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Smoking with your pets? Opinions? Share your stories?


amazing how many animals seem to be attracted to the smoke in this thread. my 2 cats do love the fan leaves and one of them will stay in the room i'm smoking in for a while sometime, but i don't think she's staying for the smoke, while the male will leave as son as i light up. i have a feeling the fan leaves are good for them within limits. the way they enthusiastically munch on them like a couple of cows always makes me smile.


Professor Organic Psychology
My dog has eaten it in cookies (a couple of times) and it was not a pretty site. He is a big pit bull, about 35kg. He was walking sideways, falling down, shaking. I wrapped him up in a blanket because he was shivering. I checked on him a few hours later and he shit on himself. Maybe a little in moderation. Not saying no exactly, but they do not know what is coming at them and how to take it. It may be terrifying and paranoia inciting.


ICMag Donor

this is my dog ​​... or brother ... Is a «amstaff» red nose.we've been together for seven years. the "link" is very strong. It is a very intelligent dog, with a protective instinct out of the ordinary. I would have stories to tell .. In the evening, before bed, smoking and he always never fails .. but only grass, hash does not like, it makes you sneeze ... He likes to eat the leaves of hemp ... my girlfriend says that we are a show ...


Our animals (2 cats,1 dog) run when they see us spark up, but if they are not paying attention and blow smoke there way they end up extra relaxed just chilling out somewhere. I wonder if they know they are high? hahaha


Dog- a brown mutt that stinks no matter how many baths are given.

Once in about grade 9 i was smoking out in the woods in Georgia with my dog during summer.
It was the first time i had really "bought" a sack of pot for myself.I spent 40 dollars and had me a about a softball of greenery.
I took my dog for a walk (my cover for going to try this radical pot, more than i had ever SEEN). Out into the woods i went, pulled out a homemade water bong style apparatus (12 or 16 oz coke bottle, bic pen tube, and a socket and some aluminum foil)
I toked and i toked a nice one, all as the dog had her fun, playing and sniffing. She definitely showed a particular interest to what i was doing.
When it was time to go i got up,brushed myself off, looked down and saw
about 50+ seed ticks embedded in my flesh on my left ankle.It makes me itch just thinking about it.
I instantly went and got in the water , pulled them out, burned them with a lighter if they hadn't already bit. My buzz was DESTROYED and i was a shaking mess. My dog continued cheerily on , with absolutely no idea what had happened, but maybe a little dance.
I had dealt with ticks but never that many at one time. It didn't fully heal for months.


I grew up with a dalmatian. He used to find us whenever we were smoking and did everything possible to get in front of our exhales. Used to do this weird snorting, biting routine to the smoke. After a few times we'd blow it right at him and he'd do the same thing.

When he'd had enough he'd run large circles at full speed in the yard. After a while he'd go to sleep. Same thing every time. He clearly wanted it. Don't think I'd push it on a dog that wasn't interest though.

They say a dog is a reflection of the owner, my dog will also ANNOY me shitless while smoking, worming and rolling around , getting between my arm and the bong ,i was like, WTF YOU ANNOYING *CURSES*. Then finaly one day i blew one good exhale for her, a couple sneezes, she sits right on down like a human .
My cats are indifferent on bud it seems. They are catnip heads for sure, If I am smoking and they come up all curious I will exhale for them gently and let them stick their face in it. One of my cats seems to get the point of it, because he will flinch and run away.... at first. then he comes back for more, and if he is asking for it I am happy to oblige. I did notice that when he eats he always overeats, and often throws up and weed seemed to alleviate that.

My old dogs were a totally different story, they knew when I had weed and they would follow me until I took them for a walk and shotgunned them in the woods, yes they would stick their snouts in my mouth, so they wanted it. One dog would cuddle with me all night, and the other would get the munchies REALLY bad, but she ate the coolest stuff so she was fun to have around. Her favorite food was sour patch kids, followed by oranges/clementines. I miss that dog so damn much.


Well-known member
Got a story. Its funny now but I felt bad when it happened.

I was in my bathroom cleanin out my pipe. I cleaned up all the resin into paper towels and threw them out in the garbage waste basket.
Couple days later my parents dog (Sammoyed) ate the paper towels. I cleaned up the mess not giving it much thought.

That night Helga wouldnt come out of her cage. Not to go to bed or bathroom. My dad tried pulling/guiding her out of the cage and she just laid there, panting. We noticed she pissed herself in the cage. We got worried and took her to the emergency vet at 1 am.
The doctor examines helga and asks us a few questions. 'Is there any chance she was exposed to inebrients?' I told the story. The doctor said anytime a dog cant stand up on its own and is SCARED by being pet then its high on cannabis.
I felt sooooo bad. I had no idea dogs could get like that. Sinse then Im careful smoking around dogs. My JackRussel caught a buzz once accidentaly and winced whenever i went to pet him.

If you ask me, only use cannine cannabis if cancer is involved, and even then know your dog metabolizes way more efficiently than we do


My female bluenose pit bull has gotten into cookie edibles that were wrapped up and sitting on the counter. She got them from standing onto the couch and bit through the wrapper and ate two full cookies when just a half of one would get you extremely baked. She walked so strangely, walking sideways and would fall over onto her side. It was hilarious, her eyes were also very low. It was also kind of sad because she would kind of whimper. It lasted 3 days!


once when I still with my girl he had a yorkie,one day the dog was like shit cant stand on his feet,my girl gets paranoid calls the vet and start talking with him about the prob.
I go to the dog and just find a little bud to his mustage :biggrin:
the fucker find me weed and eat tow good buds,with not been tedektit for my girl,i got to the kitchen and put in his mouth a full spoon with honey :biggrin: recovery was in its way.
the day after I told her what happen,and a she was cleaning she turns to the dog and shay to him,whats gone be next ecstasy :laughing:
hope you get my storie with my crap English.

I have a 2.5 year old english bulldog, and while I smoke all day in front of her, I never blow smoke directly into her face. She'll sneeze every now and then when she's just chilling with me while i'm smoking. I just don't want to risk anything since english bulldogs already have a hard time breathing with their smushed face.


my budgie used to love african bush weed, seeds and flowers
preferred it over good modern hybrids
after a few months daily ingestion he took to hanging upside down off his perch at 10.50 pm everyday. could set ya watch by him
cool old bird


Well-known member
My dogs love herb. If I am sitting at the kitchen table burning thhe will come sit right in front of me until I am done, then go wonder off as soon as it is out. I have two labs, one 6 and one 10, both have enjoyed smoke since they were puppies.


Well-known member
buddy had a kitten when I was young(er). we'd catch him, put him in a paper bag & shotgun him. when he grew up, you could lay a paper bag in the floor & he'd run right in & wait for it, LOL!


Active member
Well, my oldest dog Roxy is starting to go a bit more downhill in the back leg dept.

She gets 1 tsp of cannabutter when she is limping...Damn near take my fingers off to get at the butter...

Eats it....acts a bit goofy once it kicks in (30-45min for the dog) then eventually she gets all lovey dovey rolling around on her back wanting her belly rubbed (THIS NEVER HAPPENS)...eventually she goes in her chair and sleeps.... She did fall outta the chair once..quite funny.

Overall if she could, I think she would eat butter every day...she sure gets excited when the tub comes out.