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Smoking with your pets? Opinions? Share your stories?


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Hey.... this is not a post about smoking with pets... but I would appreciate if everybody reading this would dedicate their next puff to Lil Wisdom. We got her as a rescue from a shelter. She had numerous skin and internal issues. Last night was her last night.

Puffin' one for Wisdom, though she never smoked herself.

Miss you, sweetie.


Well-known member
Hey.... this is not a post about smoking with pets... but I would appreciate if everybody reading this would dedicate their next puff to Lil Wisdom. We got her as a rescue from a shelter. She had numerous skin and internal issues. Last night was her last night.

Puffin' one for Wisdom, though she never smoked herself.

Miss you, sweetie.

Shit, that sucks man. I will hug my lil' buddy extra hard tonite, can't think about my doggie leaving.

Back to the subject, my pup prefers to watch me smoke from a few feet away - but he does love eating green leaves!


I stopped smoking cigarettes because they made my old dog wheeze, the better for the both of us. My dog seems indifferent to weed, i dont blow it in his face though.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
my old guy(RIP) ate a quarter of hash when he was about a year old, he puked little puddles full of chewed up hashy bits all over the kitchen and was properly wasted, for a good 48 hours,I knew he was ok though as he did drag himself up when i filled his food bowl up throughout that period, so he wasnt sick, just proper mashed , and he must have been, I remember how farout I was after swallowing a gram of black when I got locked out of my mates bus on a travellers site, so think how fucked he was, 7 times as much, and much less body weight to boot.


Active member
hell no . i dont need a german shepard with a habit.no drugs while on guard duty. the dog has to die and be reincarnated as a human to get any weed


Active member
My dog got hit by a car some years back. He wouldn't let me pick him up without wanting to bite me. He was in alot of pain so I did the only thing I could think of to help him out. I took out my trusty bubbler, loaded up some of my finest bubblehash, proceded to blow about 4-5 bowls worth in his face. Figured if I could hardly stand he was probably just as far gone. Picked him up no problem after that, and in bout half an hour you wouldn't have even known anything was wrong with him. Even the vet commented on how calm he was, and didn't seem to be experiencing alot of pain considering the injury. I never force my animals to smoke, but find most of them seem to like it :comfort:.


Well-known member
My dog eats the bits of leafs that drop on the floor while I'm trimming. Also caught him eating leafs off the plants in the greenhouse.....He got barred this year.


Well-known member
cats and weed

cats and weed

Oh you are going to make the cat lovers mad. My black cat loves to munch a leaf when I inspect the grow. No bad effects there. In college we used to throw a cat into a bag and blow smoke in there. Funny. Also a dog got into the weed and ate half a lid. That made him really dumb.


Back when I was a teenager my buddy had a cat that would come sit on your chest and wanted you to blow smoke in his face. Whenever we toked up the cat was there begging for his share.
My dog now eats all the leaves on the floor and if you drop a bud he snarfs it down before you have time to pick it up. He is also so dumb he eats the cat nip leaves I bring in for the cats.


I often smoke while my miniature pinscher is in the same room. She doesn't seem to mind and it doesn't bother her. She's very attracted to the smell of used up vaporized buds (smells like popcorn to me); she'd probably eat them if I let her. It's funny, whenever I get munchies I give treats to the dog as well. She's probably thinking, "I love it when he's high; he forgets all about enforcing discipline and obedience." :)


Active member
My cat really started to stealing leafes from plants... When i go into room, she always stares and waiting to slump into grow box...
One time eat half of the young plant :| But he survived and was called: 50 percent :D What about smoke, doesnt enjoy it, my cat is really ego-centered, really shy and weed makes her paranoid and mad. Other kitty is still young, so I want to grow him >20lb , hope weed helps it :DD
I have two kitties, the mom and her kitten boy. She hates any sort of smoke but he runs up to me when I'm about to take a bong rip because he loves it. It's not the first cat i meet that genuinely enjoys weed smoke lol explain THAT, please? :D


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor

My dogs love my brownies...puts them to sleep for about 24 hours, then they wake up and eat 1/2 bag of dog food...lol

Also Canna-Cat like to grab buds and eat them also...doesn't seem to bother him, only thing is he gets real slow and sleepy


Active member
My view

My view

First let me say I've had many animals, from ferrets, dogs, and cats to ducks, goats and chickens. I guess some might sat I'm an animal lover, but more I just try to respect all life (sorry to get...hippyish).

Almost 7 years ago now, when I first started back growing and smoking after an over 20 year hiatus serving in the military, traveling/moving a lot, meanwhile raising family, I was surfing online reading all I could about cannabis. A lot has changed over the years. One of the first sites I frequented was cannabis.com where the discussion about smoking out your pets was discussed at length. Now I haven't read this huge thread, nor am about to, but I'm sure there are many naysayers that have voiced their opinions.

My view about smoking out animals is that it's one thing to let the natural curiosity of animals that eat leaves or buds, but it's quite another to hold the animals head and blow smoke in it's face. I, and many people, view that as animal cruelty, inhumane, and actually possibly a criminal act.

We just don't know, and can't know, exactly what cannabis smoke does to the animal. I'm sure this position/view is contrary to many and I don't really care if anyone thinks if they personally flame me it adds to anything. I'm only looking for discussion and try to respect opposing points of view because I KNOW there are and those positions/views are as valid as mine. So, what's your view? :tiphat:


Sorcerer's Apprentice
The receptor site that THC fits in our brain originated in Sea Squirts:



What this means is that pretty much ALL vertebrate animals share this receptor. (All mammals, birds, fish and reptiles that evolved since sea squirts.)

What this means is that most animals can PROBABLY get high the same way we do. But keep in mind what it was like the first few times you got REALLY high, and realize that some pets might not enjoy this.

If your dog comes running up to you when you smoke, that's one thing. But anybody who holds an animal down and FORCES them to smoke is an asshole.

Some PEOPLE don't like getting high. Just because you can, doesn't mean you want to.

Treat your animals like you'd treat your kids. If you wouldn't hold your three year old daughter down and force her to shotgun bong hits, don't do it to your cat.


Active member
I grew up with a dalmatian. He used to find us whenever we were smoking and did everything possible to get in front of our exhales. Used to do this weird snorting, biting routine to the smoke. After a few times we'd blow it right at him and he'd do the same thing.

When he'd had enough he'd run large circles at full speed in the yard. After a while he'd go to sleep. Same thing every time. He clearly wanted it. Don't think I'd push it on a dog that wasn't interest though.