Chasing the Present
a post I made years ago elsewhere on related subjectsid argue the opposite while monsanto is obessesd with cornering the market by learning how the plant works and not sharing in order to leverage the market. but the kryptonite for this is an open source tutorial or co op who gives the star sterile phenos out either at cost or a small mark up would drastically fuck monsanto types over.
in any big vs little struggle the means of production are all that matter. a situation where less people need to rely on big corps for trees eventually makes them irrelevant. with a sterile female you can determine an exact protocol for growing it and make it nearly impossible for homegrower to fail. nutrient levels, temp, humidity can all be controlled and fine tuned when working with monocrop. however, a females will to reproduce for survival can be unpredictable and the bannana is a doomsday device for your tent.
and the other factor to think about is the amount of diversity that has been lost in the name of sexual stability. monoceious is the ancestral form so pulling all of them out of a population also trashes important basal genes. males which throw pistils have a high ethylene count which is a trait that is desirable to pass on to female progeny. by only using stable males and females we paint ourselves into a corner. secondary metabolites takek a huge hit during domestication running semi feral and selecting the best females is a quick route to great lines and not worrying about firm sexual stability you can concentrate on what you really want- unique terps cannabinoids and favorable growing habits for your space. along with yield and flower time
- Hermaphrodite: only hermie plants (this means staminate + pistillate flowers at the same bract.
- Monoecious: only monoecious plants (this means staminate + pistillate flowers within the same plant.
- Dioecious: only dioecious plants (this means either staminate or pistillate plants, but firm sex regardless).
- Gynodioecious: both firm females + hermies.
- Androdioecious: both firm males + hermies.
""Most flowering plants are hermaphroditic, and unisexual individuals (dioecious) have evolved from hermaphroditic ancestors many times (Renner, 2014). Trioecy is an uncommon sexual system in which hermaphrodites, females, and males coexist in some species. Trioecy occurs during the evolutionary transition from hermaphroditism to dioecy (Charlesworth and Charlesworth, 1978, Ross, 1982, Spigler and Ashman, 2012). Trioecy is a stable evolutionary stage under pollen limitation of female seed production because pollen limitation reduces the fitness of females but not self-fertile hermaphrodites, counteracting the seed fertility advantage of females (Maurice and Fleming, 1995). "