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ICMag Donor
This is a 10 foot Gary Payton. For example, you can use it to scale the others


Well-known member
Anybody do their indoor grows using well water? I use if for my outdoor plants I just need to haul water but I also need to get my indoor transplanted and going, I did a small water with it and they seems happy and fine, I guess it all hard to say and would have to know what the water is at if I knew where to get it tested?
Thanks for any responses
Cheers Renne
It's been a long time but yes I have used well water on my indoor plants to no ill effect. Make sure to know the ph of your water. I guess in most cases if it's safe for you to drink it should be good enough for your plants.
I did have my water tested by a lab. My hot water tank would start to produce a heavy sulphur/rotten egg smell. When my test came back I discussed it with the public health authorities. There was a couple of interesting results. The smell in my hot water tank came from a high iron content in my water causing a bacteria to form that created the smell. I would have to treat my tank with bleach to correct the smell. I also had a high floride count.


Well-known member
When fruiting they are One of the most widely recognizable mushrooms, don’t you think?
When in good shape their colors in the wild stand out. Plus they are a decent size.
A fellow I worked with at the golf course said he ate some and asked me if I wanted to try some, I declined, I have nothing against mushrooms but I knew nothing about them that made me want to try them.