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Thai weed from Thailand


Active member
Sawasdee kha & welcome Prempavee 🙏

No I don't think so. People from the West (Europe & US) will never learn of the mistakes made in the past in other countries like Jamaica, India, Mexico. Mexico went actually in another way due the paraquat operations of the Mexican government with help of the US in the 70s and later on Mexican drug kartels buying seeds in the 90s in the West for planting overthere. You will need the right contacts to find some reasonable landraces nowadays.

I smoke mostly Thai for medical purposes since the early 90s. Missed the period of the Thai stick era, but must say that the minty smelling Thai sold in the coffeeshops in the 90s, was even better than the Skunk that was sold. Purple Haze which was available in the early 90s with that Nag Champa aroma was a bit stronger to give it an idea.

Since 2008 I see an increase in demand of landraces for seeds. Thailand has an unique bunch of landraces and it would be a pity if that disappeared, because of the demand for the new Californian varieties. That demand won't stay forever. People in Jamaica now wants Bob Marley's Lambsbread, but its hard to find in Jamaica. On other Islands in the Caribbean region a professor found some, but not on Jamaica. Keep in mind, what is gone, will never come back.
FWIW, lambsbread was never a variety, it is a descriptor of really good herb. Bob was very clear in talking about it.
Bob Marley: One time I was in Jamaica, was doin’ a show, an’ a man come up to me, and he gave me a spliff. Now, das de bes’ herb I ever smoke. Yeah, man! Neva get an extra herb like dat again! No, no, no. Just like one tree in de earth, y’know?

High Times: Just one tree?

BM: Jus’ one tree. Sometimes ya just find a tree. It Lamb’s bread.

HT: What’s Lamb’s bread?

BM: De ability what de herb ‘ave ya call Lamb’s bread. Some a dem ya call Bethlehem’s bread. Dat is when ya really get good herb, y’know what I mean?"
-taken from the real seed company website


Well-known member
FWIW, lambsbread was never a variety, it is a descriptor of really good herb. Bob was very clear in talking about it.
Bob Marley: One time I was in Jamaica, was doin’ a show, an’ a man come up to me, and he gave me a spliff. Now, das de bes’ herb I ever smoke. Yeah, man! Neva get an extra herb like dat again! No, no, no. Just like one tree in de earth, y’know?

High Times: Just one tree?

BM: Jus’ one tree. Sometimes ya just find a tree. It Lamb’s bread.

HT: What’s Lamb’s bread?

BM: De ability what de herb ‘ave ya call Lamb’s bread. Some a dem ya call Bethlehem’s bread. Dat is when ya really get good herb, y’know what I mean?"
-taken from the real seed company website
Well I think that still leaves some room for interpretation. And also, he was a singer not Jamaica's foremost ganja guru..

But still, I'm not totally against the theory. Kinda had the same thought when listening to a reggae song from another artist, where lambsbread was used in a way that made it seem like a generic term, can't remember which one off the top of my head.


See the world through a puff of smoke
FWIW, lambsbread was never a variety, it is a descriptor of really good herb. Bob was very clear in talking about it.
Bob Marley: One time I was in Jamaica, was doin’ a show, an’ a man come up to me, and he gave me a spliff. Now, das de bes’ herb I ever smoke. Yeah, man! Neva get an extra herb like dat again! No, no, no. Just like one tree in de earth, y’know?

High Times: Just one tree?

BM: Jus’ one tree. Sometimes ya just find a tree. It Lamb’s bread.

HT: What’s Lamb’s bread?

BM: De ability what de herb ‘ave ya call Lamb’s bread. Some a dem ya call Bethlehem’s bread. Dat is when ya really get good herb, y’know what I mean?"
-taken from the real seed company website
Any nld cultivar which was potent and grown in Jamaica back then, was called Lambsbread. Those nld cultivars disappeared due the introduction of more bld western cultivars.


Well-known member
The Double Jam F2 I grew from Magic Herbs it gave purple bud on summer and was like a charas plant
Weed had no high at all after 6 months cure but the hash I made from it was very nice and uplifting like charas to my surprise.
Pictures shown from Vibes Co Lambsbread shows purple weed
when we got lambsbread up here..it was alway’s the same weed

when we shared Lambsbread seed on Vibes Collective...it grew the same weed as what I got decades ago
I never smoked jamaican nor caribbean weed
The original weed you got as lambsbread was purple?
The original seed you got at Vibes Co was purple or it is the consequence of inbreeding?

I am slowly harvesting branches from the big girls. It is too much trimming work
I harvested yesterday 2 intersex plants before they start forming seed
I am curious how they smoke. I will cure them long term in vacuum bags
Intersex plants are very low productivity. Just a few grams per plant
I am happy I didnt chop them and let them live enough in order to try them

This is N Thai 1 x 3 intersex
I want to cure it together with the bananas and male sacks with pollen
N Thai 1 x 3 hermie (6).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 hermie (7).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 hermie (8).jpeg

I will not use the pure boy, not everything is about sexually firm progeny. This is a very low productivity foxtail/grinspoon bud line, for me these buds are very beautiful to see but their productivity is undesirable and end of the road. It looks like inbreeding depresion
The progeny from girl 1 makes good desirable chunky buds specially the phenos leaning to mum in terms of bud productivity, I hope potency will be at least like mom or better
If the smoke test of this lñow productivity line is outstanding then I will search more in the future
This is pure boy N Thai 8 x 2 left and hermie sister right. The male is starting to release pollen so I pulled the sister before she gets pollinated so I can try some seedless intersex bud
N Thai 8 x 2 male left hermie sister right (2).jpeg

This is hermie sister N Thai 8 x 2
Very resinous
Top shot
N Thai 8 x 2 hermie top shot.jpeg

N Thai 8 x 2 hermie  (1).jpeg
N Thai 8 x 2 hermie  (2).jpeg
N Thai 8 x 2 hermie  (3).jpeg

This is how firm girl N Thai 8 x 2 looks
N Thai 8 x 2 (3).jpeg

This is firm girl N Thai 8 x 3
The progeny of girl 8 gives undesirable beautiful foxtail low productivity bud only worth to grow it if the high is top notch. Both boys 2 and 3 gave foxtail progeny
N Thai 8 x 3.jpeg


Well-known member
The original weed you got as lambsbread was purple?
what I grew off seeds was green ...the original weed was brown ..maybe they wait so long that it has lost all chlorophyl..or bury it
The original seed you got at Vibes Co was purple or it is the consequence of inbreeding?
I do not remember purple...
[a lot of water under the bridge..and a few bumps on the head]
[yikes..i.maybe I never grew it...and just remember growing seeds from the weed in1978]
I know I still have seeds from Rahan.
..LB weed seed I grew was intersex...


Well-known member
This winter is very cold, last year was much better weather
Rainy days and cloudy
This is the first chop of the P2 girls
I need to give them more veg time in my environment
It smells like mom, but it complained about the weather with a few buds with botrytis so got the chop

N Thai 1 x 3 girl 1, with better weather conditions she would need 2 more weeks at least, so it is going to be brick style with a little immature bud. But still very meaty buds which I hope will have power after some 3-6 months cure in vacuum bags.
N Thai 1 x 3 girl 1 (1).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 girl 1 (2).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 girl 1 (3).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 girl 1 (4).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 girl 1 (5).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 girl 1 (6).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 girl 1 (7).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 girl 1 (8).jpeg

Rory Borealis

Well-known member
This is how it is done in Pedro Juan Caballero, Paraguay
I think this method in the 21st century with the technology available today is obsolote, vacuum bags are much better. I am thinking on investing in a decent vacuum sealing machine
They dry the flowers like this. Weather is humid, I dont think it is easy to get it dry ready to jar or bag
View attachment 19015984

Then the best quality is manually sifted removing bad parts and sticks
View attachment 19015985

And then processed to make bricks
View attachment 19015986

In Paraguay and South America weed is illegal
So bricks with the same packaging as Wally´s brick with nylon and masking tape are hidden buried under the living soil. This makes fermentation. It is not something they want or care about, it is not made on purpose, fermentation is a by product of transport and hiding weed buried

