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Thai weed from Thailand


Well-known member
oh i would try the laos mango if u get a bit of spare room and if i was you , haha
that stuff is really nice man ,
the vigor of laos , and slightly more developed looking flowers ,
with lots of resin and some really nice highs among them ...

Its important to remember cannabis is a very diverse plant ,
not all plants are equal , because not all seeds are the same as each other
its really one of the joys of growing it too , you never quite know how its going to finish up,m
unless you are growing cuttings ,, but they even vary depending on location , climate , soil type etc ..

i really prefer growing directly in the ground too man ,
i just dont know why most grows we see are in pots ,
theres no need for it in many cases , unless its essential of course
and yes the soil is alive , full of microbes and all manner of insects , larvae , worms ,teeming with beneficial organisms and bacteria, fungi etc
, i only grow or have grown in pots if i absolutely had too for some reason ,
otherwise i plant into the soil ,
ive worked some garden beds for a few decades now , they are excellent to grow anything in ,
im about to till one of the oldest ones over , just finished adding some of the red basalt soil from down the road , it seems to have what we lack what in our granite soils , so no doubt will be of some benefit ....
Yes, a gardener who knows how to work with living natural soil is more of an artist than a scientist, but it is a really different paradigm than the one that is most popular now, a product of the indoor school, which wants to control all the small parameters, sterile substrates for a careful measurement of the nutrients that you want to put in. Living soils, on the other hand, require something closer to the intuitive than the quantifiable, but in that intuitive there is a logic of cooperation with a series of entities outside of us, and also It requires a certain acceptance of the fragility of our expectations and of what we cannot control. It's not better or worse, they are just different paradigms. What is true is that heavy clay soil is a pain in the ass to work with, it requires enriching it, aerating it, etc., however it pays off in the long run. And if I die now I may be a failure in everything else, but at least I received bad soil and I improved it and now there is a new layer of enriched soil, a legacy for new generations that may justify my existence.


Well-known member
you got the actual weed and took seeds out of it.. or is there a seed co?

I am making crosses to my fave other plants with cambo laos pollen
Yes, I have been a backpacker and I always smoked the actual weed at their landrace location/market
So I am not a grower, I am just learning
Yes, I always took the care to take the seed out of it. I told you I smoked any smokable part. Seed is not smokable, if you do it gives you headache. So I carefully took all the seed out of my spliff and went straight to the garbage. Depends where you were in the planet all proof of commiting the terrible crime of smoking a spliff went down the toilet or out the window immediately
Seed was always garbage and unwanted in my spliffs.

I am seeing old threads and people grew paraguayans. I wonder if any of these growers made seed and reproduced, I am interested in this old seed of 15 years ago. Today you dont find these plants anymore
Today you have 3 harvests a year in Paraguay, it seems no more long flowering sativas are found in the current brick

Pictures of Moco de Gorila. If anybody made seed and reproduced paraguayan weed of old man I would love to grow it
Hi :wave:

Thank you for dropping levant and DimeBag65!

Paddi, we will try that beauty in a couple of days when it's dry, all the credit for this lanky girl goes to my brother-in law, I'm always sceptic to start seeds from brick with good genes side by side, he was totally right on this one and we got lucky! Also a clone of this one is growing, we called it "Moco de Gorila" or 'Gorillas booger' :D since the brick it came on was a sticky black/greenish chunk. :D

Here are some previous shots of this girl.

And here Cantarelas that I'm smoking at the moment.

:jump: Is great to have a thread!!

permiso kaya, cuelgo unas fotos de lo que tengo entre manos, espero no te moleste
son todas semillas de prensado paraguayo

tenemos una q es un intento de bonsai, vamos a ver que pasa
una, la mas grande es mamà, tuvo 5 hijas

basta de palabras

Hello people, here are some pictures of my friend's paraguayan "Moco de Gorila" (Gorilla's booger) growed by a colombian friend.It's in a 25 litres bucket or five gal. Fertilized with bone meal. Still veggin and waiting less than a month for flowering. My friend is also growing one Pakistan x Cantarela F2.
I took three branches to clone and keep this genetics going. I'm trying watering them with "Agua de Sauce" for the rooting.

