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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
i could get my hands on a harlequin clone pretty easy. sounds also quite intriguing. and i have about 100 seeds from my own potential type 2 cross to go through.... i guess i have to start, youre right.

my blend with the amnesia had a bit of a comedown.. only good for spare time toking.

next i'll try a cbd and hash mix. also potential evening smoke rather.
Can you get the Harlequin bud, have you tried it?


Well-known member
Think I'll pop some Dance World for the next grow, that should be a 1:1.

Wondering if I should place all bets on CBDrelax clones for the CBD only stuff or buy some CBD Charlotte's Angel seeds as well. Someone said that it's good in another thread

Old Piney

Well-known member
ive taken a few days off regular bud, just cbd or none.
now i'm trying different ratios of cbd 'dominant' blends. ratios are plant material by volume and by eye, no weighing, no idea about the cannabinoid content except for the cbd mix wich has a razor sharp 4-9 percent of cbd with thc under 0.2 percent.
3:1 cbdtrim:colombian is almost too weak. just a slight head buzz.
3:1 cbdtrim:mistery orangeherb is pleasurable with the additional body component

30 minutes ago i vaped some approx. 4:1 cbdtrim:amnesia and thats a super nice buzz by now. a bit of acceleration at the beginning but like in the earlier days before i became too sensitive to thc. puts me in a good mood, slightly goofy feeling, and the body effect is nice and mellow.

maybe i should look into balanced chemotype cultivars... i really like this type of effect, reminds me a lot of the one single tester plant i grew out from my manipuri and lebanese cross.

makes me feel more centered than not.
like a day of summer holidays decades ago.
i'll have a coffee and try to act a bit more my actual age....
Looking for the perfect cultivar is cool but there is nothing wrong with just blending it's just easier, especially just to pinpoint what you like. I just popped 6 Ace Lebanese seeds I'm all excited


Well-known member
i had a thought about this terrorist organisation ' world health organisation ' , that are using bribes as leverage for a global coup . all governments are meant to represent the people, and work for the people.... but they ignore that law , and do shady deals and sell us out . they are trying to engineer another pandemic , we have communist institutions known as universities brainwashing the most obedient , and labs producing bioweapons , all funded by the folk they want to own , control and imprison .

all these migrants they have been flying in . the ' legal ' branches get houses paid for , lump sum of money[ 14 k] to buy vehicles etc etc , all paid for by the law abiding tax payer , who never had to the opportunity to vote on any of these issues , and never will . the illegals , are also allowed to stay , unvetted .... we have lawyers stealing a living , protecting these invaders .... some of these invaders are highly dangerous and low intelligence .

the who will employ all these bacon to be security , u.n soldiers, and the next plandemic security .... these folk hate the natives and would be happy to march up and down streets with a gun , telling us to remain inside as we are under arrest

they will be recruited to police us one way or the other ... imo

i know many people will disagree , but this is what is happening


Well-known member
everyday i drive to work , and all i see is new arrivals with there head down looking into their brand new smart phone, following directions by their slave masters .... sick world


da boveda kid
last week i was listening to a long interview with this rapper 'sonne ra' from east germany, he has his roots in algeria.
hes had a bunch of really scary experiences with racism as his parents were a 'mixed' couple. in the mid seventies all the german men armed with bats and knives and whatever they could find went out to kill all the algerian men cause they thought they were stealing and raping their women....

so decades later he's sitting inside a bus driving to an event where he was booked to perform on stage, some anti racism etc. etc. festival.
and people on the bus, who were managing the thing, were discussing all sorts of 'i know i'm a white privileged cis-hetero man but blah blah blah' and they were battling around with terms woke people like to throw around and shit.

at one point sonne ra was like 'everybody listen up! next person who says stuff like cis-privileged-hetero is gonna get slapped, i cant take this shit no more.'

eventually they arrive, he gets on stage, performs, and during the break the management approaches him telling him how some people in the audience 'were triggered' by his performance and they dont know if it would be ok that he finishes his set.

a week later some dude he has never heard of calls him at home(!), asking him to show up at some sort of committee they installed to evaluate if his lyrics were racist and how they should deal with it and so on.

the guy sonne ra was just completely perplexed how this guy even got his number and is now telling him what to do in an extremely german way, using some very german terms that i cant translate,
so hes like "YOU FUCKING NAZI, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND NEVER CALL HERE AGAIN!" and hangs up on his ass 😂😂😂