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~Star~Crash~ All & Everything


Well-known member
Damn that sucks hope there wasn't to much loss... starting to get a few wine berries ready to pick..


ICMag Donor
Damn that sucks hope there wasn't to much loss... starting to get a few wine berries ready to pick.. View attachment 19033816
It’s been heavily on my mind to get them secured down. I just haven’t been able to get to it. They are top-heavy. Today was a lot of wind .. I guess the most yet ..they had held up (until today’s fiasco..now tomorrow I got to get Crackin… I’m just an old fucker one-man operation
I like the net idea, and see your reasoning for it, man Star you’re going to need a step ladder soon to tend the plants up top.


Well-known member
You can also use large rocks up against the pots to anchor it in.. I used to do that because I had so many large rocks.
nothing pisses me off more than plants that just keep falling over in the wind.
When I use to grow in the wild, I would tie branches to the main stem and tie the main stem to tent pegs in the ground. Nothing went anywhere, they were very secure.

By the way I like your cats, the one cat seems to do a lot of sleeping, most photos are of a sleeping cat. My last cat use to sleep about 18hrs a day.


ICMag Donor
You really need those stakes in the ground. Don’t get too frustrated. Where there is a will there is a way.

today was brutal …btw I did pound some useful stakes in the ground today ..furiously so up until it became pointless as that storm kicked up
You can also use large rocks up against the pots to anchor it in.. I used to do that because I had so many large rocks.
nothing pisses me off more than plants that just keep falling over in the wind.

When I use to grow in the wild, I would tie branches to the main stem and tie the main stem to tent pegs in the ground. Nothing went anywhere, they were very secure.

By the way I like your cats, the one cat seems to do a lot of sleeping, most photos are of a sleeping cat. My last cat use to sleep about 18hrs a day.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Making himself at home.. on the laptop
View attachment 19033888
Now that is a regal looking fella. Maine Coon?

Star I can’t imagine dealing with that on that scale. I know the feeling when my solo cups get too tall and top heavy in veg and all it takes is for me to brush against one wrong and it’s like a domino effect and they all go falling one after the other.
I’ll admit I’ve thrown plants across the room before in my frustration. Drop kicked a few in my day too.
I’m actually dealing with that very situation right now. I just don’t have an adequately sized veg room.
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