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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor
Need to go to war with the thistles and you do too, one day all these beds are going to be full of cannabis for our breeding projects, one day.... :smoke: :smoke:



ICMag Donor
Do you like that quote though "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."?

Was going to give my brother one of the Early Skunk x Lebanese, but decided to keep it. Will go through it next after the blueberry gets down a little more. Some of those ES x Leb buds are pretty dense, producing quite a bit of red hair sensimillia even after being pollinated with flowers that were about penny or nickel sized!


Well-known member

2. John 15:19–20​

If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’


Well-known member
Do you like that quote though "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."?

Was going to give my brother one of the Early Skunk x Lebanese, but decided to keep it. Will go through it next after the blueberry gets down a little more. Some of those ES x Leb buds are pretty dense, producing quite a bit of red hair sensimillia even after being pollinated with flowers that were about penny or nickel sized!
i liked the work involved in your f14 sativa candy my friend . the dedication


Well-known member
i remember going on a hike after a huge line of high grade colombian imported cocaine . marching powder indeed. the worse come down from that high purity shit though . i loved the high but hated the low. not like street coke . the good shit


Well-known member
The stuff we got down here 20 years ago was pretty cut and low grade. Mostly baby powder or crushed b12 pills with a little coke. I can only imagine how shitty it is now


ICMag Donor
Yeah I'm so glad it came though, smoked a few midis flower, so it wasn't all perfect, but there were always a significant number of choice plants to keep the line going in a positive way. Then, after searching through about 50 plants to per year to make selections, in 2017 found the Sativa Candy Chunk original phenotype. Had black seed and was sweet fruity but with a sharp indica bite and rich in terpenes, delivering a long lasting effect.

Some how, with that one or 2 plants that had those characteristics, we pieced together the line. About lost it one year, ran out of seed and planted old stuff, so its been backcrossed a couple times in there. Its good to go, F14 Rock and roll! Totally the grace of God and the presence of the Holy Spirit! I keep seeing blessings. Got to get right with the Lord. Makes you want to obey. :smoke: