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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor
Sort of a race so racing rules may apply. I always signal and look for a sec before changing. We are a racing capitol for motorsports here so we do have a few who drive like that. Although the most I have seen is going down through Florida, crazy dangerous double speeding drivers passing in the shoulder.


Well-known member
had to give my cat a flea tablet. i can't find any , but she is still itching and the vet lady on my street told me best to treat her just in case . i feel bad just giving her one of those, but it's unavoidable


Well-known member
my customer made me laugh today . the one who has had 3 heart attacks and is still going strong .. he said"why do people go hiking , seems boring and pointless to me " i laughed as it's o e of my favourite hobbies . i replied@ it stops people having heart attacks , and its rewarding physically and mentally" and he laughed and said "true"

he is a great guy , makes me laugh as i'm working


Well-known member
I used to think autonomous cars should never become a thing because computer programs always have bugs but after spending enough time in traffic have come to the conclusion that even buggiest of programs can't be as bad as us humans are behind the wheel and autonomous should become mandatory, regular driving should be banned.


Well-known member
i thought you maybe busy playing a new game or in amsterdam goingrey .

i loved the bit when the plant pot , elon said he would colonise mars , and took everyones cash


Well-known member
i thought you maybe busy playing a new game or in amsterdam goingrey .

i loved the bit when the plant pot , elon said he would colonise mars , and took everyones cash
I have been meaning to do both but but haven't got around to either.

Play a video game and go to Amsterdam that is, not colonize Mars. For interplanetary travel Venus would be more attractive.


Well-known member
they should have consoles set up in coffeeshops . each table has a n64 would be dope , have a locked in cartridge with hundreds of games pre-loaded on


Well-known member
they should have consoles set up in coffeeshops . each table has a n64 would be dope , have a locked in cartridge with hundreds of games pre-loaded on
Last time I was there I walked past some kind of video game hotel. Could be a fun place to stay.

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