Salud, paz, ganja y ya vuelvo con fotos de mi vedette.






Well-known member
These are harvest days,
Phon Sawan intersex 1 got the chop.
Easy trim. I rather pick it now before starts making seed. Very low harvest but I will be able to try the line
Phon sawan intersex 1 (4).jpeg
Phon sawan intersex 1 (5).jpeg
Phon sawan intersex 1 (6).jpeg

All of the Northern Thai 2008 grow is getting slowly harvested
A lot of trimming work for this line. The P2 have foxtails, very leafy buds that after an average of 95 days of flowering since showing first pistils are starting to grow some kind of reveg and bananas are growing out of them so everything is getting the chop
First year I am seeing bananas at the end of flowering for thais. Most of the P2s are somehow intersex
Some plants get 2 different trimmings, the top gets more care and the bottom buds will be more leafy and after cure I will see if there is much difference or not in the high of both

This N Thai 1 x 3 grown in 25 lt pot made bananas and got the chop
I find it easier to trim these leafy buds disecting the bud rather than trimming the whole plant alive
So the top got the disection and these are the bottom buds, a lot of work to get to that not so sticky resin
All of the plants seem to make this pattern of regrows with nanners coming out of them
Moms are sexually firm for the second year in the raw, I hope they survive this winter too
N Thai 1 x 3 25lts banana (1).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 25lts banana (2).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 25lts banana (3).jpeg

This is the latest plant of the Northern Thai 2008 P2
It is a 8 x 3 and started growing male balls, was moved to the bottom greenhouse with the intersex plants
Sticky resin
N Thai 8 x 3 hermie 25 lts (2).jpeg
N Thai 8 x 3 hermie 25 lts (3).jpeg
N Thai 8 x 3 hermie 25 lts (4).jpeg

Broken branch during the move
N Thai 8 x 3 25lts  broken branch.jpeg


Well-known member
It is very interesting to compare mothers and daughters at the same time
These are N thai 8 x 2 purple left and N Thai 1 x 3 right
They are getting trimmed now next to the fireplace
N Thai 8 x 2 left n Thai 1 x 3 right.jpeg

This is the 8 x2 purple bud
A lot of trimming work to get to the buds
N Thai 8 x 2 (9).jpeg

And this is the same as above with first trim and another N thai 1 x 3 to the right which got the trim right away
N Thai 8 x 2 left right 2 n Thai 1 x 3.jpeg

Of the three, the one in the right is the most sticky
This is the sticky one
N Thai 1 x 3 3
N Thai 1 x 3 3 (1).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 3 (2).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 3 (3).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 3 (4).jpeg

This is mom for comparison
N Thai P1 1 soil 3. The daughter above has bigger trichome heads.
I will see if this is an indication of quality and if it is better than mom
N Thai 1 soil 3 (1).jpeg
N Thai 1 soil 3 (4).jpeg


Well-known member
I am very happy with this year harvest, it is probably the best year so far
This winter has been the coldest in last 60 years and plants are finnishing well, much better than expected

I hope the N Thai P1 moms survive the winter again, I started to harvest the last of the moms in the ground today.
I am noticing if I just leave the fan leaves they get yellow and wilt but if I leave flower in the branch they stay green

The pressure is down, most of the harvest is done. Two more heavy trimming days left

N Thai 1 x 3 vegbox small, not sticky and very leafy like most of this P2 cross
N Thai 1 x 3 vegbox small (1).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 vegbox small (2).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 vegbox small (3).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 vegbox small (4).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 vegbox small (5).jpeg

N Thai 8 x 3 foxtail
Very resinous foxtails but surprisingly not sticky. Some sisters are sticky leaving resin/charas and others not.
N Thai 8 x 3 foxtail (1).jpeg
N Thai 8 x 3 foxtail (2).jpeg
N Thai 8 x 3 foxtail (3).jpeg
N Thai 8 x 3 foxtail (4).jpeg


