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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor
My f1 hybrids this year were nearly perfect awesome plants! The flower is super dense, smoking some DC x BB now. Mmmmm, some of the best herb, great electric terpenes. Incense like


ICMag Donor
Kevin Jodrey developed a 4 category system to categorize plants based on their general terpene profile.

Earth, fruit, floral, and fuel

He said all plants fall into one of these 4 categories.


Well-known member
Outcrossing to other lines, to improve the line, is that what you mean?

F1 hybrids have the most vigor because of the diverse (heterozygous) genetics from recent combination of unrelated plants. Vigor means happy plants, which means optimized potency and terpene content.
it would have similar vigour to an f1 , as opposed to an f2 . it is not inbred any further as it was

like in my reply to your f2 idea...... even though i will be making f2s. i concentrate on making f1s with old timer haze and polyhybrids as they are they are the best to grow . old timer hybrids are known to not improve after f1. so why would i bother . i know you may find interesting specimens, and i will have those seeds , but thats as far as they go . the best way is to have the p1s saved for these type of hybrids , to repeatedly churn them out if that was your goal. which its not mine so much


Well-known member
a better question is why is it hard to keep the magic of oldtimer hybrids past f1? the f2s will still be good and worthy of hunting for sure . if you have the parents sometimes maybe not so needed


ICMag Donor
it would have similar vigour to an f1 , as opposed to an f2 . it is not inbred any further as it was

like in my reply to your f2 idea...... even though i will be making f2s. i concentrate on making f1s with old timer haze and polyhybrids as they are they are the best to grow . old timer hybrids are known to not improve after f1. so why would i bother . i know you may find interesting specimens, and i will have those seeds , but thats as far as they go . the best way is to have the p1s saved for these type of hybrids , to repeatedly churn them out if that was your goal. which its not mine so much
Oh yeah, if you have limited space, the F2 and onward starts to get more diverse and would take too long to find the plants you want. Will be pretty solid seed stock sticking mainly with F1's.


Well-known member
Oh yeah, if you have limited space, the F2 and onward starts to get more diverse and would take too long to find the plants you want. Will be pretty solid seed stock sticking mainly with F1's.
the plants i want will most likely be in the polyhybrid . certain traits i can hunt in the f2s . when i have time, if i need to


ICMag Donor
Well there was a lot of work already done with the original parents so its best not to get too far from that, or else you have to reign it back in.

Smoked for a few years with some plants being mediocre, others being awesome. Some of the parents showed through in different plants, and the line settled back into a fairly true breeder. Took a few generations to work the Sativa Candy Chunk from the polyhybrid stock, making more polyhybrids.

(OG Kush x Jamaican Jam) x DC)x DC

(Bubba Kush x Bubblegum) x DC

Sour Bubble Bx3 x Sour Bubble bx 4 x DC


Well-known member
many traditional ganja farmers have great sucees growing each season . keeping many of the best males, and as many quality females as possible for a light pollination. and each year they evolve. other farmers exchange seeds and such , and so . healthy seeds . evolved selection . whatever does well . i keep . it is all biased to my indoor grows


ICMag Donor
Close to parent stock is good, but there is always the hope, and usually can find from what I hear, those even greater plants using the true breeding parents as breeding stock to create hybrids.

Its all good then.


Well-known member
it can have an amazing trait . that expresses best in say the tropics, and is useless to me in a small room in the uk . for example


ICMag Donor
Love being able to find "old friends" in the seed stock after crossing each year. You can remember the plants that keep showing up. I like the fact that it has some level of diversity, and thats likely what keeps the line from hitting a dead end.

If you put hard selection pressure to create a true breeding only a single type of terpene, cannabinoid profile, and flower structure, and growth habbit, and flower time, start to get narrowed in so much that it can start getting a lot of mutations and stuff. Seen this in Uzbekistani IBL and other lines that have been inbred. DC is inbred, according to Kaleb of Humboldt CSI.

Diversity is what saves your line from going downhill.


Well-known member
most hybrid strains , inbreeding is fine. with oldtimer hybrids , they seem to not improve past the f1 stage . a few people who have worked with oldtimer for many years have mentioned similar outcomes . they all say the same that old toimer hybrids are best as an f1


ICMag Donor
What seed have you produced outside.

Working on curry, but I'll be around. Haven't made it for a few weeks. Its the perfect food. Can you put potato in karachi curry?


ICMag Donor
OK just oldtimer, because of the way the genes line up for its "magic". Must be a recessive allele(s) (form of a gene).

But other strains do well past F1.