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ICMag Donor


Well-known member
So, my grandson landscapes @ the house I grew up in until i was 7. He found this token from the Pennsylvania Railroad. Crazy part is it has one of my brother's names engraved First, Last and Age 7.
He was born in 57, so this thing is from the year I was born. Here it is, after laying in the grass for more than 50 yrs. He brought it to me, and I am taking to my brother, today. :)
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ICMag Donor
So, my grandson landscapes @ the house I grew up in until i was 7. He found this token from the Pennsylvania Railroad. Crazy part is it has one of my brother's names engraved fist last and age 7.
He was born in 57, so this thing is from the year I was born. Here it is, after laying in the grass for more than 50 yrs. He brought it to me, and I am taking to my brother, today. :) View attachment 19021726 View attachment 19021727 View attachment 19021728
Very cool, I’m sentimental I still have little knickknacks that my son made when he was in kindergarten

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