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sterile females are the future!


Well-known member
@grayeyes i think that you have 'reversed'/feminized confused with sterile. Basically, not the same things.

reversing a female and using her pollen =feminization, results in seeds (theoretically, all female seeds) those seeds perform like a female in all ways, they can produce offspring when pollen is added, or even go hermie.
Sterile female will not produce seed.

The graphs and such are a little confusing to me, and i even had some college coursework relating to this. But, what makes me understand even a little, is that i worked with severely and profoundly multiply handicapped folks. During that work, we had to learn and be tested on genetic causes for some of the folks that we were helping. If i remember right, having extra chromosomes or too few, often results in a fetus not being able to form properly, often resulting in miscarriage. But there are those that survive, some with obvious defects, some close to normal abilities. Very often, the survivors are sterile.


Well-known member
Fems are good enough in many situations (that is they will produce a seedless crop). But if there's pollen flying around from nearby hemp farms or whatever, that's what the sterile females would be great for.


Not ICMag Donor
@grayeyes Are you sure? I thought it sounded like Marglagck farting into a jar of driblits while his wife did that dance, you know exactly which one, and both the uglick and the mumblad started glueching the platnacks.


Well-known member
So, grayeyes, we are wrong to think that hermie females make pollen, and that male hermies make pistils? Enlighten us. Cuz be darned if that isn't what i've believed all these years.


Well-known member
Clearly we need plant condoms to keep our females unpregnatized
LOL actually they exist. Can't remember if it was Arjan or Shanti but one of the two talked about how they sourced some clear grow tents to flower out males in in some interview. Must have been back when both were at GHS already.


Well-known member
If you only grow sterile seeds then you don't have the chance to take the best of the strain and improve on it
Improving an F1-hybrid?
Sterile female is one that will not produce seed. No matter what. She is the end of her line, and of what use is that? Everything that a female is used for, other than making seed
Some fiber-hemp strains loose quality when pollenized, so it may be an improvement there using these triploids


Well-known member
Been eating seeded and seedless watermelons all summer, the seedless watermelon is preferable
Much easier to eat, very good flavor, and in the USA no wild indigenous populations im aware of
Moral of the story, dont let anyone stop you @Piff_cat from your dreams, be responsible

If you grow some triploid mj plants post them here first :huggg:
thanks man i def will. its possible some of the favorite clone onlys have chromosome abnormalities already- mostly aneuploids from haze. oldcoolsativa recently sent in a u2 freak with extra cotyledon and trikes on the first true leaves for high flow cytology analysis. this test determines the size or "weight" of a genome to determine the chromosome count. they do this by comparing a known diploids "weight" to sample in question. oldcoolsativas sample came back with 21 chromosome count by genome size!! so while ive been studying putting this together for a while, this is first hard proof that some freaky stuff floating around in the early gens of haze! thanks to oldcoolsativa for taking the initiative and sharing with community the results.
(control)- Cannabis ‘Eh-1’ genome size of 1.77 Gb (2C DNA content)

(aneuploid)Cannabis ‘U2-1’ genome size of 1.87 Gb (2C DNA content)