Well-known member
Mekhong Classic update
The plant I put on living soil turned intersex as well
It makes it 4 out of 5 with the 5th coming behind.
I doubt I will ever run the rest of the seed left, the other 2 lines from Thailand are doing sexually a little bit better

N Thai 8 x 3 intersex in 25 lt pot didnt like the intersex GH and started making botrytis so it got the chop
Sticky resin, it made enough meat in those buds to try a 6 months cure and from this winter harvest I have enough of them and I will be able to see what kind of high these plants give with pollen sacks and all compared to their sisters
N Thai 8 x 3 hermie 25lts (1).jpeg
N Thai 8 x 3 hermie 25lts (2).jpeg
N Thai 8 x 3 hermie 25lts (3).jpeg
N Thai 8 x 3 hermie 25lts (4).jpeg
N Thai 8 x 3 hermie 25lts (5).jpeg


Well-known member
This is how it is done in Pedro Juan Caballero, Paraguay
I think this method in the 21st century with the technology available today is obsolote, vacuum bags are much better. I am thinking on investing in a decent vacuum sealing machine
They dry the flowers like this. Weather is humid, I dont think it is easy to get it dry ready to jar or bag
View attachment 19015984

Then the best quality is manually sifted removing bad parts and sticks
View attachment 19015985

And then processed to make bricks
View attachment 19015986

In Paraguay and South America weed is illegal
So bricks with the same packaging as Wally´s brick with nylon and masking tape are hidden buried under the living soil. This makes fermentation. It is not something they want or care about, it is not made on purpose, fermentation is a by product of transport and hiding weed buried

I think so too. There is no breeding with pure sativas in the tropics. The little pure sativas breeding was done and kept in Europe and bred in tiny little 0,5 lt or 1 lt pots and selected for adaptability to these conditions and fast flowering times.
The problem is this: from what we have seen in the past and it is documented in the forums, the breeders doing the work dont get any reward. Basically in a market like Asia everybody will try copying
Another thing is if there is a market for this kind of weed. Growers report customers dont want landraces but hybrids from Europe. Basically what the customers know.
It is like going to a thai island and wanting to stay all day in the bungalow with aircon and cable tv. Basically tourists want the same things they know from home
So if anybody will do breeding work, is just for the love of the plant. Prices dont give any premium to top quality psychedelic or very high psychoactive weed. Hybrid low psychoactive weed or 30 min high weed is what the market wants with a lot of weird smells like chocolate vanilla or strawberry

I didnt smoke thai stick of old, I dont know but from the reports it seems it was fermented during transportation.
When I was buying weed I didnt care about anything but the high. I didnt care for smells nor maturity. And back then I could not know if bud is mature or not
The difference in the quality of the different batches of brick was such that it is not surprising at all to know today a lot of that brick wasnt mature bud
And because the brick bud wasnt mature like some paraguayan brick bud, it is why the seed it carries is more valuable than the bud. If you grow it properly you will get better quality bud than the brick

Can you get the buds unpressed? I see a lot of leaf in this brick.
If I would be in Thailand I would be doing the same you do Khun weedebook
Are you in dry season or rainy wet season?
Where I live it is all year round wet season. So if I have dry bud I want to ferment, I just leave it outside in the garden 24 hours or less and is wet again
I didnt find difference in the high fermented or not but you never know until you try.
I would cut the brick in half. Vacuum cure half dry and the other half ferment by wetting it outdoors if you are in rainy season and check in 3-6 months which one you like better
In Bangkok I met people keeping their brick in the fridge for freshness

The plants from Prempavee are sexing or having little buds
The faster one is Phu Phan. I only have 2 Mekhong Classic with pistils and very few. I can only get an idea of the smells when the buds are maturing. Now I only smell chlorophyll

