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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
danielle . the love of my life . i bet she has loads of kids, married etc ... but i put money on she still rocks shiva mix tape and thinks of me . haha . what a girl she was

she became a fan of hip hop , jurrasic 5 and camp lo i got her into


Well-known member
i went camping when i was 17 , with mates and a friend who just passed his driving test . an exploring weekend. i had to be back for the sunday i think it was for my girlfriends 18th birthday party ...

i ended up taking acid , having a great time, and then i took some benzos for the come down , and woke up on monday

her friends said iw as no good, and that was that . the end . haha


Well-known member
i spent half the day cleaning grease off all light fixtures, fittings, cupboards i'm working near etc. not on my price quote, but i can't work with that . i can actually do my job today in a clean room

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