I think so too. There is no breeding with pure sativas in the tropics. The little pure sativas breeding was done and kept in Europe and bred in tiny little 0,5 lt or 1 lt pots and selected for adaptability to these conditions and fast flowering times.
The problem is this: from what we have seen in the past and it is documented in the forums, the breeders doing the work dont get any reward. Basically in a market like Asia everybody will try copying
Another thing is if there is a market for this kind of weed. Growers report customers dont want landraces but hybrids from Europe. Basically what the customers know.
It is like going to a thai island and wanting to stay all day in the bungalow with aircon and cable tv. Basically tourists want the same things they know from home
So if anybody will do breeding work, is just for the love of the plant. Prices dont give any premium to top quality psychedelic or very high psychoactive weed. Hybrid low psychoactive weed or 30 min high weed is what the market wants with a lot of weird smells like chocolate vanilla or strawberry

I didnt smoke thai stick of old, I dont know but from the reports it seems it was fermented during transportation.
When I was buying weed I didnt care about anything but the high. I didnt care for smells nor maturity. And back then I could not know if bud is mature or not
The difference in the quality of the different batches of brick was such that it is not surprising at all to know today a lot of that brick wasnt mature bud
And because the brick bud wasnt mature like some paraguayan brick bud, it is why the seed it carries is more valuable than the bud. If you grow it properly you will get better quality bud than the brick

Can you get the buds unpressed? I see a lot of leaf in this brick.
If I would be in Thailand I would be doing the same you do Khun weedebook
Are you in dry season or rainy wet season?
Where I live it is all year round wet season. So if I have dry bud I want to ferment, I just leave it outside in the garden 24 hours or less and is wet again
I didnt find difference in the high fermented or not but you never know until you try.
I would cut the brick in half. Vacuum cure half dry and the other half ferment by wetting it outdoors if you are in rainy season and check in 3-6 months which one you like better
In Bangkok I met people keeping their brick in the fridge for freshness

The plants from Prempavee are sexing or having little buds
The faster one is Phu Phan. I only have 2 Mekhong Classic with pistils and very few. I can only get an idea of the smells when the buds are maturing. Now I only smell chlorophyll

The weather in June is a lot better than May.
I am having again 25C every day and a lot of humidity and while thai weed is humid resistent, it is not inmune to botrytis
This season I tried wettable sulphur. I sprayed twice with 2 weeks difference in veg. Inside and outside the greenhouse
It simply killed powdery mildew(PM). Very impressive
N Thai girl 8 P1 last season had PM and a few other plants.
This year no PM at all. I am trying the N thai P2 without any spray to check
This is N Thai 8 P1 with 11 months cure, I have a few grams left
Leaf stays same green colour, what colour are is bud curing?
What colour is this?
View attachment 19015987 View attachment 19015988 View attachment 19015989

Because of the low temperatures, there were no bugs
But now with the higher temperatures bugs are coming back to life

And this is the same N thai 8 P1 from this year
Yesterday a branch broke. This year no PM. The buds are more sticky than last year
But it is suffering from botrytis and I have no solution for this
The progeny of girl 8 outcrossed to the equatorial male(male 2) made botrytis too. It is the same selection as the boy, so I am not sure if I should use him, if I had many males I would discard him if I want seed for my environment.
It is not for this humid wet environment, but this weed in dry season should be very decent
So this year I will make very little seed if at all
N Thai 8 P1
View attachment 19015990 View attachment 19015991 View attachment 19015992 View attachment 19015993
Edit: I forgot to add
While handling these buds from N Thai 8 I got a lot of resin in my hands
Then I handled without realizing the stem from the part affected with botrytis and to my surprise it washed all my resin from my hand. Much better than isopropyl alcohol. It seems fungus affects quality of the resins

To defeat botyritis, add 1 teaspoon of water to each gallon of water and spray the plants, the best solution is to make lactobacilli. It will create a layer of beneficial bacteria around the plants to defeat botyritis. BACTERIA. It's all about beneficial bacteria.

Here is the lactobacilli recipe:


-------------Materials needed-------------
---Rice( i use jasmine white rice and sometimes brown rice)
---Jar with lid( i use 1 quart mason wide mouth jar)
---Milk( milk from the store)
---Strainer( i use a metal one from the grocery store really cheap)
--- A 1 gallon container (optional....depending on if you want/need to make a lot )

Follow these easy instructions below.