The weather in June is a lot better than May.
I am having again 25C every day and a lot of humidity and while thai weed is humid resistent, it is not inmune to botrytis
This season I tried wettable sulphur. I sprayed twice with 2 weeks difference in veg. Inside and outside the greenhouse
It simply killed powdery mildew(PM). Very impressive
N Thai girl 8 P1 last season had PM and a few other plants.
This year no PM at all. I am trying the N thai P2 without any spray to check
This is N Thai 8 P1 with 11 months cure, I have a few grams left
Leaf stays same green colour, what colour are is bud curing?
What colour is this?
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Because of the low temperatures, there were no bugs
But now with the higher temperatures bugs are coming back to life

And this is the same N thai 8 P1 from this year
Yesterday a branch broke. This year no PM. The buds are more sticky than last year
But it is suffering from botrytis and I have no solution for this
The progeny of girl 8 outcrossed to the equatorial male(male 2) made botrytis too. It is the same selection as the boy, so I am not sure if I should use him, if I had many males I would discard him if I want seed for my environment.
It is not for this humid wet environment, but this weed in dry season should be very decent
So this year I will make very little seed if at all
N Thai 8 P1
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Edit: I forgot to add
While handling these buds from N Thai 8 I got a lot of resin in my hands
Then I handled without realizing the stem from the part affected with botrytis and to my surprise it washed all my resin from my hand. Much better than isopropyl alcohol. It seems fungus affects quality of the resins
Dude, do you have a plantation in Paraguay?
I've always wanted to visit a plantation, I live in Brazil
I've always had several ideas related to planting in Paraguay
to form a partnership, produce feminized seeds with genetics that are adaptable to the Paraguayan climate, with high potency and production


Well-known member
Dude, do you have a plantation in Paraguay?
I've always wanted to visit a plantation, I live in Brazil
I've always had several ideas related to planting in Paraguay
to form a partnership, produce feminized seeds with genetics that are adaptable to the Paraguayan climate, with high potency and production
Boa noite cara
I dont have a plantation, this is a private garden south the river
It is not a commercial grow, it is just for myself and I share some bud with neighbours.
The reason I grow is because I cant source paraguayan weed anymore. If it would be available here I doubt I would have started growing myself. If I would live in Paraguay I honestly doubt I would have ever started to grow myself
I dont like feminized seed. The cuts from them are not the same quality as moms and using them for breeding is a disaster, too much variability in the progeny, for me feminized is just good to get female sexed plants but I found no quality in the ones I tried. I like landrace sativa high

In the meantime until one day those paraguayan plantations are safe to visit, these are some articles from Paraguay where I got those pics from. From what I heard, the weed from today coming out of Paraguay and having 3 harvests a year, the quality paraguayan weed is probably forever gone
A virtual visit to Paraguay, I dont think anything has changed in the past 7 years since the articles were written

I believe with the same paraguayan seed as they use in Paraguay we as private growers will get better results than them commercial growers
Looking at the way they are treating and processing plants which is documented in those articles, growing the same seed anywhere in the Paraná River basin will have better results than the brick without needing to use feminized seed

Cool thread Funky, love that you are throwing the 6 month vacuum bag brick cure on these. That white wire rack has seen a lot of chops .. :)
That white wire rack will keep seeing many more chops until I leave this place and go back to Thailand
These vacuum bags should be the standard for cures. Nothing beats it.
The canna world is weird, the norm is to use jars and jars will never match this cure
Thai weed without 6 months cure is not good, it is like smoking rope

It is simply crazy that I could source seed from Thailand but I cant source any quality paraguayan seed.
I cant believe paraguayan weed never made it to the canna world, I dont find any logical explanation for this, it doesnt make any sense, it was better than thai weed

Some Thai weed update at Paraná basin
From the 3 strains from Thailand, the one that is adapting better is Phon Sawan
This is the strain growing down right at the Mekhong shore
I grow at the river shore as well but in subtropical weather. I expected this strain to have the worst adaptability and expected the high mountain Phu Phan to be the better one to adapt to the cold

This is winter time and winter grow
This has been the coldest winter in 60 years and the winter is far from over but I think the worst is behind
Autumm was unusually cold too
Results are far better than the highest expectations I would have had for this year harvest
I believe these plants will survive the winter

