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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
i use mirtazapine 15 mg at night combination with gabapentin 1600 mg combination helps a lot…
15 mg is the smallest pill for some strange reason, I guess they would need to do some kind of approval process or something. But you could try to chop it up into quarters or eights if you like if it's for sleep. Less is more.. if it's for sleep, really works better, counterintuitively. Well I guess it's like booze, people who have a nightcap go snore and people who have the whole bottle go sing karaoke in the water fountain. :D


ICMag Donor
15 mg is the smallest pill for some strange reason, I guess they would need to do some kind of approval process or something. But you could try to chop it up into quarters or eights if you like if it's for sleep. Less is more.. if it's for sleep, really works better, counterintuitively. Well I guess it's like booze, people who have a nightcap go snore and people who have the whole bottle go sing karaoke in the water fountain. :D
Not sure I’ve only been using it for about four months I’m finding it very beneficial


Well-known member
and do not sleep next to your device either strainhunter .

a tinfoil quilt cover to sleep under and smoke loads of dope in your spare time

that could help


Well-known member
Not sure I’ve only been using it for about four months I’m finding it very beneficial
I've heard about this inverse efficacy from two people, one is a doctor and the other a nurse. Never tried a full pill because of that, so dunno, but for sure the about 2mg crumb puts me to sleep. I try not to use it every night though because it's not as good as natural sleep, or I feel less rested afterwards at least. But when you've got some shit keeping you up, and need to be somewhere in the morning, it's a godsend.


Well-known member
yeah. i moved away from the city regions . anxiety pits
Better air, nature and less traffic are so beneficial outside the city.
less work , less money , less problems kind of vibe .... not totally true , but we can't charge as much as we do in the city etc . double edge sword . i get nearly double my wages working in the city . no money is worth it ... maybe 100 k a week , like a footballer ,could bribe me.
In my area, you only pay half the rent from 30 to 40 kilometres away.
The working conditions could of course be better and I also don't like the chatter in small villages and the small-mindedness.
i use mirtazapine 15 mg at night combination with gabapentin 1600 mg combination helps a lot…
Thanks for the tips. I have an aversion to most pharmaceutical products. Why should I use antihypertensives when I can naturally thin the arteries with beetroot, L-arginine etc. and the blood with natokinase, for example, which not only significantly lowers blood pressure but also optimally supplies the body with nutrients?

If the sleep disorder is not permanent, I have also had very good experiences with the reishi mushroom. It is a very strong adaptogen and leads to a very deep sleep within a very short time.

I bought a private recipe and some cannabis from an pharmacy today. It is to expensive in the long term but I will try the quality and get some rest, till the next harvest.


Well-known member
been to the farm. same as usual . my friend has done absolutely nothing and allowed plants to die .... i told him straight i no longer teach him, and next year i only help him with the strawberry bed,,, as i bought all of the stock anyway and did all the work... i will take half the strawberries every year and leav him to grow what he likes , where and when... i will be diging up my asparagus , and rhubarb in the fall , and my tayberries , etc , i have loads of stock that he can keep .

that way, i'm still helping him but only with one type of fruit

iasked what he had done all weekend,,, ' fuck all ' he announced ... ' ok , no problem , next year your on your own', i respond


Well-known member
i'm looking forward to rigging up my yard again . renovation , and some adapting , multi levelled , multi tiered , super compact growing

i can hang out with my cat more too


Well-known member

Windowsill auto lol


Well-known member
How about some long walks?
Is that doable with your knee situation?
Should be okay again.
Didn’t hurt since a week now.
Good idea. Last year in spring i walked every morning an hour. Did forget about that.

been to the farm. same as usual . my friend has done absolutely nothing and allowed plants to die .... i told him straight i no longer teach him, and next year i only help him with the strawberry bed,,, as i bought all of the stock anyway and did all the work... i will take half the strawberries every year and leav him to grow what he likes , where and when... i will be diging up my asparagus , and rhubarb in the fall , and my tayberries , etc , i have loads of stock that he can keep .

that way, i'm still helping him but only with one type of fruit

iasked what he had done all weekend,,, ' fuck all ' he announced ... ' ok , no problem , i repsond. next year your on your own'
It is what it is.
I know people who have a lot of good ideas what can be done…they are planning and discussing but they are not reliable.
In ayurvedic science, it is a known as one of four main personalities.


Well-known member
pulled the first early potato . started to yellow up . got around 30 edible potatoes as expected .

i have not had time to plant at the swamp,,, i'm half in the mind of killing them all if my mate fucks around any more

looks like he ate most my berries without sharing and did not water anything lol . i got a few thankfully. i'm digging those up for sure


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Well-known member
lots of walking is nice and tiring and rewarding .... getting into that groove again is the hard part
Last year, when I got enough sleep, it was easy for me to get up an hour early and enjoy a walk at the lake which is only 15 minutes away. Unfortunately it is downtown and very overcrowded after lunchtime.
But in the morning at sunrise it is spectacular. Why did i forget it 😂


Well-known member
Should be okay again.
Didn’t hurt since a week now.
Good idea. Last year in spring i walked every morning an hour. Did forget about that.

It is what it is.
I know people who have a lot of good ideas what can be done…they are planning and discussing but they are not reliable.
In ayurvedic science, it is a known as one of four main personalities.
for a student , you are an intelligent chap


Well-known member
Should be okay again.
Didn’t hurt since a week now.
Good idea. Last year in spring i walked every morning an hour. Did forget about that.

It is what it is.
I know people who have a lot of good ideas what can be done…they are planning and discussing but they are not reliable.
In ayurvedic science, it is a known as one of four main personalities.
for a student , you are an intelligent chap

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