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SR71 Strainguide and Clones

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i alway thought it yeided shity cause it was a pure indica, isnt kush a like 10- 0r 20% sativa?


The revolution will not be televised.....
Zoo - Great looking plant!!!You do everything justice when you grow it!

For everyone else, including the raging angry monkey. I am just here to debate and give what obvious, pitiful, little knowledge I have about local cuts I have had time with. The flower structures look dead on in my eyes and the high is similar to the kushes. I didn't verify that with K or any other guy im working for, I mean talking to. And we are supposed to believe your BS over the owner of the club because you come here and say he is full of shit?? Get over yourself! I am in no way affiliated with "any" club or "nursery", wasn't there when they gave birth to their kids and all that kinda stuff , dont know the bums name on the corner in "Tha Oakersterdam" so I really dont have a dog in the fight! You on the other hand cant wait to start throwing disrespect at anyone who doesn't buy your hype! Yeah my posts are more than yours but you brought that up for some reason!! You feeling a little inadequate there monkey boy? I am just giving my humble information from hanging out with hippies, dead heads, gang-bangers, farmers, med-users, etc..over the last 20 or so years. No one attacked you so why are you obviously so upset/angry that I could even think to have a difference of opinion from your humble grace!! When I was talkin to Mr Bush last night he said he really does like black people and the vice pres. didn't make a dime off the war. I mean since we are in cyberspace quoting all the people we have talked to and confirmed facts with!! Funny that a guy who wants to tell us it isn't the real deal wants to call himself Purpulkush! Thats funny and pathetic! You come here to help and all you get is skepticism?? Try not being a dick and maybe you get a better responses next time.

Oh!! and my mistake on the OG quote!! It was a Kush but which one ??? im told. Again please forgive me on that one! :badday:
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I didn't know which thread this should go in, and I didn't want to start a new thread, but here goes anyway...

Garden of Eden in San Leandro was closed today (Saturday) in the middle of the day. Just thought I'd give people a heads-up in case you were driving a long way.


krakatoa , thanx, i think i remeber them sayin in the rules when you become a member that if the sing says closed at any time dont go to tthe door or wait around for them to open,....also last week sometime i stoped by there and they had NO PUPRPLE! wtf i said i asked the guy ,hey what are you smokin on, he straight said "none of this bullshit" lmao! i got a gram of mantanuska anyways and it was very very potent exoitic meds
just an fyi for peeps, went to blue sky/SR71 yesturday to check it out since have not been in a while, they had no clones but they said they do have to new strains, JTR,and Querkle.. Rounders


pk is a good plant for outdoor if yall didnt know now ya do, lol take my word for it she has huge potential to produce equally good meds indoor or out if she gets optimal conditons of course. also for a better flavor outdoor use a sand based soil with MILD organic adds and later feed heavy with sweeteners like sugar daddy and SWEET ,mollases also works well but is usally less souluble , either way your in for a treat, besised who says its bad to enjoy your medicaton


New member
what's the best day to procure hindu skunk from sr71 for some one driving a long distance

weekends or week days ?

thnx much appreciated
Damn...you are a joke...I don't, never have and never would work for any dispensary, nursery, or what have you. I'm just a lowly 215 patient/cg trying to keep our community information pool clean from misinformation provided by trolls like you that can't help but click the post button wildly. Hopefully the people can figure out from their own research that I'm speaking truths and you are speaking unsubstantiated theories. Also...my name refers to real purple kush...the kind I used to get in the mid 90's...it had NOTHING in common with the bluesky PK, except that it showed some purpling when the temps were cool. I never got a chance to grow it myself, only smoked the flowers, but they were all OG Kush and nothing urkle-ish about it at all. OG kush is not the same as hindu kush or afghani kush, although they may share some ancestry. The "Hindu Kush Mountain Range" is in Afghanistan. OG kush goes for over $1000 an ounce many places in the US, the same cannot be said for hindu kush and afghani kush. The true ancestry is not widely know but IS widely debated, and I don't pretend to know the complete lineage. Sir, the reason you have so many posts is because you talk more than necessary...clearly you like to put your $.02 in, even though its almost never worth $.01, I don't have alot of posts because I don't need attention like you. Bye.

Rainman said:
Zoo - Great looking plant!!!You do everything justice when you grow it!