Phon Sawan vegbox. Plants will keep flowering until october 15th-20th. At this date I harvest whatever bud they have, after that they start revegging and they only grow leaf
I hope they make enough meat and get some harvest in order to test the high and see if this is worth growing again or not
In the first pic in the back are the Northern Thai 08 P1 girl 1 on soil hoping to survive the winter
Phon sawan vegbox (1).jpeg
Phon sawan vegbox (2).jpeg
Phon sawan vegbox (3).jpeg

Phon Sawan 20 lt pot. Phon Sawan seems to be the longest flowering of the 3
Phon sawan 20lt pot (1).jpeg
Phon sawan 20lt pot (2).jpeg

Phu Phan in 20 lt pot. Out of 5 plants this is the one that is doing and adapting better
Phu phan (6).jpeg
Phu phan (7).jpeg

Phu Phan purple makes the typical intersex budding but so far this one didnt grow male organs yet
I believe the colour is environmental
Phu phan purple (1).jpeg
Phu phan purple (2).jpeg

These are Northern Thai 2008 P1s in 5 lt pots. Buds have been harvested and I left as much leaf as I could with a little bit of bud. I hope they will reveg again this year
N Thai 1 back n Thai 8 front.jpeg


Well-known member
Yesterday sunday harvest
This is the last of the N Thai 8 x 3 selection
In general low productivity , a lot of trimming work, too much leaf to cut in order to get to the small buds with lots of resin
Only worth it if the high is good. There is one plant left of the N Thai 2008 P2 progeny, will get the chop tomorrow or after tomorrow

N Thai 8 x 3 5 (1).jpeg
N Thai 8 x 3 5 (2).jpeg
N Thai 8 x 3 5 (3).jpeg
N Thai 8 x 3 5 (4).jpeg


Well-known member
While trying to research Thai strains I stumbled on an interesting paper. I'm not sure how accurate the information is as there are so many companies and individuals pursuing business in the new Thai market. Information was a bit difficult for me to decipher as there seem to be strains with similar names or different names for the same strains? Also because I am not familiar with the language.

In any case maybe someone will find this information useful.



Well-known member
While trying to research Thai strains I stumbled on an interesting paper. I'm not sure how accurate the information is as there are so many companies and individuals pursuing business in the new Thai market. Information was a bit difficult for me to decipher as there seem to be strains with similar names or different names for the same strains? Also because I am not familiar with the language.

In any case maybe someone will find this information useful.

I am not sure if anything is accurate at all and figures are just figured up at will
I dont see any lab backing all those claims about THC and CBD numbers and I dont know how accurate a lab test is

Before I forget, you can buy all those 4 strains at this place
30 seeds for 350baht=10u$s. All 4 strains you posted same price
This is the closest price I have seen so far to heirloom tomato seed which I think is the fair price for heirloom cannabis seed. I doubt they ship out of Thailand

Look at Phu Phan for instance. It is claimed by that article you posted that it is a 1:1 THC CBD variety
Look how it is advertised at the place I bought the Phu Phan seed I have, I doubt there is any lab test or something, it clearly says 0% CBD
So, it is all contaminated and strains are all mixed up today in that area or all THC and CBD numbers are made up according to the writer´s will
Hang Karong (Squirrel Tail) from Phuphan Mountain. Landrace preserved by KriangKrai group of farmers

THC 14/19% CBD 0% CBG 2/9%
The Phu Phan seed I have was harvested march 2023
I wonder how many people are growing weed in the Phu Phan mountain range today after legalization and how many different weeds they have today with all the intersex pollen flying everywhere.
I have 2 clear phenos, the only thing they have in common these 2 phenos is that they dont seem to like humidity much
The green phenos stay sexually firm and they seem to make leafy fat flowers and the purple ones growing intersex flowers and male sacks

This is the Phu Phan purple, today showing real sex and first male sacks
I took it to the intersex greenhouse to continue flowering a little bit more. I am afraid all intersex plants will get pollinated and start making seed soon
Phu phan purple (3).jpeg
Phu phan purple (4).jpeg

