you can create is Oldtimer Haze green girl x the Thai male you are discarding. I have been playing with cousins and the result with cousins showed that is better haze x thai than thai x haze

Oldtimer haze males are not researched. They seem to behave like their californian cousins from Santa Cruz
I chose to test the longest flowering and less productive male on a cross with Zamal and the cross is much more productive than both parents and it is impressive, progeny is a lot more impressive than the parents.
It is a very interesting cross because it gives out progeny with the same semiauto features as the mother and it gives me counterseason
Auto Haze 2, lucky home made cross, this is what a non productive late green haze male does
Auto haze 2 (2).jpeg
Auto haze 2 (1).jpeg

Dubi, I am enjoying this and having so much fun this is the time of my life
I have been growing cousins since I have the greenhouse and I agree, plants are resistant to botrytis but not inmune and I learnt how to treat mildew here. Potassium soap is a marvelous solution for fungus and is insecticide as well keeping mites, thrips and aphids at bay. But you need a humid environment because on dry environments potassium soap dry your leaves
All those pictures are from the lowest branch, I cant reach the upper branches. All plants are making meaty buds

I am trimming Thaidelica, I have to climb stairs to trim
Made all the lowers, found a branch with botrytis. All lowers are done but upper branches still pull white pistils
But I am not intending to lose any more of these beautiful buds, anyway this is brick material big time
The only Thaidelica grinspoon pheno, grown on 40 liter soil. Thaidelicas are happy in big pots
Thaidelica vegbox, what a beauty. By far the most productive grinspoonesque plant I grown until today, a pain in the ass to trim but worth it
Thaidelica vegbox (1).jpeg
Thaidelica vegbox (2).jpeg
Thaidelica vegbox (3).jpeg

Keif Cake

Active member
@funkyhorse it's very interesting to hear your take on the males. The one that looks short and bushy has had the main stem crushed so i could bend it over into a paper bag to collect some pollen.
The male that is shriveling isn't being entirely discarded, i have used some of the pollen on the chocolate thai female. I do imagine ill pollinate a small branch on the Ace Thai to have at least a couple dozen seeds, to at least kind of hedge my bets.

The pure haze will be for a little bit of both, i would love to find a keeper female in the 4 remaining OTH, but i know my chances with that arent the greatest, so i would at least take advantage of the opportunity to use some pollen on the females i get, and use the male pollen on other females going.
Maybe i will keep some of the pollen from other male, but i doubt it will be viable by the time the OTH start flower. I do have a couple cuts of each male from before i started flower, i will probably hold onto it for a while and possibly test your hypothesis. The only thing about the less productive male here, is that it is an F1, not quite as bottlenecked as OTH, so I think i should expect less of an explosion from combining it with something else.

I have much to contemplate over the next couple of months, maybe i will throw all 4 OTH in a one gallon to save all that space, and decide which other one to start with it. If i had to decide right now, it will probably be the Rainbow Dragon's Fire, OTH would fit nicely with all the other names in that. Dr. DOOM seems to be a really great option as well.

The Destroyer x OTH have really been calling out to me, so I will probably start those first, only having a few seeds i would like to pop those before germination rates are affected


ACE Seeds Breeder
The bushy beast has indeed a really nice tight flower distribution for a tropical sativa @Keif Cake
Well done for waiting for the second long flowering, better yielding male :yes:
Glad the genetics inspire your imagination to create new sativa hybrids :)

Keif Cake

Active member
The bushy beast has indeed a really nice tight flower distribution for a tropical sativa @Keif Cake
Well done for waiting for the second long flowering, better yielding male :yes:
Glad the genetics inspire your imagination to create new sativa hybrids :)
Thank you! It would be an insurmountable task without the work of you and the Ace crew putting in all the work.

I was really admiring the floral structure this morning before work, and am seeing nice resin formation already.


I also pollinated her last night, and the one that was previously on the outside of the tent for about a week until i made room by setting up another 4x4. These are the other two, that are advanced enough in flowering, that they will surely stay until finished.
The one in the back corner i haven't pollinated directly yet, and it has stretched the most, you can see all the swooping branches from constantly super cropping to keep it under the light.