Here’s a simple method of collecting this type of microorganism. Lactic acid bacteria can be collected from the air.

1. Pour rice wash (solution generated when you wash the rice with water) in a container like plastic pot with lid.

---basically get some rice, get a jar, put rice and clean fresh water no chlorine and such. shake till the water turns foggy, strain into another jar.

2. Allow air gap at least 50-75% of the container. The key here is the air space. Cover the (not vacuum tight, allowing air still to move into the container) container with lid loosely.
---The AIR is key as the air is full of microbes including lactic acid bacteria. just in low low concentrations but along with tons of other microbes, thats why were making more of them. I used a mason jar and had a gap with the lid.

3.Put the container in a quiet area with no direct sunlight. Allow the rice wash to ferment for at least 5-7 days. Lactic acid bacteria will gather in 5-7 days when temperature is 20-25 degrees C.
--- I put mine in a closet, the temp is more stable in there and doesn't have much variation. wait 7 days, youll see a thin layer of something on top.

4. Rice bran will be separated and float in the liquid, like a thin film, smelling sour. Strain and simply get the liquid.

---You will see a thin layer of something( also remember everyone will collect different microbes, as we all live in different places, so your collecting microbes adapted to YOUR area, which makes this work even better.)

5. Put this liquid in a bigger container and pour ten parts milk. The original liquid has been infected with different type of microbes including lacto bacilli. And in order to get the pure lacto bacilli, saturation of milk will eliminate the other microorganisms and the pure lacto bacilli will be left. You may use skim or powdered milk, although fresh milk is best.
--- Now just get something, anything to measure. either it be a spoon, a cup, a tablespoon, 1/4 cup doesnt matter( except the fact this will tell you how much you will have when done) ill use 1/4 cup for example. take one 1/4c of your microbes, now add 10 of them with milk.

6. In 5-7 days, carbohydrate, protein and fat will float leaving yellow liquid (serum), which contain the lactic acid bacteria. You can dispose the coagulated carbohydrate, protein and fat, add them to your compost pile or feed them to your animals.

--- now a week has gone by, by this time the milk will look like cheese at the top of the jar/container. but all goopy. you can either strain it or if you used a wide mouth jar, tip sideways slightly and you can slide a spoon under and take it all out at once. toss it in the compost pile and forget about it. ive never fed it to an animal so i dont know about that. edit: my chickens LOVE this stuff!!!

7. The pure lactic acid bacteria serum can be stored in the refrigerator or simply add equal amount of crude sugar (dilute with 1/3 water) or molasses. Do not use refined sugar as they are chemically bleached and may affect the lactic acid bacteria. The sugar or molasses will keep the lactic acid bacteria alive at room temperature. One to one ratio is suggested although sugar, regardless of quantity is meant simply, serving as food for the bacteria to keep them alive.

-- This is where everyone seems to be getting mixed up. the sugars are just for food to multiply. like you, they are organisms that need food. without it they will die and im pretty sure ( but could be wrong) that lacto b. isnt cannibalistic lol. now since your only making enough to use now, you dont really need to store any imo. unless you plan to use more in the next few days to a week add some sugars. now with the fridge and sugars it says "or" which is the key word. it says "the sugars keep them alive at room temperature" but like i said i always use it fresh, its cheap, and easy to make, and doesn't need to be applied every time. so why save some and take chances of using liquid with nothing alive or not nearly as many as the fresh stuff? so to get your pure culture, mix with molasses and let ferment for 24 hours( 12 when its warm), this is where the lacto B multiplies like crazy.

8. Now, these lactic acid bacteria serum with sugar or molasses will be your pure culture. To use, you can dilute this pure culture with 20 parts water. Make sure water is not chemically treated with, like chlorine. Remember, we are dealing with live microorganisms and chlorine can kill them. This diluted form 1:20 ratio will be your basic lactic acid bacteria concoction. Two to four tablespoons added to water of one gallon can be used as your basic spray and can be added to water and feeds of animals.
--- now that you have your culture, we go back to the measuring thing. So this is where you decide how much you really need. 1/4 cup + twenty 1/4 cups = 5 1/4cups. then your going to add that at 2-4 tablespoons per GALLON and then apply. so 5 1/4 cups in tablespoons is about 84 tablespoons. you can see where that is going. it adds up to a lot of final liquid to apply. so its easy to make enough for your needs with some basic math.

