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SR71 Strainguide and Clones

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Rainman said:
Umm.... Are you serious snowflake??? Now I am a troll and posting wildly?? Thats funny coming he who posts a little, shows a little(basically nothing), and flames alot!!! It seems all you have to offer is your anger and fury for me and those who disagree with your unsubstantiated information. You have been a member since 06 but only have 189 post?? You either don't know anything or are real shy! I think I know which it is. So I am to beleive that you have a clue about "Real deal Purple Kush" that you have never grown and only smoked in the 90's?? What have you been doin since then?? If I was gonna call myself "White Widow", I would have had at least taken a few stabs at growing it out and having 1st hand knowledge of the plant that bears my name! Especially if I was gonna come into a forum and start flaming cats! I dont know what is funnier your obvious regurgitation of basic quotes you have read or your new info on the Kushes! You haven't given us any real info about the Real Purple Kush( that you have never grown by the way) that isn't a kush but, you are now gonna give us a lesson on the OG and Dutch Kushes??? So the Hindu Mtns are in Afghanistan?? Never would have thought to look there!!( but what about the part of the range that is in Pakistan?? Does it count or you just couldn't spell it??) $1,000 an ounce?(In your dreams clown!) Its not the Dutch version Hindu Kush or Afghani K.??? Wow that is amazing that you could have come to that conclusion on your own cause no one else would or has thought of that!!! Look it is obvious you are a kid or just plain crazy so why dont we agree to ignore you until you actually grow something or have something we can use in this forum which by the way is why we are here. To "post" (not necessarily wildly)and discuss things we are familiar with or have some first hand knowledge of. You already told us you have neither!! Peace

Man....you sound like a republican, you can't debate the issues so you just attack me. You clearly don't know shit about weed, you are a forum monkey....and you accuse me of regurgitating info? LOL... Your posts highlight your ignorance better than I could if I was willing to waste more of my time educating you, moron. Tell me more about how BlueSky's PK is a Pakistani Purple crossed with Hindu Kush....I need a good laugh.
Thanks for clearing that up... certainly not trying to pull you into an argument but I was hoping someone would chime in and straighten us out. RainMan claims this is just a "rumor", I think thats a little unfair...

ReeferDan said:
i always thought it was common knowledge that the purple kush from bluesky was a renamed elite version of ultraviolet given to skunkwerks from k at trichrome tech. It was believed that there were a few different phenos, but nobody can confirm that.

Didnt it even say that in the menu or something??? I remember scrappy420 said that it was ultraviolet.

I dont know.. any more bickering needs to be taken to pm's to keep this thread free of bs.

Anyways, back on topic.

Anybody have any experience with the JTR? how does it yield compared to hindu skunk?
Im planning a small personal closet grow with 4 plants in 2 10 gal rubbermaid bubblers (or maybe just 2 plants... i still have yet to make the decision). Looking to yield the most i can from some bluesky genetics. Probably going to run the lucas formula to make my new hydro life easy.
Any help/advice/reccommendations are very much appreciated.


Rainman said:
Umm.... Are you serious snowflake??? Now I am a troll and posting wildly?? Thats funny coming he who posts a little, shows a little(basically nothing), and flames alot!!! It seems all you have to offer is your anger and fury for me and those who disagree with your unsubstantiated information. You have been a member since 06 but only have 189 post?? You either don't know anything or are real shy! I think I know which it is. So I am to beleive that you have a clue about "Real deal Purple Kush" that you have never grown and only smoked in the 90's?? What have you been doin since then?? If I was gonna call myself "White Widow", I would have had at least taken a few stabs at growing it out and having 1st hand knowledge of the plant that bears my name! Especially if I was gonna come into a forum and start flaming cats! I dont know what is funnier your obvious regurgitation of basic quotes you have read or your new info on the Kushes! You haven't given us any real info about the Real Purple Kush( that you have never grown by the way) that isn't a kush but, you are now gonna give us a lesson on the OG and Dutch Kushes??? So the Hindu Mtns are in Afghanistan?? Never would have thought to look there!!( but what about the part of the range that is in Pakistan?? Does it count or you just couldn't spell it??) $1,000 an ounce?(In your dreams clown!) Its not the Dutch version Hindu Kush or Afghani K.??? Wow that is amazing that you could have come to that conclusion on your own cause no one else would or has thought of that!!! Look it is obvious you are a kid or just plain crazy so why dont we agree to ignore you until you actually grow something or have something we can use in this forum which by the way is why we are here. To "post" (not necessarily wildly)and discuss things we are familiar with or have some first hand knowledge of. You already told us you have neither!! Peace

This Rainman is right!!! I was at SR today and they told me the pk cutting was from Amsterdam thats what they said. And I could really care less what strain it is. Its an elite cut that is lucky to even be around in dumb asses hands. (Oh yeah and 2 Purple Kush) if your 90's shit was really purple kush it wouldnt need cold temps to turn purple so save yourself the humility of another post!!


its kush and its purple , or it wouldnt be labled as such ,
many of the plants charateristics help proof this theroy,
but like many of lifes situations theroy is all you get .
so if it works then run with it untill you can prove it wrong or impove the whole thoery.
untill then shut off about it .
clark420 said:
This Rainman is right!!! I was at SR today and they told me the pk cutting was from Amsterdam thats what they said. And I could really care less what strain it is. Its an elite cut that is lucky to even be around in dumb asses hands. (Oh yeah and 2 Purple Kush) if your 90's shit was really purple kush it wouldnt need cold temps to turn purple so save yourself the humility of another post!!

