Good Call.. I said my piece. back to commerical growing.
ChaosCatalunya said:A good book to read is called "Budding secrets" about a gang planning a massive commercial grow in California, it is spot on with all the human greed/stupidity rubbish... turns out the locals all know what they are up to..
Years ago, when we started growing, 2 friends went full on indoors in 2 houses with third parties, and the usual nightmares....another just set up a small efficient room at home. Like the Hare and the Tortoise, the guy who just consistently churned out 55 Oz crops every 60 days surely came out the winner after all was said and done.
TGT said:Anyone have any information on generators they would like to add. These play a big part in any large scale grow op.
OriginalyPosted said:the book Budding prospects was a good book ?
ChaosCatalunya said:lying to people is easy, getting away with it, hard.
TGT said:What I think is a great way to do a larger grow is off the grid with a diesel generator. I have a friend that purchased a $20,000.00 generator and placed it in a barn at the back of his house. He has 20 - 1000 watt HPS going and pulls off almost 40 pounds every 2 months like clock work. There is quite a large amount of over-head as he has to pay for the diesel, but obviously the pay out is very lucrative. I believe the generator he has is one called a Whisper Generator, the company that makes it I am not sure of. TGT
LiLWaynE said:so fucking true
BrainOGrefuGee said:yea....back on topic.....my advice for someone just starting to go "big" is to stay in soil...this way you have a buffer....
see with hydro you can lose a whole crop within hours if something goes wrong...imagine putting all your money into going big and losing your first crop due to malfunction or whatever..then imagine counting on that crop for rent, bills, or whatever...boo-hoo sorry for you
stay in soil and if something goes wrong you will at least have a chance to correct it without losing your entire crop...
British_Bulldog said:Re: lying and getting away with it
Well remember this, that every good lie is based on the truth, and you need to look them straight in the eye, without rubbing under your nose (body language for lying).
British_Bulldog said:Re: lying and getting away with it
Well remember this, that every good lie is based on the truth, and you need to look them straight in the eye, without rubbing under your nose (body language for lying).
Btw the thing aboit coco being reuse i dont think that's such a good idea dude.