N Thai 1 x 3 last of the P2 progeny
Trimming nightmare pheno, need to trim too much leaf in order to get to those non sticky at all pearls
First pic is the top shot
N Thai 1 x 3 7 top shot.jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 7 (1).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 7 (2).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 7 (3).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 7 (4).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 7 (5).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 7 (6).jpeg


Well-known member
These are harvest days,
Phon Sawan intersex 1 got the chop.
Easy trim. I rather pick it now before starts making seed. Very low harvest but I will be able to try the line
View attachment 19034853 View attachment 19034854 View attachment 19034855

All of the Northern Thai 2008 grow is getting slowly harvested
A lot of trimming work for this line. The P2 have foxtails, very leafy buds that after an average of 95 days of flowering since showing first pistils are starting to grow some kind of reveg and bananas are growing out of them so everything is getting the chop
First year I am seeing bananas at the end of flowering for thais. Most of the P2s are somehow intersex
Some plants get 2 different trimmings, the top gets more care and the bottom buds will be more leafy and after cure I will see if there is much difference or not in the high of both

This N Thai 1 x 3 grown in 25 lt pot made bananas and got the chop
I find it easier to trim these leafy buds disecting the bud rather than trimming the whole plant alive
So the top got the disection and these are the bottom buds, a lot of work to get to that not so sticky resin
All of the plants seem to make this pattern of regrows with nanners coming out of them
Moms are sexually firm for the second year in the raw, I hope they survive this winter too
View attachment 19034856 View attachment 19034857 View attachment 19034858

This is the latest plant of the Northern Thai 2008 P2
It is a 8 x 3 and started growing male balls, was moved to the bottom greenhouse with the intersex plants
Sticky resin
View attachment 19034862 View attachment 19034863 View attachment 19034864

Broken branch during the move
View attachment 19034865
Awesome bro. I'm growing some different Thais in Mae Hong Son, one with big colas and a mango smell and one that's super long flowering with a pine/ginger smell.

I'm hitting them with some temple floxf13 pollen.


Well-known member
Awesome bro. I'm growing some different Thais in Mae Hong Son, one with big colas and a mango smell and one that's super long flowering with a pine/ginger smell.

I'm hitting them with some temple floxf13 pollen.
Can you post pics? Do you have a grow log for those plants?
Where did you source your thai plants?

I am seeing at this site plenty of dispensaries all over Thailand but most of them seem to be in touristic areas and marketed for tourists
Is there a lot of cannatourism? Man, there are 8500 shops!!!
Is there enough business for everybody? Hybrid prices are very expensive for the thai standard of life
Thai people buy at dispensaries?

Can you tell us how is the canna scene in Mae Hong Son and in Thailand in general according to your experience? I am used to Thaksin times, today it seems like Disneyland for canna lovers
But nothing is forever and it seems there is a U-turn policy on weed

Tom Hill is growing some Mae Hong Son old seed at the moment, hopefully he will find something of his liking

That article was the first time I have heard of high CBD, low THC Thai weed. I also picked up some of the Phu Phan from Prempavee. I am disappointed to hear it does not have mold resistance as that is a top priority for me.

My environment is very humid and these Phu Phan plants probably finnish in dry season
Out of 5 individuals, 2 plants complained so far, one purple and one green.
They have better resistance to humidity than modern hybrids growing on wetlands


Well-known member
Can you post pics? Do you have a grow log for those plants?
Where did you source your thai plants?

I am seeing at this site plenty of dispensaries all over Thailand but most of them seem to be in touristic areas and marketed for tourists
Is there a lot of cannatourism? Man, there are 8500 shops!!!
Is there enough business for everybody? Hybrid prices are very expensive for the thai standard of life
Thai people buy at dispensaries?

