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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
yeah i used to drink the monster energy stuff too.
i'd buy three 1,5liter bottles of good mineral water, carbonated. then i'd open all 3 and drink like 200 mils from each and split the can of monster between all 3 bottles of water. and drink like at least 2 of those mix bottles a day.
used to keep me well zapped.
anything carbonated is bad for us . it converts to carbolic acid , has low ph , and penetrates the enamel , more damage than the sugars feeding the bacteria can do , and the plaque. both bad situations


Well-known member
i fucked up my teeth in my teens , doing "paste' phet , and mdma and grinding the fuck out my teeth every week


da boveda kid
today was a good day. didnt even have to use my AK.
but i'm pretty sore so i'll head to the criab. planned to finish a small ganja cig and do some more work but i cant be bothered.
trying to go to sleep soon so i can dream about weed again and be fresh and well rested for tomorrow.
i'm off the sweets again and on the low carb to support my mental.
sardines and mixed salad today, i'm still feeling full from lunchtime.
best day in a long time today, workwise and in general.


da boveda kid
if its true what they say youd be stickin out like a sore thumb with good teeth in england.
i'm pretty english too in that department. my dentist did good work last time, but i should go get checked before it gets worse again some day.


Well-known member
Mine took some damage from being hit into a lightpole, and the ground.. whatever. You win some you lose some (teeth).
i rode my bike into a lampost once when my brakes failed on my cycle . i was lucky i did not lose any teeth . sounds painful goingrey


Well-known member
jeesus that sounds horrible.
if i dont get my sleep i start biting off puppy and kittenheads. metaphorically.
the phet in the area was very strong. many people spent a lifetime on that stuff. lives are destroyed by it . one uses a walking stick now and is unrecognisable. he does not know who i am. he has early dementia from using that grade whizz everyday . heavy duty stuff . i'm glad i always loved weed more than other drugs .


da boveda kid
when i was little i chipped one of my front teeth pretty bad when i was sledding. stepped on the sled and the fucker hit me in the mouth lol. the lip was leaking blood nicely onto the snow too ..
must have been super funny to watch.