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Chasing The Present
Different spot



Sweet & Sour D





Found out these are close to 15 years old which would make them very close to RSC original release of Malana Crème, we’ve got 5/11 up & maybe one more, all growing like 15 year old seeds - I’m good with this


11/12 up Cambodian 2


Cambodian 2 x Vientiane Male, one of two I use - he needs water



Chasing The Present
I decided I’m going to hit up that room above with a male I selected from e.T double Durban line (same exact ones used to make cookies), he ticks lots of boxes but man do thrips love the Durbans as much as any others - just cut out his home to be put to work



You see this little bubble, that’s thrips inserting their eggs into your stems



Chasing The Present
On what ?!
Boomers my uncle Sid ship sailed many many moons ago

This sauce is spicy, my wife came back in from the garage coughing & rubbing her eyes, lol, I just immersion blended it and barely had a sniffle - people definitely have vastly different tolerances to peppers, like many things - gonna be almost a couple gallons worth, probably 7 liters or so



Calle Minogue

Brother of the COB

I should take it as a good advice.. 2 ounces left from last winter run :) they are vacuum sealed but I need to check quality from time.. Last time I took 3 g on an empty stomach, blended in a small fruit smoothie.. then I was alone on a mat with some really new music. It was a Mindblowing ride..

How many do you take usually ?!


Chasing The Present
I should take it as a good advice.. 2 ounces left from last winter run :) they are vacuum sealed but I need to check quality from time.. Last time I took 3 g on an empty stomach, blended in a small fruit smoothie.. then I was alone on a mat with some really new music. It was a Mindblowing ride..

How many do you take usually ?!

I’ll do 2-3g or so quality mushroom or I’ll do @ a gram of pills I get that are type of concentrate

I vac seal sauce when hot, it brings them to a boil in the jar often due pressure & heat, I just finished this batch & cleaning up, holy shit cleaning that pot & steam / sauce that came off has whole family choking up over here, haha - I could probably handle being pepper sprayed quite well

I was overly ambitious on my estimate, only got 11 real full pint jars + 3/4 of another, one a month or so, not bad not even a tsp of salt / jar, plenty of ACV though

Now I just need to label them all, stick in fridge and it’s a wrap, feels so good knowing I’ve got the good stuff for at least another year of supply

This batch is hot !!



Chasing The Present
As some of you guys know I love to fuck shit up in order to experiment (I’m lazy, ha), having 20lbs dry worth of hanging outdoor plants plus hundreds of lbs fruit & veggies in the garage it’s always inevitable the one room in there gets hit by a lot this time year…

I like to mess around with organic solutions & know everything builds tolerance so switch it up often with whatever is @, including wife’s supplies (haha, she’ll never know I stole the bottle), this time I decided to hit this room with below after seeing few heavy groupings of aphids, few mites & the ever stable thrips always @ here, holy shit did this not only work as good as anything I’ve ever used it’s super gentle, as a whole smells nice & the plants just loved it, perked up and grew a few inches last night, I intentionally did at beginning lights on and left the pure UVB on for 5 hours midday - plants just loved it

In 2 gallons water
- 1.25 oz Horticultural oil - super cheap
- 1.25 oz soap, super cheap
- 8ml Conserve - super cheap for amount, PS- it’s by far best deal on Spinosad, why - they own patent











This time year especially this may be my favorite spot I’ve ever had, not that big but 11 foot ceilings, perfect airflow - temp range 55-85F so unusual for indoors, strong UVB - plants of every type just shine in here, I can make it a lot cooler or hotter too, good place to test & harden off for outside

Man what a plant this cannabis is


Chasing The Present
Great Halloween last night w my kids, and holy crap did kids come from all over, we had 250 pieces of candy and it was all gone by 7:30, animals !

And even better a nice dusting of lake effect this morning, huge flakes, first snow to stick this year






Dang we actually getting some decent snow today for this time year, surprisingly it’s sticking well as ground still quite warm



Bomb cyclone coming to you Euros from the change we just got here in the NE across the pond
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Chasing The Present
Ledo Haze - few examples over past couple of years - it’s my selections on the Cambodians I’ve got and old MNS hazes from mid 2000’s - @F4/5 stage, they finish or get close to it @ here late Oct into Nov which most often here is shit weather, they are very hardy & tough plants - they would kill it in places that have nice autumns I’m certain










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Well-known member
Could you tell me something about your SMC/SMG ? What differences were there between both parents (I identify the second one as the one called in Spanish Dorada de Santa Marta, but I don't know which one could be the first one)? I have a hybrid of it (outside without a greenhouse) with O. Haze, but I'm afraid that even if my winter is milder than yours, it will ruin it...
Good luck, and health to enjoy it.


Chasing The Present
Could you tell me something about your SMC/SMG ? What differences were there between both parents (I identify the second one as the one called in Spanish Dorada de Santa Marta, but I don't know which one could be the first one)? I have a hybrid of it (outside without a greenhouse) with O. Haze, but I'm afraid that even if my winter is milder than yours, it will ruin it...
Good luck, and health to enjoy it.
Hey buddy & TY

e.T mailed me his cut of SMC which is the purple Colombian I believe from Kiona farms as he & Zamalito are boys, or were boys. You can find more details there I’m sure on the SMC aka Purple Colombian

SMG I reproduced 5 years ago or so from 20+ year old seeds Wesos / Huesos got from a Colombian Lady iirc, Wesos was in Vibes with Charlie of Cannabiogen, Luis of Ace etc - I popped like 30 seeds and got 14f/14m - proseeds sells my SMG I donated to them for free a few times (over a thousand seeds in total), if anyone has issues with the price (already had my balls busted for it, lol) take it up with someone else, again I gave for free a few times reupping stock after selling out - and of course I paid to get them there…

SMC x SMG imo is as good as any Colombian there is and I’ve tried many many of them. You could dig within them alone for years. SMG grew like clones or like heirloom plants should



Chasing The Present
I love the resin for sure but you are really kicking with these red leaf steams.. this is one of my fav visual traits :) tell me more about your fav traits ? What means working on for you?
I like Limey / yellowish green pearl like sativa flowers, in general I actually like to steer clear some of reds & maroons as more often than not it equals more sedation than green, especially lime green into yellow…. Goals matter though and sometimes the reds are what one is after & point towards those genetics grail

Jar of flowers from 75% Gambian x 25% Cambodian - this plant was fast, less than 10 weeks amazingly, I didn’t trim at all and was all pearly like flowers - me likey stuff like this a lot - a jar of mostly plump pearly calyxes



5 primary things I look for
1) healthy vigor, vitality easy to grow
2) quality
3) terpenes
4) structure, calyx to leaf, de-leaf itself
5) intangibles & intuition

Work to me; every single decision I make along the ways, every grow is thought out & well planned, plans often change. This begins from the seeds I choose to a year plus of product curing & everything in b/w - it never ends
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