9. Lactic acid bacteria serum can be applied to plant leaves to fortify phyllosphere microbes, to soil and compost. Of course, it will help improve digestion and nutrient assimilation for animals and other applications mentioned before. For any kind of imbalance, be it in the soil or digestive system, lacto bacilli can be of help.

---apply,sit back, and smoke a bowl.

If you store it in the fridge in a glass mason jar with the lid, make sure to burp it once a week. I know it builds pressure and its just a guess but given enough time it MIGHT make it explode, I know ive had an exploding compost tea in a bottle before, so just to make sure its on your mind, I don't want no one getting glass shards to the face.


Well-known member
To defeat botyritis, add 1 teaspoon of water to each gallon of water and spray the plants, the best solution is to make lactobacilli. It will create a layer of beneficial bacteria around the plants to defeat botyritis. BACTERIA. It's all about beneficial bacteria.

Here is the lactobacilli recipe:


-------------Materials needed-------------
---Rice( i use jasmine white rice and sometimes brown rice)
---Jar with lid( i use 1 quart mason wide mouth jar)
---Milk( milk from the store)
---Strainer( i use a metal one from the grocery store really cheap)
--- A 1 gallon container (optional....depending on if you want/need to make a lot )

Follow these easy instructions below.

Here’s a simple method of collecting this type of microorganism. Lactic acid bacteria can be collected from the air.

1. Pour rice wash (solution generated when you wash the rice with water) in a container like plastic pot with lid.

---basically get some rice, get a jar, put rice and clean fresh water no chlorine and such. shake till the water turns foggy, strain into another jar.

2. Allow air gap at least 50-75% of the container. The key here is the air space. Cover the (not vacuum tight, allowing air still to move into the container) container with lid loosely.
---The AIR is key as the air is full of microbes including lactic acid bacteria. just in low low concentrations but along with tons of other microbes, thats why were making more of them. I used a mason jar and had a gap with the lid.

3.Put the container in a quiet area with no direct sunlight. Allow the rice wash to ferment for at least 5-7 days. Lactic acid bacteria will gather in 5-7 days when temperature is 20-25 degrees C.
--- I put mine in a closet, the temp is more stable in there and doesn't have much variation. wait 7 days, youll see a thin layer of something on top.

4. Rice bran will be separated and float in the liquid, like a thin film, smelling sour. Strain and simply get the liquid.

---You will see a thin layer of something( also remember everyone will collect different microbes, as we all live in different places, so your collecting microbes adapted to YOUR area, which makes this work even better.)

5. Put this liquid in a bigger container and pour ten parts milk. The original liquid has been infected with different type of microbes including lacto bacilli. And in order to get the pure lacto bacilli, saturation of milk will eliminate the other microorganisms and the pure lacto bacilli will be left. You may use skim or powdered milk, although fresh milk is best.
--- Now just get something, anything to measure. either it be a spoon, a cup, a tablespoon, 1/4 cup doesnt matter( except the fact this will tell you how much you will have when done) ill use 1/4 cup for example. take one 1/4c of your microbes, now add 10 of them with milk.

6. In 5-7 days, carbohydrate, protein and fat will float leaving yellow liquid (serum), which contain the lactic acid bacteria. You can dispose the coagulated carbohydrate, protein and fat, add them to your compost pile or feed them to your animals.

--- now a week has gone by, by this time the milk will look like cheese at the top of the jar/container. but all goopy. you can either strain it or if you used a wide mouth jar, tip sideways slightly and you can slide a spoon under and take it all out at once. toss it in the compost pile and forget about it. ive never fed it to an animal so i dont know about that. edit: my chickens LOVE this stuff!!!

7. The pure lactic acid bacteria serum can be stored in the refrigerator or simply add equal amount of crude sugar (dilute with 1/3 water) or molasses. Do not use refined sugar as they are chemically bleached and may affect the lactic acid bacteria. The sugar or molasses will keep the lactic acid bacteria alive at room temperature. One to one ratio is suggested although sugar, regardless of quantity is meant simply, serving as food for the bacteria to keep them alive.

