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Chasing The Present
Firing things back up inside, in the rooms - this one about to explode, lots fun stuff in here but the Sour Gambians have some of the best stem / petiole rubs on plants I’ve ever smelled - about to explode in there


Weather outside has sucked lately & forecasted to continue but that’s the norm @ here this time year, last year was unbelievable how good it was…

Quite a few plants outside / in GH still mostly to mature up some seeds - I’m super excited about 80’s Colombian / Gambian x Gambian - man just way too much good @ here….

Millions of seeds and hundreds if not a thousand plus different cultivars many decades old lineages…. Mostly NLD & Country focused but quite a few chunkers too…

Man somebody needs to get off their ass & make these more widely available before they store away into the dustbins of history like far too many before ;)


Chasing The Present
I’ve got plants everywhere @ here - succulents & cactus next to orchids (orchids are very hard to grow here in dry indoors during subzero F winters), the one Phaelenopsis has been flowering for a year straight now - Happy Halloween




Planting Amaryllis bulbs I saved from last years plants



And these Peruvian Torch as I chopped up the big fella & cut off all his arms, he’ll be fine one way or another

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Well-known member
(...)Then wife reminded me we still had a bushel of peppers from the harvest a handful of days ago

View attachment 18887135

When peppers are in excess we process them a few ways but our favorite for LT storage is simplest & tastes best for it

View attachment 18887134

^^^ Olive oil & diced peppers in large frying pan, dash of salt - cook down, add tomatoes near end continue cooking till it looks like above and that’s it - this makes it into a creamy chunky like blend you see above, it goes great on just about anything but cereal….I often eat it alone too for a quick pick me up
Your recipe is very reminiscent of "pisto manchego", except that the tomato is fried from the beginning and forms the base of the dish. It is eaten alone (so, you can put a fried egg on top, or not) or on bread.
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Well-known member
Firing things back up inside, in the rooms - this one about to explode, lots fun stuff in here but the Sour Gambians have some of the best stem / petiole rubs on plants I’ve ever smelled - about to explode in there

View attachment 18902935

Weather outside has sucked lately & forecasted to continue but that’s the norm @ here this time year, last year was unbelievable how good it was…

Quite a few plants outside / in GH still mostly to mature up some seeds - I’m super excited about 80’s Colombian / Gambian x Gambian - man just way too much good @ here….

Millions of seeds and hundreds if not a thousand plus different cultivars many decades old lineages…. Mostly NLD & Country focused but quite a few chunkers too…

Man somebody needs to get off their ass & make these more widely available before they store away into the dustbins of history like far too many before ;)

I would be happy to grow some out and document it here now that my growing season had finished and there is more time to be online.

Mars Hydro Led

Grow on Earth Grow with Mars
I’ve got plants everywhere @ here - succulents & cactus next to orchids (orchids are very hard to grow here in dry indoors during subzero F winters), the one Phaelenopsis has been flowering for a year straight now - Happy Halloween

View attachment 18904264

View attachment 18904265

View attachment 18904266

Planting Amaryllis bulbs I saved from last years plants

View attachment 18904267

View attachment 18904276

And these Peruvian Torch as I chopped up the big fella & cut off all his arms, he’ll be fine one way or another

View attachment 18904268
You are great at growing these little cuties, how often do you water your succulents?


Chasing The Present
@10 days or so ago a strong storm rolled through & ripped one of the Ledo Haze (MNS hazes x Cambodian / Laos) in half, I was curious to see how the plant would handle this with the gloomy, cool days & hard dew at night, and it’s done very well. But over the past 10 days she keeps leaning more & more till touching the ground all @ so I had to harvest it, my Damn GH is too full again, my wife has a nice surprise waiting for her to duck @ next time she goes to grab carrots, beets or onions for a meal - haha, he who laughs last












Chasing The Present
Contd - Recall I live @43N in upstate NY in a serious snow belt, avg over 200 inches / year



Luckily the larger of the two is left & still in good shape, tiny bit PM but haven’t found a single spot of rot - some worm pressures it looks too, but all in all for a crummy growing season this creation is doing very well here, last year was exceptional & this year good - I’m trying to let it go until Nov again but we’ll see, little to no sun forecasted next 10 days










Chasing The Present
What’s left of Sweet & Sour D - too much PM & rot for my liking but stanky frost bombs, in a good year & soon to find out inside, sky is the limit for this creation






80’s Colombian x Gambian - very little PM but too much rot for my tastes - the dew at nigh gas just been intense the past 3-4 weeks so I’m not too surprised especially with as many seeds forming as there is



I Snagged a few peppers too, lots still out in the back GH, we’ll see how long they go - in there still are sweet potatoes & ginger as well





Active member
Holy Crap! a ton to catch up on here. :p

Been quite a while since i have been posting on ICM.

I have been following @led05 for years on other sites and have always had the pleasure of growing many of his seeds.

Ha Ha I think I may be the acid test for his seed collection. If they survive me, they are solid!

I have to say, I have seen his grows in person and the indoor spaces have a mix of State of the Art
and old school lighting to die for. A Master of the Outdoor Grill as well. Bit of a Mad Man on a Grizz....

The Cambodian samples I got along with the others were Outstanding.

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