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Shiva Grows


Well-known member



Well-known member
the chem x lemon i have in autopot reminds me of a skunk, and the other pheno i now have flowering seems more chem like, but could change as it flowers


Well-known member
so, after more investigation and work ,,, my firend was not to blame for all the plant deaths. only half of those ... the bed is too live with thousands of worms breeding [ worms are good but not this many circling new plants roots ], beetles , other soil pests like grubs ,and all kinds of no good soil pests .

i soaked the bed with a diluted dose of rapeseed pyrethrum fatty acids , and then another application of neem and fatty acids diluted , applied to the whole bed and not the plants . then i soaked it all in also after each coating .

i don't want to use borax. i will order some nematodes . i removed any struggling plants to safety . some had hundreds of worms under them, some had beetles , one had grubs and milipides ,lol. the soil must need breaking down more than it is and the tarp layer has allowed them protection . spiders i have many and have been leaving them , ladybirds and soldier bettles i have been leaving .... some plants are ok , i left those . for now the bed is 6 months off being ready imo, so we we will grow plants to a more mature stage in pots , and keep treating the soil naturally to kill larvae and make the surface more hostile to pests and such


Well-known member
remove some tarp let all the areas dry out to near dust too , before re wetting and planting . let those predators get to work


Well-known member
i can use borax at the end of the season to kill them properly as its cheaper too

i just don't like the idea of it inbalancing the soil

for now we go with the flow

at least we have identified wtf was happening


Well-known member
Did a half load of logs to finish off the pub job this morning!
Celebrating with a fatty of the rose soul, bacon sandwich and some old tunes I haven’t heard in years, proper Sunday!

Gonna hibernate by the fire…


Wouldn’t be a proper pub without a pair of flash ladies boots slung on the roof hahaha