-- This is where everyone seems to be getting mixed up. the sugars are just for food to multiply. like you, they are organisms that need food. without it they will die and im pretty sure ( but could be wrong) that lacto b. isnt cannibalistic lol. now since your only making enough to use now, you dont really need to store any imo. unless you plan to use more in the next few days to a week add some sugars. now with the fridge and sugars it says "or" which is the key word. it says "the sugars keep them alive at room temperature" but like i said i always use it fresh, its cheap, and easy to make, and doesn't need to be applied every time. so why save some and take chances of using liquid with nothing alive or not nearly as many as the fresh stuff? so to get your pure culture, mix with molasses and let ferment for 24 hours( 12 when its warm), this is where the lacto B multiplies like crazy.

8. Now, these lactic acid bacteria serum with sugar or molasses will be your pure culture. To use, you can dilute this pure culture with 20 parts water. Make sure water is not chemically treated with, like chlorine. Remember, we are dealing with live microorganisms and chlorine can kill them. This diluted form 1:20 ratio will be your basic lactic acid bacteria concoction. Two to four tablespoons added to water of one gallon can be used as your basic spray and can be added to water and feeds of animals.
--- now that you have your culture, we go back to the measuring thing. So this is where you decide how much you really need. 1/4 cup + twenty 1/4 cups = 5 1/4cups. then your going to add that at 2-4 tablespoons per GALLON and then apply. so 5 1/4 cups in tablespoons is about 84 tablespoons. you can see where that is going. it adds up to a lot of final liquid to apply. so its easy to make enough for your needs with some basic math.

9. Lactic acid bacteria serum can be applied to plant leaves to fortify phyllosphere microbes, to soil and compost. Of course, it will help improve digestion and nutrient assimilation for animals and other applications mentioned before. For any kind of imbalance, be it in the soil or digestive system, lacto bacilli can be of help.

---apply,sit back, and smoke a bowl.

If you store it in the fridge in a glass mason jar with the lid, make sure to burp it once a week. I know it builds pressure and its just a guess but given enough time it MIGHT make it explode, I know ive had an exploding compost tea in a bottle before, so just to make sure its on your mind, I don't want no one getting glass shards to the face.
🙏 Thank you very much for taking your time to post these instructions
Wettable sulphur spray twice in veg succesfully killed PM

For sure I am trying this, I dont know if I will make it on time for this season but at least I will make some and see how it performs
The change in the recipe will be the rice I use. Cant get real thai jasmine here, I will use local jasmine rice copy which is full of starch and its not even close to real jasmine
I will use 6 lt drum PET bottles used for packaging mineral water for this
No mason jars available in this country

If there is there a thread anywhere in any forum talking about this method and people experiences and reports with lactobacilus is very appreciated


Well-known member
The plants from Prempavee are finnishing sexing after 120 days of life
Phu Phan 2 different plants
Phu phan.jpeg
Phu phan (2).jpeg

Phon Sawan in front and in the back are 2 grinspoon type P2 thais
Phon sawan front n Thai back.jpeg

This is the last of the Phon Sawan sexing, I hope they can handle the july low temperatures, this season is the coldest since I am growing here. These days with maximums of 15C I miss Thailand too much
Phon sawan (4).jpeg

This is Prempavee star, the famous Mekhong Classic just sexed

These are special Mekhong Classics
This is the first time I see androgynous weed, I hope I can get some pollen from this. I hope it will make seeds too
MKC pollen donor androgynous.jpeg
MKC pollen donor (2).jpeg
MKC pollen donor (3).jpeg

This is another special mekhong Classic
Got split in 2 at the beginning of veg, I believe it is done by bugs and dont happen naturally
One shoot is pure male no pistils and the other shoot is pure female no male eggs at the moment
I am curious to see how it will develop. They are handling the cold better than expected
Next week antarctic polar cold is forecasted. It will be very challenging for the plants
MKC half male (2).jpeg
MKC half male (1).jpeg


