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Stonerrock&metal music thread



DimeBag65 said:
Shedding Skin on Far beyond Driven just awsome song, makes me wanna be in a huge mosh pit throwin elbows.

last show i ended up going and seeing was killswitch engage, all that remains, and burry your dead. a pretty awsome show.. musta dusted close to a 12 back and a few blunts and bowls before we got there. it was a pretty large floor and they were allowing crowd surfing. got tossed up a few times but ended up bustin a few ribs on the metal devider by the stage. love hearing metal go through your body. can just feel the energy go through you.

One of the best grindcore bands ever is coming to town in June...Regurgitate, hands down one of the heaviest,fastest and yet catchiest bands ever..from Sweden. I'm def. going to that show.A old punk band called The Dwarves are coming soon..think I'm going to that one too(I've seen em' 3 times already) ,but they put on such a wild and uncontrolable show I just gotta see em again.The dwarves are mega offewnsive and they're really rude to the crowd(that's half the appeal of seeing em')Last Dwarves show I went to..people in the crowd were throwing beer bottles at them, and they were picking up the un-broken ones and throwing them back at people in the crowd.They played like 3 songs and then left the stage...and then came back with all this food and started throwing food at the crowd , you should have seen the place it was a royal mess and close to a riot happening. At another Dwarves show, one of the band members came out stark naked and played the whole show that way! they are the craziest band I think I've ever seen live ...kinda like seeing Gwar ..but more dangerous(Like as in real danger!)they are def. an experience to behold.


DimeBag65 said:
weed and whiskey... its where you come from... WHere you come from!!

It's whiskey and weed and Black Sabbath...IT'S GODDAMN ELECTRIC!



I am glad you mentioned them. Not metal but awesome.
My friend lost his girlfriend at one of there shows.

Ya, Reinvinting the Steel I thought was plain greatness.
I remember sitting in prison singing it outloud. A very difficult time in my life.
It's power and sin, and then you've got all the other habits
Whiskey and smoke
It's all that we could need, to plant the perfect
Seed, disembody me - yeah...
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IwannagethighOG said:

I am glad you mentioned them. Not metal but awesome.
My friend lost his girlfriend at one of there shows.

Ya, Reinvinting the Steel I thought was plain greatness.
I remember sitting in prison singing it outloud. A very difficult time in my life.

How do you mean?


You will not be forgotten
lol sounds interesting... im into unique music.. but mainly im refering to the composition and style of the music itself, Not beer bottle fights and naked dudes! hahaa but yea sounds interesting. im not into dark metal so much as just great style of instrumentals but i like alot of music.

just some of which i dont listen to nearly as often. Acid bath i love alot, and have been listening and following their lead singers shows (dax riggs) he has a band which is pretty much just him and this chick drummer called deadboy and the elephantmen. its mainly alot of acoustic and definately not hardcore but some good music to chill to and smoke.

Sammy their guitar player has a band i saw a while back in hollywood called Goatwhore, also some great metal! he shreds it on the guitar and have a Great front man.


Acid Bath too me sounded intense.

I remember cruising/speeding down the road with Acid Bath blasting.

How so what?


DimeBag65 said:
lol sounds interesting... im into unique music.. but mainly im refering to the composition and style of the music itself, Not beer bottle fights and naked dudes! hahaa but yea sounds interesting. im not into dark metal so much as just great style of instrumentals but i like alot of music.

just some of which i dont listen to nearly as often. Acid bath i love alot, and have been listening and following their lead singers shows (dax riggs) he has a band which is pretty much just him and this chick drummer called deadboy and the elephantmen. its mainly alot of acoustic and definately not hardcore but some good music to chill to and smoke.

Sammy their guitar player has a band i saw a while back in hollywood called Goatwhore, also some great metal! he shreds it on the guitar and have a Great front man.

I think Sammy played for Crowbar if memory serves me right.Crowbar have a couple of good albums, they always struck me as a band that couldn't quite pin down their sound, I would hear one album and think"o.k. I can dig this"
but then the next album would sound totally diffrent, and not always in a good way.


IwannagethighOG said:
Acid Bath too me sounded intense.

I remember cruising/speeding down the road with Acid Bath blasting.

How so what?
How did your buddy loss his girl at a dwarves concert(if I am reading that right)?


Well, too make a long story short, she cheated on him with a band member then got ditched. Then afterword tried to hook back up with him and I don't think he liked that.

