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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor
Tied up the phone lines of 2 of my federal representatives for 27 minutes total, giving them the information they need.

Got 1 more call to make. Have to talk slow so they understand.


Well-known member
compulsory purchase orders will be coming. to give the houses to the invaders the state invited . lock and load
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ICMag Donor
On second thought not going to have a home grow for the time being. I often contact my reps reguarding cannabis and they take down my home address. If I go out protesting or something, want to not have anything to worry about. Thats my style. Dry them outside, screw it.


da boveda kid
Almost done for today, nothing too stupid happened 👍👍
The walk home yesterday cleared my head, didnt even listen to music while walking, i will have to repeat that maybe tomorrow. My family chilled me out too, much respect to them.

All the best to you and your mum shiva, may the god of pipeline bless y'all. ❤️


ICMag Donor
compulsory purchase orders will be coming. to give house the invaders the state invited . lock and load
What do you mean by that, forced purchases to please the government?

I would assume a truely opressive regime would force everyone to take an Alexa into their home for the spy technology. They already have microphones on tap in your computer and smart cell phones.


ICMag Donor
Yeah, saw that post about your mom. Glad to hear everything is lined up. Perhaps you can get a note from the Italian doctor with a recommendation to use cannabis. May not save you, but may be good to have on a rainy day.


ICMag Donor
Well like purchasing a Covid 19 vaccine. Sons of bitches,

We need a new constitutional amendment. Right not say no to any medicine, and also the right to take any medicine.

We should have authority over our own bodies, if not someone else is your owner.


ICMag Donor
Word of mouth goes a long way. I used to go out and try to sell work for half a day until lunch, then in the afternoon do production work.

Mere presence says a lot, and will help sell work, as people can see what you are all about.


ICMag Donor
Some made up cupid crap, another idol inplace of Christ.

Christ is THE perfect celebration of Love. Sacrifice for others, live in observance of more weighty matters of justice, faith, and mercy

Matthew 23:23-24 NKJV

23 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone. 24 Blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!


Well-known member
the home office are giving landlords 5 years deals at inflated prices . the landlords don't even need to maintain those homes. the ones on my street have no central heating , falling to bits, yet rented out to immigrants at max price at the cost of the taxpayer.

its called taking the piss