Well-known member
Why do think the split is caused by bugs?
This is a very high biodiversity subtropical environment
The greenhouse is on the river shore. Landrace fauna attack plants here
Hybrids have a hard time at this environment, specially indica ones
Local fauna seems to love them most
Thai weed has clearly repellent properties. The weed coming from Thailand now did not lose this feature
This is why I grow landraces and search for pure sativas that didnt lose these repellent properties which are very difficult and hard to find. Breeding seems to breed away from this type of weed

I have seen more plants with this split like this NL5 x Hz 91 F3 male, they make callus at the joining point
I tend to think deformities are caused by the bugs here, in summertime is terrible, too many plagues around
NL5 x Hz F3 male (1).jpeg

These are some NL5xHz F3 brothers. I have seen the local ants pray on the pollen big time in just 24 hours you get attacks like this, the androgynous thai weed and the split one are in this same greenhouse
This is 100% natural selection. You can see they chopped the pollen sacks and took them away to their anthill but they left the leaves intact. They dont dare to touch the thai pollen. They did try the goods but they dont like thai weed at all. I found out I like very much the weed they dont like and the weed they like I dont like much at all. They show me which males to use
NL5 x Hz F3 male attack.jpeg
NL5 x Hz F3 male attack (2).jpeg

NL5 x Hz F3 male attack (3).jpeg

I made seed with one of the males surviving the bug attacks, the tall guy
Only 2 were not attacked out of 11 males NL5 x Hz F3 and F4
NL5 x Hz F3 male.jpeg

This is G13 x Lemon Larry male. Local bugs love kushes and blueberry.
Very difficult environment for hashplants here, not only very humid but full of predators for them
This was the G13 x LL boy
G13 x LL male (2).jpeg

This happened in 24 hours, ants chopped it clean
With blueberry males I have seen them chop even the main stem and take the whole plant
This is the G13 x LL male RIP. In this environment I need landrace resistance and I only find it in pure sativas, hybrids need more care and they need help with antifungal and repellent products
G13 x LL male RIP.jpeg

I am not sure if it is natural split or not but my bet is on the bugs doing the split. I have this feature every year in a few plants

Rory Borealis

Well-known member
Sprinkle a thick barrier of cinnamon around the base of each plant. Ants HATE cinnamon, it's like pepper spray to them. It's not the best solution-you have to re-apply it after it rains, but it helps. One other weapon that you can use is diatomaceous earth.


Well-known member
Very interesting about the cinnamon, I hate it too
I think it will not work for the same reason diatomaceous earth doesnt work here
This place is too humid, every night is 99-100% humidity
This is cfa koppen

This is how every morning is, windows and doors are wet too, I am in a microenvironment, 200 meters north of where I am is a little less humid but colder and you have frost in the coldest days
This place never gets frost but too much dew every day like this, so cinammon and diatomaceous earth get wet like this spider web and are useless
View media item 17599948
I use cypermethrin to try to control the ants, so far the most effective method
The thing is like this, there are many ant varieties here and they have different diets
These very small ants are terrible. They come out of nowhere
From something like this basilicum when I spotted the first ones
Basilicum (2).jpeg

They turn it into this in just a few hours. I was out of cypermethrin. I would like to find an alternative to pyrethrins. Here it is the best of the organic solutions.

They love kale, beetroot, onion and modern hybrids. They dislike arugula, tomato and thai weed

I wonder if lactobacilus can clean a field where GMO soybean has been grown with plenty of glyphosate
Do you know if lactobacilus will work for cleaning a couple of hectares of soil?
Sprinkle a thick barrier of cinnamon around the base of each plant. Ants HATE cinnamon, it's like pepper spray to them. It's not the best solution-you have to re-apply it after it rains, but it helps. One other weapon that you can use is diatomaceous earth.


I bought these seeds from Thailand
This is Prempavee gear.
I like her prices and the spirit. I like it when prices are and remain affordable for thai people
Seeds just arrived here so they will probably sex in around 45 days and should be small plants so I am running a few plants and leave the rest for the future
I dont know if plants kept in a private garden should be called landraces. I prefer calling them heirlooms

Mekhong Classic 6 from 6 seeds 4 pregerminated in 24 hours and the other 2 in 48 hs
Seed harvested December 2022, you can call it prelegalization

