My pets have consumed the herb in various manners......I love them,they love me.....nobody's being neglected,we all get to share. From the goats to the chickens.......from the cats to the dogs. Nothing but the best for every living thing.
I only feed them wheel barrels full of leaf. The chickens get the leaf as well. We use the stems for fire starter.Please be careful of feeding goats cannabis stalks. There are numerous documented cases of the fibers getting stuck between the goat stomachs and causing the animals to die in a most unpleasant way. Evidently cows are just fine with it, but goat stomachs aren't designed to process that kind of fiber (even if they'd like to)!
i don't blow smoke at my cat's face because she doesn't like it... her nose is much more sensitive than mine (or humans for that matter) ...
but she's crazy for leafs...although she doesn't touch in the bud's
lol check this link... have a cat!? don't like trimming!? this is your solution!!...
I wonder how animals instinctively know what plants are good for them?