Do any of you boil any ingredients before making the tea, maybe to release some of the molecules to make them more available
Well, if you are talking kelp and comfrey, this is for a botanical type tea rather than compost tea. I would guess that dependent on the planned use that a hot water extract may be a good method.
I make a knotweed extract for fungal pathogens using 50 degree C water.
There's a great thread over on the logical site on this subject but I can't link to it based on the TOU as I understand it.
thank you Mikell. your advice is much appreciated. I honestly didn't bother looking at physan20 because it sounded kinda scary from the name alone. my straight EWC teas with BSM don't get smelly but it's when I add the other stuff. plus, a little more reading brought me to some other ideas on what it could be. I really didn't think that a square container would be that big of deal if I was using a 60w commercial air pump for a very small brew. the bubbles and agitation looked great but around the sides in the corners is where the dead space was. my air stone is a 8 inch disk style and I think that inside where I can't scrub is dirty too even though I've tried soaking it in different stuff and running it through a dishwasher. I would make a whateveragon but I'd have to buy some drill bits and the pvc and right now, I just wanted to use stuff I have lying around. I really didn't think it could be our water source but there's been a lot of new housing being built in an area that has caused a lot of water from a swampy area being channeled towards our home and my old house I lived in was next to a quarry that when built had ruined the water supply forcing the landlord to install a water softening unit. I don't really understand how that part all works and was just curious.
Physan20 is fairly safe (hazardous to fish, toxic in concentration), but I wouldn't use it as a soil drench or spray myself, probably just to disinfect surfaces and sanitize cuttings. I mention it because it doesn't have the drawbacks of bleach or peroxides and is more effective, but should be rinsed off.
It could be water quality or some anaerobic organism, I don't know much about wells, but it's not as likely as kelp meal slowing things down for the first 24.
I use a square container as well, a 3-4 gallon bucket recylced from a restaurant. Haven't had a funky brew yet, but it's certainly not ideal. What's a more elaborate definition of funky?