For everyone else, including the raging angry monkey. I am just here to debate and give what obvious, pitiful, little knowledge I have about local cuts I have had time with. The flower structures look dead on in my eyes and the high is similar to the kushes. I didn't verify that with K or any other guy im working for, I mean talking to. And we are supposed to believe your BS over the owner of the club because you come here and say he is full of shit?? Get over yourself! I am in no way affiliated with "any" club or "nursery", wasn't there when they gave birth to their kids and all that kinda stuff , dont know the bums name on the corner in "Tha Oakersterdam" so I really dont have a dog in the fight! You on the other hand cant wait to start throwing disrespect at anyone who doesn't buy your hype! Yeah my posts are more than yours but you brought that up for some reason!! You feeling a little inadequate there monkey boy? I am just giving my humble information from hanging out with hippies, dead heads, gang-bangers, farmers, med-users, etc..over the last 20 or so years. No one attacked you so why are you obviously so upset/angry that I could even think to have a difference of opinion from your humble grace!! When I was talkin to Mr Bush last night he said he really does like black people and the vice pres. didn't make a dime off the war. I mean since we are in cyberspace quoting all the people we have talked to and confirmed facts with!! Funny that a guy who wants to tell us it isn't the real deal wants to call himself Purpulkush! Thats funny and pathetic! You come here to help and all you get is skepticism?? Try not being a dick and maybe you get a better responses next time.

Oh!! and my mistake on the OG quote!! It was a Kush but which one ??? im told. Again please forgive me on that one! :badday:


The revolution will not be televised.....
Umm.... Are you serious snowflake??? Now I am a troll and posting wildly?? Thats funny coming he who posts a little, shows a little(basically nothing), and flames alot!!! It seems all you have to offer is your anger and fury for me and those who disagree with your unsubstantiated information. You have been a member since 06 but only have 189 post?? You either don't know anything or are real shy! I think I know which it is. So I am to beleive that you have a clue about "Real deal Purple Kush" that you have never grown and only smoked in the 90's?? What have you been doin since then?? If I was gonna call myself "White Widow", I would have had at least taken a few stabs at growing it out and having 1st hand knowledge of the plant that bears my name! Especially if I was gonna come into a forum and start flaming cats! I dont know what is funnier your obvious regurgitation of basic quotes you have read or your new info on the Kushes! You haven't given us any real info about the Real Purple Kush( that you have never grown by the way) that isn't a kush but, you are now gonna give us a lesson on the OG and Dutch Kushes??? So the Hindu Mtns are in Afghanistan?? Never would have thought to look there!!( but what about the part of the range that is in Pakistan?? Does it count or you just couldn't spell it??) $1,000 an ounce?(In your dreams clown!) Its not the Dutch version Hindu Kush or Afghani K.??? Wow that is amazing that you could have come to that conclusion on your own cause no one else would or has thought of that!!! Look it is obvious you are a kid or just plain crazy so why dont we agree to ignore you until you actually grow something or have something we can use in this forum which by the way is why we are here. To "post" (not necessarily wildly)and discuss things we are familiar with or have some first hand knowledge of. You already told us you have neither!! Peace


Active member
clark420 said:
By the way OG kush is a tall plant and doesnt have any kush characteristics. And the profile of the PK plants does look like a kush indicva profile. If you look up hindu kush on the internet it will tell you its from tyhe hindu mountains similar to a afgani.

Yah what I meant is that the PK doesn't have the same structure as OG kush I wasn't referring to actual kush indicas from the actual region. I agree the PK has kush region indica characteristics. I was just saying I'm pretty sure there is no OG in it. I think most of us on these boards are aware that OG kush and the socal kushes are very different from hindu kush afghani kush and other kush indicas from that region.


Active member
zoolander said:
I have doubts about OG being a kush but thats just me

I have no idea if OG Kush is an actual kush or not. It actually doesn't seem like the classic kushes at all. So it probably isn't. The fact of the matter though is that it and all the other socal kushes that are related to it are called kushes and so that's what they are known as. Leads to a lot of confusion. There should be two definitions or something. socal kushes and then real kushes. haha

Personally I'd much rather have a socal kush even if it isn't an actual kush.

Anyhow this threads way off topic so to bring it back around....

Hey SR71 if you guys are reading this I highly recommed getting an SFV cut or OG cut and stocking that. That'd be great Thanks! :smoke:
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i always thought it was common knowledge that the purple kush from bluesky was a renamed elite version of ultraviolet given to skunkwerks from k at trichrome tech. It was believed that there were a few different phenos, but nobody can confirm that.

