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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor
There is a lot look at reguarding which books were part of the Hebrew Scriptures. Looks like there isn't really enough info to say for sure whether books like Jubilees and Enoch were accepted as part of the Hebrew cannon. Most Old Testiment Cannon lists reflect the Hebrew cannon containing the core 22 books. Still keeping an open mind about these additional scriptures, as there are prophetic books that had attempts to remove them in the past.

In my opinion, its best to study the foundational Scripture. It seems like the Old Testement and New Testament mirror each other and are complementary. Adding to these would disrupt the flow and apparent similarity of the of the Old and New Testament.

There is a lot of good information with cited sources in Scribes and Scriptures. According to their research, we can't exclude the possibility books like Enoch and Jubilees were excluded from accepted cannon of the Qumran community.


Well-known member
There is a lot look at reguarding which books were part of the Hebrew Scriptures. Looks like there isn't really enough info to say for sure whether books like Jubilees and Enoch were accepted as part of the Hebrew cannon. Most Old Testiment Cannon lists reflect the Hebrew cannon containing the core 22 books. Still keeping an open mind about these additional scriptures, as there are prophetic books that had attempts to remove them in the past.

In my opinion, its best to study the foundational Scripture. It seems like the Old Testement and New Testament mirror each other and are complementary. Adding to these would disrupt the flow and apparent similarity of the of the Old and New Testament.

There is a lot of good information with cited sources in Scribes and Scriptures. According to their research, we can't exclude the possibility books like Enoch and Jubilees were excluded from accepted cannon of the Qumran community.
it is said all the books of enoch were accepted by all christians for maybe the first 300 years of their existence . then as these groups got hijacked the most revolutionary books were taken away . enoch was the first to describe the coming of christ , the first to decribe the floods, fallen angels and so on . worth taking into account


Well-known member
'The Holy Spirit inspired Jude to quote from Enoch in his brief but powerful NT book. The Book of Enoch opens by addressing those in the Tribulation Period. That alone should get your attention! It contains numerous prophecies about the flood and fire judgments, and the two comings of the Jewish Messiah. It teaches that the Messiah is the Son of God and that one day in the future He would shed His blood to redeem fallen mankind. He even predicts the generation in which this would occur!

The Book of Enoch prophesies a window of time in which the Second Coming would occur and prophesies that there will be 23 Israeli Prime Ministers ruling in 58 terms, from AD 1948 to the beginning of the Tribulation Period. Now that will get your attention for sure! Although the Book of Enoch talks about the Creation of the Bible it says that we will be judged by our obedience to the Word of God, not the Book of Enoch. It is clearly not a part of the Canon of Scripture.

The Ancient Book of Enoch recounts the history of the fallen angels who fell in the days of Jared, Enoch’s father. It testifies to their marriages with human women and their genetic experiments. It goes as far as to name the leaders of this angelic rebellion'


Well-known member
Gonna start a vigilante group called “coffee watch”!!!

It’s soul purpose is to abuse any cunt that thinks it’s ok to park his or her car in the middle of any petrol station forecourt and piss off to get coffees and spicegirl cd’s or whatever shit it is they do when they go wondering off, oblivious to the world around them.

Memberships are worldwide and open as of now.
Includes a cap, bumper stickers and megaphone.

Act now, Join the brotherhood and stop these menaces before it’s too late.



Well-known member
Consistent flooding is making me feel like i'm on the high seas :pirate:

The feeling of satisfaction and small degree of proudness on the roof has fucked with my ego so must by cosmic law become chaotically fleeting.

Thus the cellar has royally flooded.

It's leoanardo decrapio here.


Well-known member
Gonna start a vigilante group called “coffee watch”!!!

It’s soul purpose is to abuse any cunt that thinks it’s ok to park his or her car in the middle of any petrol station forecourt and piss off to get coffees and spicegirl cd’s or whatever shit it is they do when they go wondering off, oblivious to the world around them.

Memberships are worldwide and open as of now.
Includes a cap, bumper stickers and megaphone.

Act now, Join the brotherhood and stop these menaces before it’s too late.

i place a cup in the machine and let it do its thing while i queue up ,and grab it on the way out , after paying for it . that annoys other coffee gimps waiting to use the machine , rather than drivers waiting for fuel


Well-known member
Consistent flooding is making me feel like i'm on the high seas :pirate:

The feeling of satisfaction and small degree of proudness on the roof has fucked with my ego so must by cosmic law become chaotically fleeting.

Thus the cellar has royally flooded.

It's leoanardo decrapio here.
sounds like carnage