edit:google input over the years . all that spying , has built the chatgtp search engine system . man is flawed , and so is A.i . like a crap version of god . it is a glorified calculator engineered by bacon
eat the baconspeaking of bacon. i need to go and buy some , and some eggs and make a fry up
everybody loves the bacon. i had a jewish mate at school, that would always be cooking bacon . bacon on bagels . dope . his parents were both hippy jews, so they could not care less. he was the baconatoreat the bacon
good slogan for a tshirt
you are mistaking danish bacon. we got the real deal here homie toouk bacon is way different
nice bacon . middle bacon is my favourite
it may resemble jesus' sandal found on the mount and stored , long cured , for 2000 years, but that is an impressive piece of cured bacon son