Didnt it even say that in the menu or something??? I remember scrappy420 said that it was ultraviolet.

I dont know.. any more bickering needs to be taken to pm's to keep this thread free of bs.

Anyways, back on topic.

Anybody have any experience with the JTR? how does it yield compared to hindu skunk?
Im planning a small personal closet grow with 4 plants in 2 10 gal rubbermaid bubblers (or maybe just 2 plants... i still have yet to make the decision). Looking to yield the most i can from some bluesky genetics. Probably going to run the lucas formula to make my new hydro life easy.
Any help/advice/reccommendations are very much appreciated.


The revolution will not be televised.....
RD - If no one can confirm it and it was a rumor(common knowledge) to start.......?? You dont know....?? As for the BS, I like the way you come in and drop the hammer on us kids so the thread stays on topic!! Funny also!! But I digress!

Back to the topic! The JTR if it is the real JTR and not a renamed strain will be mostly sativa leaning(most of Subs stuff is), go at least 9 weeks for a proper finish and will have hard hitting candy-like frostiness at the finish. Alot of his gear is flavorful but takes a while to dial in. I almost threw all his gear away when the seedlings stayed tiny after everything else had shot way past them. Seeds were tiny as well. I have run these for a few years now along with his Spacequeen redo and love them both. I got mine through his site though and grew a few seeds out to find the girls I kept. Below is Sub's words on the strain taken from his own site......

OK Lets review why I made JTR! I would like to have Jacks Cleaner in seed form. I have been prompted to STS but I don’t believe in it. About 6 years ago I used a Blueberry to outcross the JC to. BOG used some of these seeds to create the famous lifesaver. Two years ago I used the JCB to back cross the JC to and created JC bx. Lost yet? Even though the JC bx kicks ass has won awards and is used in breeding projects it was Not what I was looking for. Also about that time I ran Vic’s Space Queen and found it to be some of the best weed I ever smoked. We also found an amazing Space Queen male that Jill used to create Jillybean and we used to create Spacejill.

Quote from seed vendor site:

High Times Top Ten list 2006
Featured in the Big Book of Buds 3 Page 86,87,88,89

Jack the Ripper is well named because it is absolutely killer weed. A true 8 week Sativa Haze the first thing growers notice is the incredible lemon smell and heavy resin production. It has been described by UK growers as the best 8 week haze ever produced.
This plant will produce triangle shaped spear buds that pretty much stopped active calyx growth early and produced copious amounts of resin instead, resin production was evident from day 12 in 12/12 but really started to fatten up the heads around day 50 or so.
I find it performs best unstopped with a long vegetive period. The high is very creeper at first you may think that its not so strong but then whammo...it hits you hard and there's no turning back then...you will be deep in thought and meditative for quite some time...the duration and intensity is strong and thought provoking.

Phenotypes - Two main phenotypes both with a Lemon Haze smell and short growth one tends to be more a pine smell.
Height-Look for the Short Pheno/ Colas swell late
Yield-Medium-Heavy / Moderate trim work
Indoor/ Outdoor
Best way to grow- Untopped and vegged to a full bush.
Harvest Window_8-9 weeks
Sativa/ Indica 70/30
Hybrid-Pluton X Purple Haze X Lambsbread X NL X Jack Herer X Romulan X Cindy99BCGA
High type-Intense, trippy, visual, phase shifting, increased heart rate, heavy crash increased appetite, pain relief, paranoia
Taste Like: Lemon mango pine hash with a heavy haze influence

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+1 thanks for the info rainman. Looking at the effects, it doesnt look like a winner for me and my anxiety problems!!! Dont want paranoia or an increased heart beat

Hindu skunk it is!


p.k., white widow, and hindu skunk doing well outdoor

p.k., white widow, and hindu skunk doing well outdoor

I wanted to share my bluesky strains, outdoor versions.
1st, the p.k.
shes been vegging since march.

now the white widow, I think this strain was most meant for outdoor growing out of blueskys strains. The buds look perfect, and the bud structure is spear shaped.

unfortunately the worms like the white widow much more than the others.
I probably lost a couple ounces to these little bastards, I have picked off about 50+ worms in the past 3 weeks.
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