Phon Sawan weed 6 from 6 seeds. 5 pregerminated in 24 hours and 1 the next day
Seeds harvested february 2022. I like this. This is a feature western growers dont have. I like knowing year and month of harvest.
Every year is a different batch and not necessarily same quality.
Weed gets out of catalogue very fast at the canna world. I bought this weed 2 months ago and it is already sold out and description gone. I got interested in this one because they explained it is a high humidity resistant strain good for tropical and subtropical humid areas. I search on the web and I see Zomia has this one as Squirrel Tail #4

Squirrel Tail Phu Phan from 6 seeds, one pregerminated after 48 hours, 3 after 72 hours, 1 more after 96 hours and I hope the other one will show root. All of them needed to pull the helmet out manually
Seeds harvested march 2023
They call it hang karong. I never heard of it. Just a few years ago, 6 years ago was called ganja
Zomia has it as Squirrel Tail #1

These are the sprouted seeds, all of them are prelegalization. Whatever they harvest now in Thailand you can call it postneoprohibition
Things change too fast in this canna world
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I hope to be able to outcross this thai weed with Northern Thailand 2008 weed from Thaksin time, you can call it war on drugs weed
The line has 2 clear phenos, equatorial and tropical weed mixed
I like the tropical ones a lot more. So I am keeping and growing again the tropical P1s and their babies from the tropical father
Northern Thai 1 on living soil. First time I plant straight on soil. They like it very much
Girl 1 would be squirrel tail today
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Northern Thai 2008 girl 8 is foxtail
Here she is on the left next to Haze 1 from Nirvana. I will take a cut of this Haze Nirvana girl and hopefully we will find a few unicorns called thai males and give her some thai blood. All the NL5 x Hz from tropical seeds I am taking cuts to hopefully outcross to some thai boys
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These are Northern Thai 2008 babies. 12 babies from each girl 1 and 8. 18 babies are tropical and 6 of the babies are foxtail x equatorial boy. Need to check the equatorial boy too
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I am going to give some thai blood to these strains
THH3 on the left and Northern Thai girl 1 on the right. THH will get some real thai blood
THH flowers and finnishes 45 days before the thais
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NL5 x Hz Mr Nice.
I am selecting this one just because it is beautiful to see pink pistils. I have 2 girls making it but this one is making it on every bud, even the lowers. First time I see pink pistils on a haze line. I wonder if this pink pistil trait will pass to progeny.
I have seen pink pistils in a C5 x Sour Diesel cross
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This is a very vigorous G13 x Lemon Larry. Just in case I am taking a cut from this vigorous girl, have to see how this will fare in this humid weather. I never smoked any OG Kush, I wonder if I will like this.
I hope trichoderma makes the trick and lets her finnish without rot
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Let me know how the squirrel tail goes I have a mate in Thailand that sent me some of those seeds but I haven't had a chance yet to germinate any .


Very interesting about the cinnamon, I hate it too
I think it will not work for the same reason diatomaceous earth doesnt work here
This place is too humid, every night is 99-100% humidity
This is cfa koppen

This is how every morning is, windows and doors are wet too, I am in a microenvironment, 200 meters north of where I am is a little less humid but colder and you have frost in the coldest days
This place never gets frost but too much dew every day like this, so cinammon and diatomaceous earth get wet like this spider web and are useless
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I use cypermethrin to try to control the ants, so far the most effective method
The thing is like this, there are many ant varieties here and they have different diets
These very small ants are terrible. They come out of nowhere
From something like this basilicum when I spotted the first ones
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They turn it into this in just a few hours. I was out of cypermethrin. I would like to find an alternative to pyrethrins. Here it is the best of the organic solutions.
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They love kale, beetroot, onion and modern hybrids. They dislike arugula, tomato and thai weed

I wonder if lactobacilus can clean a field where GMO soybean has been grown with plenty of glyphosate
Do you know if lactobacilus will work for cleaning a couple of hectares of soil?
You could sit pots in a tray of water have pot raised up out of the water though.
I have an automatic dog feeder where my dogs can help themselves it's a stainless box with lid and a side flap and it's mounted on a steel post ,the post slots over another post that's mounted vertically inside a bit of steel pipe that's 100mm in diameter and it's full of oil to stop ants getting to feeder. I use oil as it doesn't evaporate but being you water plants water will probably suffice in trays under plants
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