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stickyicky's MICRO grow (white skunk)


Active member
i cant believe lst isnt more popular in these micro forum's. overgrow's micro froum's revolved around this training method. you could keep on training a female down with severe lst as long as you need. i strongly suggest vegging until plant's show sex on their own. which is around 4 week's. that way if your female number's are low you can always veg longer to make up for the empty room in your box. as soon as your plant's are at a reasonable height you can bend them completely sideway's. then growth shoot's will pop out next to each leaf stem (close to the stalk)
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If you only have a short time to veg, like yourself, lst is the sh**

pardon the enthusiasm, but it's true

the whole idea of lst is too expose those new tiny side shoots on the plant to light
this makes them grow much faster than if they were shaded by all those fan leaves above them and brings all the colas to the same height so all are getting equal light........anyways the end result is more marijuana

since you only have about one more week or so for veg, I would start bending after you see the first two side shoots appear......
to begin with bend fairly aggresive then tone it down throughout flowering

have you considered scrog too?

good luck!
im following......
day 12

day 12

plant # 1 FAT LEAVES


plant # 2 getting ready to branch


plant # 3 also getting ready to branch

Plants are growing well. not a noticaleble change, so no new pics of them :jerkit:

pic of wire setup...


I'll be outta town till monday afternoon. i hope the babies get HUGE in 4 days. :canabis: hope everything goes well for everyone. Ill be waiting to read the replys :listen2:

Good looking grow, stickyickyicky!

I like your 1-tub design. It keeps the lights close to the plants, provides adequate ventilation, and maintains a stealth profile. Wonderful! As the plants get larger, you may need to get another tub to allow for the plants to grow up, as in my setup (thanks for the comment :) )

You say you got your 42W CFL's at Lowe's, yes? I couldn't find them in that wattage. In fact, I had to go to some specialty lighting store and ended up paying $11 for each one. Yikes!

Loving the grow. Here's to hoping you get a good yield!


Active member
My plants do that, go through like a holding period where I barely see changes then all of a sudden a growth spurt hits and it's amazing. Kind of like children :chin:


Active member
krustytheclown said:
You say you got your 42W CFL's at Lowe's, yes? I couldn't find them in that wattage. In fact, I had to go to some specialty lighting store and ended up paying $11 for each one. Yikes!
Same for me... in my area I can't find 42w CFL under $10 CAD each... sux!!!



ok for day 18 i think that these plants are not doing well. i think i might of over watered them. i added some pics to see what everyone thinks. they havent really gotten much bigger sence day 14 when i left for my vacation. the leaves are droopy and under turned some of them are yellow and look like they are dying. any suggestions? all 3 plants look the same as this...




Active member
Yeah that doesn't look good :chin:
Let's see, is the peat pot all broken up?
They are in MG?
I really think you needed more perlite for one thing. The dirt looks a little "bogged" down.

So the 4 days you were gone, they got no water, then you came home and they looked like that?
they got watered on sunday the 24th also. i think i over watered them on the 20th and then i think they got over watered while i was gone too


Ooooh, that Miracle Grow soil is really burning your seedings. It's too highly fertilized for those little guys.

Try to get some Promix soil that's safe for seedlings and mix 2 parts Promix, 1 part Perlite and 1 part Vermiculite. I'd boil some water to get the chlorine out and let it cool to room temperature. Very carefully wash the soil from the roots and replant into your new soil mixture. You might be able to save your seedlings this way.

With well draining soil, it will take several days before you need to water them. You want the soil to be pretty dry so that the roots grow to find water. Wait until your cup feels really light before you water and you probably will still be overwatering.
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plants are still yellow-ish. new growth on the plants is mostly light green and some darker green. i cut off the dead leaves a while back and they seem to be getting better but still are tiny. the pic shows that they are still only about 2 inches tall and the leaves still are not getting bigger. i waited till they were totally dry for a few days before i gave them just a small amount of water. the pic with the tape measure was the plant with the most damage.

SIDE NOTE: I was at walmart and was going to pick up some ferts... AND ALL THE FUCKING CHRISTMAS SHIT WAS ALL OVER THE OUTDOOR AREA!!!







Lookin very good sticky, ive been folling for a while now, just finally got registered. Im planning a micro grow some time in the next few weeks/months, your 19 volt laptop converter is a genius idea..defently going to try that.

Hope to see some more nice shots.


Active member
Don't worry about the height yet, they are gowing new leaves at a fairly fast pace right? Chill daddy!!!!! hahaha

As far as taking off dead leaves, I was told by someone and I tend to follow this. If it comes off with a gentle tug then remove it , but try not to cut on them too much.

Just try to relax.
added some pant food! seem to be on the UP! yeahhhhhhh! :woohoo:

stickyickyicky said:
fert #'s 10-15-10. it is liquid. says to mix 7 drops with one quart of water. i had a 2quart jug. 14drops\3= 4.6666666. sooooo i just used 5 drops.
<<< BOX SAYS >>>
(N) 10% -
1.6% ammoniacal Nitrogen
.2% Nitrate Nitrogen
8.2% Urea Nitrogen

Avaiable Phosphate (P2O5) 15%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 10%
Iron .10% (Fe)

Manganese (Mn) .05%

Zinc (Zn)
chelted .05%

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