Can you tell us how is the canna scene in Mae Hong Son and in Thailand in general according to your experience? I am used to Thaksin times, today it seems like Disneyland for canna lovers
But nothing is forever and it seems there is a U-turn policy on weed

Tom Hill is growing some Mae Hong Son old seed at the moment, hopefully he will find something of his liking

My environment is very humid and these Phu Phan plants probably finnish in dry season
Out of 5 individuals, 2 plants complained so far, one purple and one green.
They have better resistance to humidity than modern hybrids growing on wetlands
Well, my life for the past 6-8 months has been majorly without electricity at my place and also no smartphone, so no grow log. I'll try to get some pics of the Thais going, I have some old pics of the tf13 I can share.
So, I get my Thais from a local friend down in Hat Yai. He grows a lot of old sativa strains because he likes the Thai effect. I got one from him that seems to have had some indica in it at some point, at least it varies wildly from whispy super long flowering to squat fast finishers from the same seed stock.

All of the others go pure sativa to varying degrees. One has been outside for about 2.5 months and it's just barely beginning to show pistils, well over 2 meters tall.

Basically for the canna scene here, way too many shops selling really bad weed that looks and smells very good. I've seen auto seeds for sale at more than one dispo and judging by the effect of the indicas I've had from shops, I'd say the ruderalis gene has unfortunately made its way into the commercial scene. I don't buy from shops, I have not even once been happy with anything from a shop here. The only good weed I've found that I do not grow is from Thail friends that keep the good stuff alive. Mango smells, lemon smells, dirt smells. Spicy metal smells.

I hear you about the mold resistance, anything I've tried that is not pure thai or TF13 has had some mold issues in the wet season. Even DurbanxThai. The Thais just plug along like it's not even raining. TF13 too even though it has denser flowers, really solid breeding went into that one.
It's a disneyland for cannabis lovers in the same way that disneyland is disneyland for fun lovers. Not my kind of fun. Overcommercialized, overpriced polyhybrids with made up names and cannabinoid profiles and an effect that kills conversation and numbs you out. There is still great local weed here, but you really have to know someone or look around. The 'Thais' they sell in many shops tends to be old Lao brick stock leftover from before legalization.

I'm sure TH will find something good. I have a few hundred Lemon sativa seeds I got from some plants that an older guy was selling at a wet market outside Pak Chong lke 2 days after legalization. He told me that they are very good, but when I grew some they had like 1 or 2 full male branches per plant. If I can figure out a way to isolate them from my others I would really like to give them a real try.

Keep it up! I'll be checking in.


Well-known member
Well, my life for the past 6-8 months has been majorly without electricity at my place and also no smartphone, so no grow log. I'll try to get some pics of the Thais going, I have some old pics of the tf13 I can share.
So, I get my Thais from a local friend down in Hat Yai. He grows a lot of old sativa strains because he likes the Thai effect. I got one from him that seems to have had some indica in it at some point, at least it varies wildly from whispy super long flowering to squat fast finishers from the same seed stock.

All of the others go pure sativa to varying degrees. One has been outside for about 2.5 months and it's just barely beginning to show pistils, well over 2 meters tall.

Basically for the canna scene here, way too many shops selling really bad weed that looks and smells very good. I've seen auto seeds for sale at more than one dispo and judging by the effect of the indicas I've had from shops, I'd say the ruderalis gene has unfortunately made its way into the commercial scene. I don't buy from shops, I have not even once been happy with anything from a shop here. The only good weed I've found that I do not grow is from Thail friends that keep the good stuff alive. Mango smells, lemon smells, dirt smells. Spicy metal smells.

I hear you about the mold resistance, anything I've tried that is not pure thai or TF13 has had some mold issues in the wet season. Even DurbanxThai. The Thais just plug along like it's not even raining. TF13 too even though it has denser flowers, really solid breeding went into that one.
It's a disneyland for cannabis lovers in the same way that disneyland is disneyland for fun lovers. Not my kind of fun. Overcommercialized, overpriced polyhybrids with made up names and cannabinoid profiles and an effect that kills conversation and numbs you out. There is still great local weed here, but you really have to know someone or look around. The 'Thais' they sell in many shops tends to be old Lao brick stock leftover from before legalization.

I'm sure TH will find something good. I have a few hundred Lemon sativa seeds I got from some plants that an older guy was selling at a wet market outside Pak Chong lke 2 days after legalization. He told me that they are very good, but when I grew some they had like 1 or 2 full male branches per plant. If I can figure out a way to isolate them from my others I would really like to give them a real try.