How do you like the Refused? Another great Swedish group.
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IwannagethighOG said:
Well, too make a long story short, she cheated on him with a band member then afterword tried to hook back up with him and I don't think he liked that.

For some reason that doesn't suprise me at all..(in regards to the dwaves member) , those guys really hold nothing sacred.


You will not be forgotten
yea im pretty sure he was in crowbar, i have their album odd fellows rest, pretty funny on a beavis and butthead i saw they had the second song on that album on an episode.

maybe im off on him being in Goatwhore.. my memory is pretty bad... but either way they have some great metal.

as far as Acid bath goes... the whole album of "When the Kite string pops" just fuckin awsome. Finger paintings of the insane, scream of the butterfly, what color is death. some off the hook metal in my book.


DimeBag65 said:
yea im pretty sure he was in crowbar, i have their album odd fellows rest, pretty funny on a beavis and butthead i saw they had the second song on that album on an episode.

maybe im off on him being in Goatwhore.. my memory is pretty bad... but either way they have some great metal.

as far as Acid bath goes... the whole album of "When the Kite string pops" just fuckin awsome. Finger paintings of the insane, scream of the butterfly, what color is death. some off the hook metal in my book.

no you're right, he is in Goatwhore. I used to listen to alot of acid bath in the day, I should dig them out for another listen, it's been awhile. "When the kite string pops" is a great album, "Pagan Terrorist Tactics" is pretty good as well.


You will not be forgotten
yea both great albums, pagan terrorism tactics had an undefined style for sure, other than their lyrics around acid trips and death. i just turned on a few songs on that album.. been a while since iv gave it a listen, usually just pop on when the kite string pops when i wanna hear em, but a much different style on this album.

also dax did agents of oblivion for a while, kinda more songs along the music lines of the scream of the butterfly.


Did anyone here Chimaira's new one Ressurection?

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I'm still curious about what Phils been up to lately. I know he was red assed over the comments he maid about Dimebag, after dimebags death of course. He said"you won't be seeing me for a long time to come", which is kinda a shame because phil really does have the midas touch when it comes to metal. Almost every band he's worked with has risen to the top. Personally, Super Joint ritual is one of his worst projects if you ask me, he was involved in many better ones in the past. Nameingly Necrophagia, as the guitarist , which if you haven't heard any Necrophagia, and your into the darker stuff of course, I would check them out, I never even heard of them (even though they were supposedly around back when Metallica and Slayer were just getting their start),but I was pretty much blown away the first time I ever heard them, and promptly picked up every album I could find.but check out"Black Blood Vomitorium" and "Holocasto DellaMorte" both exellent albums featuring Phil on guitar, and he is a very good guitarist.Nowadays they have gonr through a complete line up change,only the lead singer is the same.Thet're still cool , but they lost something especially after Phil quite the band.Of course as I have heard from many though...Phil is an absolute pain in the ass to work with, so it's no wonder he never lasts long no matter where he goes.


IwannagethighOG said:
Did anyone here Chimaira's new one Ressurection?

I haven't heard Refused , but I'll check em' out. Never listened to Chimera.Ant good?


OMFG! I forgot Devin Townsend, pure genious.
I suggest you dl Ressurection asap> :joint:

And OMFG! you never heard of the refused. OMFG, OMFG
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You will not be forgotten
yea after phil turn to the H train and shouting out hail satan, wanting to make pantera sound darker and such, i dont think that was quite the path that vinny and dime wanted it to go... i personally very rarely listen to superjoint, i agree his worst project by far as their songs all sound the same.. just dark and doesnt change up much.

phil has been chasing the dragon far too much.


Oh I'm sure Phil has some masterpieces left in his lifetime that he does'nt feel like sharing too the world at the moment.
Superjoint where ok, I liked Damageplan much better.
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DimeBag65 said:
yea after phil turn to the H train and shouting out hail satan, wanting to make pantera sound darker and such, i dont think that was quite the path that vinny and dime wanted it to go... i personally very rarely listen to superjoint, i agree his worst project by far as their songs all sound the same.. just dark and doesnt change up much.

phil has been chasing the dragon far too much.

It's a shame because he's really talented.He just can't seem to get along with people. Did you ever see that "behind the music" about Pantera...dude, really good and it explains exactly what caused Pantera's downfall.It was Phil of course...but there was alot to the story. phil said he wanted to go back to the old school with Superjoint...But I just didn't see it.The first albums not bad, it has some decent jams on it , but the secnd one has sat and collected dust on my shelves.

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