...The codex DE is fun, but I ponder salt-water derived which requires a saline regulator, uh oh! NEVER MIND! I swear I did not just say salt!!!
Ahh....not to worry, Fossil Shell Flour is 100% fresh water sourced, zero NaCl.
From PermaGuard's website http://www.perma-guard.com/fossil-shell-flour.html: "Diatomaceous Earth packaged under our FOSSIL SHELL FLOUR® label comes from an extremely pure fresh water deposit of the diatom Aulacoseira from a deposit created in the Miocene epoch."
I buy 50lb bags of PermaGuard for less than $30 at my local feed store.
For those with some misgivings or are curious about Fossil Shell Flour, the attached pdf files contain detailed analysis data...and for a very informative perspective of plants and silica I suggest downloading this 7.6 meg pdf file: www.privilifesciences.com/download/A-review-of-Silicon-and-its-benefits-for-plants.pdf. Although it is published by AgriPower (Aussie DE company) it does contain a wealth of information including a brief discussion on siliconization and Plant Available Silica.
There are sooo many paths to the same destination, IMHO--there really is no "wrong way"...there is "your way", "my way" and sometimes we "just disagree".