Keep it up! I'll be checking in.
It is very interesting what you comment
The similarities with what happened in this market are remarkable

Until 12 years ago, the only thing you could find was the local sativa landrace and there were different batches, some better some worse but it was good weed. Then regulation came and this market has turned into a rudelaris, CBD and marihuana mcdonalds market with plenty of made up names and bullshit
There are no dispos here, pharmacies or clubs are the dispensaries and what they sell is an absolute lack of respect. It is placebo of weed. They sell rope. Market got flood with cheap spanish fake weed bought in bulk 5000 seed bags with big names all bullshit and if you are lucky what you get is 30 minute high with huge munchies after those 30 min
The canna scene here is way to many clubs and a few pharmacies selling really bad weed that looks very good if it is club and too leafy if it is pharmacy, smells depend on how they grow it but mostly indica disgusting smells and bullshitting is at the order of the day, it is so impressive the similarities with Thailand

Man, my neighbours blame legalization for this shit.
When it was illegal it was a lot better
With Thaksin weed was a lot better. Amazing

So if I go back to Thailand I will have to grow my own like it is happening here, I didnt expect it, I was dreaming it was going to be like Thaksin times and I could still source decent weed. I just hope I will be able to source decent sativa landrace thai plants the day I will be back
Here impossible. Legalization has erradicated the local landrace. It is a success. This is what the government wanted, to turn weed into a placebo that dont get you high anymore

This sunday was chop day for a few intersex plants I want to try by december
If I like any of this I will grow again
If I let them more days they will start forming seed
Mekhong Classic
MKC 1 (1).jpeg
MKC 1 (2).jpeg
MKC 1 (3).jpeg

Phu Phan purple left and Phon Sawan right
Phu phan left phon sawan right.jpeg

Phon Sawan intersex 2
Phon sawan intersex 2 (4).jpeg
Phon sawan intersex 2 (5).jpeg

Phu Phan purple 2
Phu phan purple 2 (1).jpeg
Phu phan purple 2 (2).jpeg
Phu phan purple 2 (3).jpeg


Well-known member
It is very interesting what you comment
The similarities with what happened in this market are remarkable

Until 12 years ago, the only thing you could find was the local sativa landrace and there were different batches, some better some worse but it was good weed. Then regulation came and this market has turned into a rudelaris, CBD and marihuana mcdonalds market with plenty of made up names and bullshit
There are no dispos here, pharmacies or clubs are the dispensaries and what they sell is an absolute lack of respect. It is placebo of weed. They sell rope. Market got flood with cheap spanish fake weed bought in bulk 5000 seed bags with big names all bullshit and if you are lucky what you get is 30 minute high with huge munchies after those 30 min
The canna scene here is way to many clubs and a few pharmacies selling really bad weed that looks very good if it is club and too leafy if it is pharmacy, smells depend on how they grow it but mostly indica disgusting smells and bullshitting is at the order of the day, it is so impressive the similarities with Thailand

Man, my neighbours blame legalization for this shit.
When it was illegal it was a lot better
With Thaksin weed was a lot better. Amazing

So if I go back to Thailand I will have to grow my own like it is happening here, I didnt expect it, I was dreaming it was going to be like Thaksin times and I could still source decent weed. I just hope I will be able to source decent sativa landrace thai plants the day I will be back
Here impossible. Legalization has erradicated the local landrace. It is a success. This is what the government wanted, to turn weed into a placebo that dont get you high anymore

This sunday was chop day for a few intersex plants I want to try by december
If I like any of this I will grow again
If I let them more days they will start forming seed
Mekhong Classic
View attachment 19046954 View attachment 19046955 View attachment 19046956

Phu Phan purple left and Phon Sawan right
View attachment 19046957

Phon Sawan intersex 2
View attachment 19046958 View attachment 19046959

Phu Phan purple 2
View attachment 19046960 View attachment 19046961 View attachment 19046962
Hit me up when you come, I got a few guys.
Also let me know how those intersexes smoke. I have a few that look a lot like that.