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Shiva Grows


Well-known member

Doing a smoke test of the CBDenergy. It's not as good as the CBD weed I've been buying to be honest, more bland. And low yielding, late nanners... cuts have been composted.

The CBDrelax was a much better yielder but it's not as frosty and doesn't smell much. Too wet to smoke so the verdict is still out. But for sure will pop some Charlotte's Angel for the next round looking for that CBD keeper mom.


Well-known member
View attachment 19016621

Doing a smoke test of the CBDenergy. It's not as good as the CBD weed I've been buying to be honest, more bland. And low yielding, late nanners... cuts have been composted.

The CBDrelax was a much better yielder but it's not as frosty and doesn't smell much. Too wet to smoke so the verdict is still out. But for sure will pop some Charlotte's Angel for the next round looking for that CBD keeper mom.
did you say you had a extreme high e.c that grow?


Well-known member

Dinachem is doing very well with the high EC and environment generally, and smells amazing. So I will put some blame on the genetics and not take all of the responsibility where other strains fail. Though of course some strains are easier to grow than others and so on, or just different requirements..


Well-known member
she was still lounging ... my wee baby . treat time
The dry food just reminded me of the time with my cat. He did not tolerate any processed food and got serious health problems. I always bought around once a month 10 kg of chick and a rabbit for him. It was quite a mess to cut up the hare and offal and put it through the mincer. At that time I lived in a buddhist center and it was disturbing for some people when I cut up the rabbit with a cleaver. Time to break concepts. But there were also drug dealers, whores and soldiers in that lineage and nearly all had taken drugs before 😁
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Well-known member
View attachment 19016621

Doing a smoke test of the CBDenergy. It's not as good as the CBD weed I've been buying to be honest, more bland. And low yielding, late nanners... cuts have been composted.

The CBDrelax was a much better yielder but it's not as frosty and doesn't smell much. Too wet to smoke so the verdict is still out. But for sure will pop some Charlotte's Angel for the next round looking for that CBD keeper mom.

Maybe it needs more curing?
You are still trying CBD#1 from Ace, right?


Well-known member
Maybe it needs more curing?
You are still trying CBD#1 from Ace, right?
Sure, it will improve, but only to an extent, smoothing out some rough edges. "OG Kush level" terps won't just appear out of nowhere..

Maybe some day but not really in a hurry to try the CBD#1. The local doesn't seem to be too interested in restocking any ACE gear so would have to order online, which I try to avoid if possible. The orange peeley aroma sounds like something that would give me a headache, and in some photos I've seen it looks really leafy (though the leaves are frosty). Also a bit hot on the THC, probably not piss test safe. Pretty expensive beans too, 65 EUR for 5.


Well-known member
So Dutch Passions CBD Compassion Lime isn’t for you either.
It has 1:1 CBD to THC.

Just started another bean after the first one was eaten by snails.
The 1:1 ratio can be really pleasant in effect so I'm not against it but from the mother hunt I'm looking for a CBD-only plant.

Did you do anything to prevent the same fate befalling the new bean? Copper tape or something.. I've seen some people use that.


Well-known member
The 1:1 ratio can be really pleasant in effect so I'm not against it but from the mother hunt I'm looking for a CBD-only plant.
I'm looking forward to seeing the effect.
Did you do anything to prevent the same fate befalling the new bean? Copper tape or something.. I've seen some people use that.
What’s the english word?
Snail collar? I bought some and they protected the other plants very well.

(The plant got the collar later, so snails were eating some of the leaves)

The seeds were actually bought by a friend and then he gave them to me because before he planted them he smoked pharmacy grade high thc cannabis from a friend and became irritable, wasn't fit in the morning and made a lot of mistakes at work.

He suffers from MS and has stiff legs and muscles very often, so I told him to test the strain.

I will veg the plant at home and will see, if he plants it in the garden.


Well-known member
I'm looking forward to seeing the effect.

What’s the english word?
Snail collar? I bought some and they protected the other plants very well.
View attachment 19016760
(The plant got the collar later, so snails were eating some of it))

The seeds were actually bought by a friend and then he gave them to me because before he planted them he smoked pharmacy grade high thc cannabis from a friend and became irritable, wasn't fit in the morning and made a lot of mistakes at work.

He suffers from MS and has stiff legs and muscles very often, so I told him to test the strain.

I will veg the plant at home and will see, if he plants it in the garden.
looking good , ideal time to have an auto plant flowering in the long days . i have a seedling auto at the farm that may not do too well