  • U2 and EH ploidy test results - redacted.pdf
    260.4 KB · Views: 119


Well-known member

Production of Tetraploid and Triploid Hemp​

Date: 18 Sep 2020
Abstract https://journals.ashs.org/hortsci/view/journals/hortsci/55/10/article-p1703.xml
To maximize yield, cannabidiol (CBD) hemp producers prefer female plants, and this is accomplished by using expensive feminized seed, vegetatively propagated female clones, or by removing male plants from dioecious seed lots. Hemp pollen drifts long distances on wind, and pollination of females reduces CBD content. Induction of triploidy is a common strategy used by plant breeders to produce sterile cultivars of agricultural crops. Triploid (3n) hemp, with three sets of chromosomes, was developed by crossing naturally diploid (2n) hemp with tetraploid (4n) hemp. Tetraploid plants used to create triploids were produced using pregerminated seeds and the mitotic spindle inhibitor colchicine. Seedlings from seeds of ‘Abacas’ × [(‘Otto2’ × ‘BaOx’) × (‘BaOx’ × ‘Colorado Cherry’)] treated with 0.05% colchicine or 0.02% colchicine for 12 hours and longer were significantly shorter than controls and ≤1 cm tall at 10 days after sowing. Surviving seedlings exhibited thickened cotyledons and hypocotyls, which indicated a potential change in ploidy. Tetraploid induction ranged from 26% to 64% for pregerminated seeds of five different hemp cultivars (Abacus × Wife, Cherry Wine, Mountain Mango, Wife, and Youngsim10) treated with 0.05% colchicine for 12 hours. Tetraploids had nearly twice the DNA content as diploids according to flow cytometric analysis. Tetraploid ‘Wife’ had larger stomates and reduced stomatal density compared with diploid ‘Wife’. Four triploid ‘Wife’ genotypes produced from crossing tetraploid ‘Wife’ with diploid ‘Wife’ were acclimated to greenhouse conditions after embryo rescue. DNA content and stomate size of triploid ‘Wife’ was intermediate between the parents. This is the first report of triploid plants of hemp. Future research will evaluate the sterility of triploid hemp.

no rough play in this thread kids



Well-known member
While aneuploid/polyploid is deadly for humans it is well tolerated in plants paying a big role in speciation and survival in New environments.

Hops are known to contain chromosome abnormalities resulting in non mendelian inheritance.

Sterile females provide complete control over the growing environment without the restrictions sensimilla production demands. Secondary metabolites-terpenes and cannabinoids- have 2 types- constant and induced.

Thus far only constant have been used even though induced secondary metabolites provide greater diversity improved quality/quantity .some induced terpenes are not present at all in non stressed plants.

The most powerful and pungent metabolites have big pre cursor/energy expenditures so the plant only synthesizes when "attacked"

the risk of using induced stress tactics with cannabis is that the stress will also cause hermi pollen to be produced by the plant as a survival response

. So while sensimilla is superior to seeded bud, sensi is inferior when compared to the ancestral profile .reqson being if the challenges/threats are eliminated to avoid hermi pollen. This friendly temperate outdoor or indoor environment results in the best parts of ancestral line being silenced.

Stress induction methods downside is when the method causes a female to hermi and throw pollen.. however pollen can't create seend in a sterile female. So, With the pollen threat neutralized, it opens up whole new world of induced superior profiles/diversity.

. Examples of induction techniques-

Using methyl jasmonate fed to the plant. MJ is the most powerful alarm compound the plant uses as a messenger to organs which start producing jnduced terpenes after a threat is detected.

Chitin present in insect frass. Mixed in media or even rez/foliar. The ground up insect exoskeleton simulates bug attack to plant

Nematodes cause obstruction of transpiration leading to big increase in delta carene

Physical damage to stems.. plant creates oleoresins such as frankincense in response. many ganja producing populations use damage such as cracking puncturing etc to commenc oleoresin production. For frank this means drilling hole in trunk and letting resin dry

Fungi fighting induced compounds are best example. Tropical plants need to guard against humidity pressure and fungal infestation. This means High lignin walls to keep moisture out and swift response when an open wound gets a fungal infection. This induction method involves culturing the fungi known to induce best for particular species and then exposing lady to it.
Agarwood is most expensive incense in world costing more $ per ounce then even gold. Only produces the incense compounds when infected with fungi in a wound.

In the wild not all qgarwood trees produce the incense compounds. Since it's so valuable this led to research of additives which could make all trees produce agarwood both synthetic induction signals or actual fungi damage. This suite of methods is called agar whit


Well-known member
@grayeyes , here we are in a thread talking about female plants, extra sets of chromosomes, stress, herming...and you state that females do not produce pollen, and seem to refuse to explain this, when we've seen it with our own eyes. Your answer to not just my question, but others, was some political junk that no where near answered anyone. Go ahead and answer the questions, explain yourself. We're listening...otherwise, it would look like you are trolling. And i really would like to hear what you have to say about the subject. It could be that i've missed some technical fine point. I don't believe that a reversed female is somehow made into a male, because just one branch can be reversed, while the rest of the plant is still female.