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Shiva Grows


da boveda kid



Well-known member
Was watchin this video and the NeoSpectra machine at 23:50 is pretty incredible.

Costs $7k ... edit whoa apparently for a year! Some kind of keep paying to play licensing.

Hope a hobbyist-affordable version of the tech comes out. :D


Well-known member
i passed out with my cat on my lap at 8 pm , and woke up just now dripping in sweat having a nightmare about being locked outside my house and my cat having no food remaining


Well-known member
When we were in Port Douglas, we went to the pub Sunday afternoon after going to a fete and I bought some raffle tickets for the meat raffle. Lo and behold I win half a fucking lamb.
Where is that cooler? Full of wine.
Nothing but sugar cane there haha. Even got a train line for it!

It’s not a proper pub unless it’s got a meat raffle and cane toad racing!!


Well-known member
That's some shelf you got if that's at the bottom
with it having old timer ' haze ' involved and all the arguing and silly names that occur, and then the elitism and such that goes along with it all , i get tired of reading that kind of stuff , so i devalue my names, and i have even stopped using the word ' hazr' . tom hill inspired me in that thread with ' muddyhay' , referring to the 99 out of 100 or anything not his own, and 'bottomshelf ' stems from that method of my thinking at the time

cheers brother


Well-known member
ordered some dahlia tubers. dinner plate types . the one i really wanted is the most expensive and can only be ordered at one place i could find and i keep getting an error on order. must be a glitch. i will get my business partner to order that 'richard jackson waterlily dahlia 'variety if possible .

i ordered a special variety called ' thomas edison' and a variety pack of dinner plate types.

i think maybe 2 more strains . get them propagated pronto and make clones. i'm 4 weeks behind but have the polytunnel to extend their season a few weeks


Well-known member
After the intrusion I’ve gone mad and cleared half the garden, cut everything back, cutting a few smaller trees out and remodelling our two veg gardens.

Going for one big bed over raised beds, and moving the chickens into the other.

Once I fix the damage to the greenhouse it will be used for the normal wintering of the fuchsia’s and seed germination/raising.

No more bud plants for a good few years, so I have plenty of time for growing food.


Well-known member
After the intrusion I’ve gone mad and cleared half the garden, cut everything back, cutting a few smaller trees out and remodelling our two veg gardens.

Going for one big bed over raised beds, and moving the chickens into the other.

Once I fix the damage to the greenhouse it will be used for the normal wintering of the fuchsia’s and seed germination/raising.

No more bud plants for a good few years, so I have plenty of time for growing food.
hopefully it as just stupid local young kids and it wont happen again


Not ICMag Donor
haha. i can't stand cyclists in the uk. cycle wankers. they follow no rules of the road, they have no road license , take zero safety tests , pay no road tax, are usually sanctimonious , and are possibly gimps[ obviously a few are cool people]
They're a complete cancer. The last few years have been so much worse than ever, with those shitty electric bycicles everywhere. Before those, you only had to deal with regular idiots on their bicycles which is bad enough. Now it's full of retired old people everywhere on the road endangering everyone. Literally everyday I'm on the main road, where's there's a 100 km/h limit, driving at 15 km/h with my emergency lights on because there's a pack of grandmas on their fucking e-bikes in the middle of the road. Genuinely infuriating.


Well-known member
They're a complete cancer. The last few years have been so much worse than ever, with those shitty electric bycicles everywhere. Before those, you only had to deal with regular idiots on their bicycles which is bad enough. Now it's full of retired old people everywhere on the road endangering everyone. Literally everyday I'm on the main road, where's there's a 100 km/h limit, driving at 15 km/h with my emergency lights on because there's a pack of grandmas on their fucking e-bikes in the middle of the road. Genuinely infuriating.
if you drive with 1 m of them they claim you are breaking the law, while they follow no laws. some roads are not even 2 metres wide.... useful idiots being used by the state to crush us from within.... war

forgive me, the good cyclists .... the few of you are amazing people i'm sure.... the majority of you are bellends though