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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
Haven’t done a single clone run for years!
I’d like to, but god it’s boring having a fuck load of the same weed, especially if you don’t sell anything.
i always keep my winners for a period while popping new seeds. when i find a better plant than what i have , that space allows , then it gets kept for a while to make seeds , and to grow as sensi.

just relying on seeds , is hit and miss i find


ICMag Donor
Some strains are stable inbred lines (IBL) and are true breeding for certain traits. They are pretty uniform, but may be slowed due to inbreeding depression, and suffer from mutations.

F1's are pretty stable I think if the parents were true breeding IBL's.

I used to have some not as tastey and potent plants in my Sativa Candy Chunk seedlots, but those got separated out several years ago. Its beginning to become a closer variation of different phenotypes, all with good potency and terpenes. By rouging outliers and mutants, it is avoiding inbreeding depression;

I love germinating seed and making seed. Started growing as a teenager by turning the soil with a shovel in a small square, spreading seed, and working it in the top with my fingers. Worked really well.

I cloned outdoors one time to try it, but it was back in the woods and wasn't worth the effort. Will try and find a picture of it.

Would love to keep a couple of these SCC around in clone form, but they always pop up in the polulation of seed because of the selection process of rouging weak plants. Back to work testing. :smoke:


Well-known member
i always keep my winners for a period while popping new seeds. when i find a better plant than what i have , that space allows , then it gets kept for a while to make seeds , and to grow as sensi.

just relying on seeds , is hit and miss i find
There’s always a clone or two in whenever I do a new seed run, predictable outcome and knowing it’s decent is nice for the mind.

I’ve been working through packs selecting keepers from varying different genetics to have a stable of decent plants for years now.

Done a few S1’s and BX’s with a few of my favourites and loads of chucks but yet to dig into most of it.

Just cleaned up another shed chuck.


da boveda kid
ok so first of all i dont want to step on anybodys shoes
and i'm not a breeder or even a grower at the moment.
but i have a lot of passion for the subject, and ive read and listened to a lot regarding the topic, and sometimes i cant shut up, so i apologize upfront.

They say you can't go too many Selfing generations or the stock will completely lose vigor.
same as with regular inbreeding, or breeding for a specific trait.
S1's are feminized, so every seed should be the same.
maybe if youre selfing deep chunk for example or any other heavily inbred line.
if you self a hybrid or even a polyhybrid you get a plethora of expressions, basically like making a regular f2 generation.
Regular seed is better to work with, can make vigorous high yielding F1 hyrbrids only with regular seed.
probably not.
it all depends on the selections one makes.
F1 hybrids are best if you take 2 very different and inbred lines. selfing is the highest form of inbreeding. its like having kids only with yourself.
The popularity of feminized seed ( S1's) is simply a response to oppressive government rules limiting plant count, in my opinion. I realize people have limited space, but I think thats still the case.
yes. but its also a matter of costs and time not only space.
and it is somewhat easier to select for traits among female plants because we dont smoke male plants.

please correct me if i'm wrong. i'm not trying to teach, i wanna learn.


ICMag Donor
Yeah they were saying on one of the potcasts that Sam Skunkman or somebody said you never get past S5 generation. Maybe there is more to it, and it depends on the stability of the original genetics used.

Old Piney

Well-known member
Just some thoughts to ponder , what's the difference between an in-bread line an a isolated landrace? In general I believe Westerners have select the shit out of all kinds of crops .For example a “ preserved” Hash plant IBL uniform for wide leaves good resin production and maybe it's purple. On the other hand you got the isolated Afghani farmer who's seed were used to produce the IBL. His plants have not been outcrossed for many generations. The difference is the Afghani farmer dosn't care about wide leaves or thin leaves or the color , he only cares that they grow good for him and produce lots of resin . By only selecting for just a few traits he has preserved more genetic diversity and has fewer problems. This same scenario has played out with just about all are domesticated crops e.g. Corn , beans, potatoes. I realize that things are a bit restrictive with prohibition and growing but I try to do what I can. F1s are great but you gotta have the parent strains preserved to keep making them
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Old Piney