Your proof of lineage is that you went to bluesky and they told you its an elite cut from amsterdam...What kind of toy are you? And whats more moron, there is plenty of legitimate purple that isn't purple colored...many purple strains turn without cold temps, many do not. There is alot of top notch purple with no purple color in fact, if you knew anything about purple you would realize this. Also...get a life and don't believe everything you hear in jokesterdam.
TwistedRemedy said:
its kush and its purple , or it wouldnt be labled as such ,
many of the plants charateristics help proof this theroy,
but like many of lifes situations theroy is all you get .
so if it works then run with it untill you can prove it wrong or impove the whole thoery.
untill then shut off about it .

Friend, are you suggesting that dispensaries are not guilty of mislabeling strains for marketing purposes? Sorry to burst your bubble but most dispensaries do this with clones and flowers and concentrates. Blue Sky is managing to charge around 3 times the going rate for bay area clones, because they have managed to convince people like you that this is an elite purple/kush hybrid when in fact THE GUY WHO GOT THEM THE PLANT, IS THE ONE WHO TOLD US WHERE IT CAME FROM. It's Ultraviolet....period... there is no kush in it....and none of the plant characteristics match kush.... NONE of them...You guys keep insisting that your theory is as good as any but you are operating on assumptions whereas I am TELLING YOU THE FACTS.


Yo Rainman thanks for that info on the Jack the Ripper strain, I just threw 9
of these into soil in solo cups, 1 into DWC, and one is still in rockwool...

EDIT: I tried talkin a deal with the guy there for 12 for 100 and he let the dozen
go for 72 (buy one get one) which was pretty sweet. :joint:
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The revolution will not be televised.....
Jim - Glad to help. The JTR is some pretty good stuff if you can take the pulse racing and heart pounding it tends to bring on. Good luck with your girls and keep us posted. Peace.


Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper

This isn't the SR-71 cut, but it's a good representitive of the strain:



It's the center nug in this shot:

heres some trainwreck x w.w. just picked...got the cuttings from a friend on IC Mag it tryed to turn purple with hot temps this time its a great cut

jim dankness

Active member
Santa Cruz 420 said:
heres some trainwreck x w.w. just picked...got the cuttings from a friend on IC Mag it tryed to turn purple with hot temps this time its a great cut

gorgeous flower... thanks for sharing. trainwreck x widow sounds like an great combo!


Active member
"Originally Posted by clark420
This Rainman is right!!! I was at SR today and they told me the pk cutting was from Amsterdam thats what they said. And I could really care less what strain it is. Its an elite cut that is lucky to even be around in dumb asses hands. (Oh yeah and 2 Purple Kush) if your 90's shit was really purple kush it wouldnt need cold temps to turn purple so save yourself the humility of another post!!"

You could go to SR 10 different times and ask them about that cut and get 10 different answers. The guys at SR know about as much as you do. Skunkwerks and SR are not the same people. I'm leaning towards it being ultraviolet from the pictures of ultraviolet that were posted earlier when this clone first came out and the info provided on these boards from the clone providers themselves. Seems to be a fact for the most part. Go back and search. Nowhere is Amsterdam mentioned. I think the hostility needs to stop we are just trying to share information and knowledge amongst eachother whats the problem.

To say that the PK is an elite cut that is lucky to be in dumb asses hands is basically calling yourself a dumbass. Come on now everyone deserves to have access to elite clones why the fuck not?
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Active member
Anyhow I think the PKs overrated anyway and it's not worth $20 a clone thats for sure.
I grew it out for a year or so and I'm glad I got rid of it. I wish SR would get some better genetics. I'm not interested in the JTR or querkle. I guess it's better than the AK white widow crap lol, but I'd really like to see something better. A friend of mine is trying out the JTR and querkle so I'll wait before I totally count em out.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Man Some folks just dont get it!!?? Below you will find a quote from Capt. Crip regarding the SR-71 cut and Ultraviolet cut. Lets move on please!!!

Quoted from the Ultraviolet Project thread
Yes I know there is a clone called Ultra Violet!!!It's the clone I'm using,it's not Leda Uno...LOL!!!But is a Purple Kush...If you read HT back in the day you will remember a crew known as Trichome Tech...Growers known as K and Sharky...
I am working to stabilize this clone through an outcross and inbreeding...
so what I am working on IS the UV cut...It would seem the work you are doing is misleading,,,yes???
Take care nonetheless........................................CC

No Kush in it?? No characteristics!! Operating on assumptions and not facts??? I think we have wasted enough time with this horse. If you need more on the cut and you can't talk to K at Trich. Tech, read the thread and get all the info you need. If you can talk to K then ask him why the story he gave PurpleKush is sooo different than the one real growers and those in the know have!!!
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Guys am I missing something about the SR 71 PK , Mine is super frosty super sticky and smells great and I will say that it lags more then others in yield but it looks to be great and I will soon know but what am I not getting about it not be good ?


The revolution will not be televised.....
Zoo - There is nothing in my eyes to not like! She is slow to veg and weak in the yield dept. but I have other strains for that! She is just grape mind candy and I think every grower should have a chance to see for themselves how special she is. You will love her at the size you vegged her to cause you will have a nice yield(as nice as she goes in the yielding dept.) of hard frosty nuggs. Take care and let us know what you think when you get her finished. Peace bro.
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