Well-known member
Yeah they were saying on one of the potcasts that Sam Skunkman or somebody said you never get past S5 generation. Maybe there is more to it, and it depends on the stability of the original genetics used.
Selfing past one generation sounds crazy to me. I think a better approach would be like this .let's say you have a killer kush s1 , it produces crazy sticky buds that stick you to the floor. Pollinate her with something similar the best you can find.( Keep a clone of the S1 Kush handy in veg or better yet grow out more s1 seeds )Next grow out the F1s and select a male as best you can and pollenate the S1 . continue this for several generation by selecting a male each time from the offspring and pollenating the s1. you should get your killer kush in a regular IBL
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da boveda kid
Yeah they were saying on one of the potcasts that Sam Skunkman or somebody said you never get past S5 generation. Maybe there is more to it, and it depends on the stability of the original genetics used.
yeah, i dont think you can 'line breed' by selfing like you do in regular breeding. by s4 the plants are probably proper fucked.

i like what you did with your SCC, youre in the f12/f13 generation?
you can either bottleneck or keep it open.
your plants seem to look healthy :)

if you wanted to steer the line in a direction or introduce a certain trait selfing could be used as a tool.

i understand the downsides to it, but i think it can be a useful tool.


da boveda kid
Just some thoughts to ponder , what's the difference between an in-bread line an a isolated landrace? In general I believe Westerners have select the shit out of all kinds of crops .For example a “ preserved” Hash plant IBL uniform for wide leaves good resin production and maybe it's purple. On the other hand you got the isolated Afghani farmer who's seed were used to produce the IBL. His plants have not been outcrossed for many generations. The difference is the Afghani farmer dosn't care about wide leaves or thin leaves or the color , he only cares that they grow good for him and produce lots of resin . By only selecting for just a few traits he has preserved more genetic diversity and has fewer problems. This same scenario has played out with just about all are domesticated crops e.g. Corn , beans, potatoes. I realize that things are a bit restrictive with prohibition and growing but I try to do what I can. F1s are great but you gotta have the parent strains preserved to keep making them
i like that very much.
it would be a tragedy to be narrowing the genepool without preserving it as a whole first.
maybe something like tom hill does, with keeping all the runts and stuff. i wouldnt be against that.
but at some point or another you will select your favorite plants to keep breeding with them if youre after sinsemilla bud.
the hash farmers preserve a wider genepool.


Well-known member
as a grower , i'm not here to save the world

start the day how i ended it with a reefer of p cheese.


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Well-known member
shanti built a seed business solely selling f1s , keeping his males and females , to keep reproducing the same batch of quality seeds. that imo was when his seeds were worth buying. f1s imo are the best choice for me as a grower. if a newbie was wanting to grow , i would suggest an f1

when he lost the parents , and went to f2 and so on, and new parents selected, it goes tits up.

then he went the cbd route?

i dont really care , but his seeds were better when he used his original plan

i would rather make my own f1's, and polyhybrids than try and be a breeder

if i had space and it was legal, then i could devout time to breeding possibly . but in the real world. i just want my jars full


Well-known member
people letting a.i dictate their lives to them. surrendering their own individual thoughts. cretins . all human programmed biased , nothing gospel , nothing flexible or unique. just absolute shite . google , microsoft etc , all believe we should allow a system they program should direct us as a government . even though a government is merely their to serve the majority of people [horseshit too , democracy is a lie imo]

lets not enslave ourselves



Well-known member
i might need to ask chat gtp what temperature is ideal to wash my underpants. barbara next door says 50 c is best , but doreen says 40 c . i need to know so i can solve this dilemma and major issue


da boveda kid
i might need to ask chat gtp what temperature is ideal to wash my underpants. barbara next door says 50 c is best , but doreen says 40 c . i need to know so i can solve this dilemma and major issue
if in doubt, pick the one with the bigger tits.

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