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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor
Get the 1000 mg and take a quarter to half dropper at a time as needed. I gave my brother and Willy a bottle for Christmas.


Well-known member
one saving grace is i always end up throwing them down the stairs for some reason . madness. the stairs are a great weapon against dream demons. the demons have zero resistance when you grab them. they look scary though . hurl them down the stairs


ICMag Donor

Sativa Candy Chunk 2023

Yeah you can take control of your dreams. Live out the 2nd life. I often grow ganja in the woods in my dreams because I just love it! Its an ancient connection, we have evolved with the cannabis plant! :smoke:

Going hiking


ICMag Donor
Yeah I feel bad for our veterans. We need a national defense. I have a helmet, rifle threat armor, camo pants and jacket, 5000 rounds of rifle amo. 1000 rounds handgun, Storable food and water for 7 years


Well-known member
you always melt my heart with these kitty paws .

my girl seems to have a bit of dermatitis . i have been treating her , it starts to heal and then returns when she re-scratches the areas. i may need to put a cone on her head
Have you tried an oatmeal mix to soak/rub on the paw?
Works great on humans and dogs.
Worth a shot if not.
Those vets live to milk us dry…


Well-known member
This worked a treat on our dogs, and is meant for cats too.
It might only be Aussie brand but anything similar will work fine.
You can also make your own but the pet shop one has added ingredients.

Nobody likes an itchy pussy😉



ICMag Donor
Veterans are people who have made sacrifices sometimes at the risk of their life for the defense of our country. Where would we be if we were over-run by our enemies? We would see other levels of oppression. I think some veterans do take advantage of it and claim a higher status on everything. These people have earned my respect, but we have to help them integrate back into society.

I have given my dog a bath with oatmeal shampoo before. Helps a lot with allergies. That is probably what is causing it. Try to figure out what is causing it to flare up. :smoke:
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ICMag Donor

HeavyDToday at 6:12 PM​

Hey guys I wanted to share this goodie with you. 2 years ago ericdoa and glaive released an album called ‘then ill be happy’ which was groundbreaking in the hyperpop scene. I liked the album but it didn’t speak to me, however one day on the train I came across a ‘slowed downpitched’ version of the album which absolutely sold me, I have listened to it most days since then. The whole ‘slowed and downpitched’ is a mini community /sub-genre within itself and I do enjoy other versions – such as yung leans Yoshi city slowed. However this album really strikes the balance a bit better then anything else Ive ever heard. I understand there probably a good chunk of you guys who will put this on and go ‘wtf heavy, this is not the sort of thing I listen to’, however frankly, I don’t care, but more importantly its important to keep up with evolving genres. As someone who makes music Ive always been inspired by Rick ross who needs no introduction. I was reading an article a few years ago and he was talking about this incredible new talent he stumbled across, a guy called ‘ericdoa’ which is how I originally found him. I understood immediately that if you want to avoid becoming the guy saying ‘new rap is dogshit’ then you gota keep your finger on the pulse and ensure you keep up with trends – I don’t think anyone wants to become the equivalent of a grandpa asking their grandkids to reset the router for them because they don’t understand technology – this is the same thing but for music IMO. anyhow the slowed version of this album I listened to got flagged on soundcloud about 3 months ago and I was shattered because I didn’t know where else to find the album. I decided lastnight to tinker around in ableton and recreate it myself. Pretty stoked with how it came out. Hoping you guys enjoy. If you don’t dig it, no stress, but I promise the further into the album you get (its 16 minutes total… most songs are like 90-120 seconds). Give it a go. Don’t give a fuck what other people say. Your taste in music is perfect.
The Pot Cast
Then Ill Be Happy Slowed


Well-known member
she has had it from before she lived with me . i keep nearly curing it , and then bam. inflamed again . i have been gentle sterile washing her with a cat ph neutral product , to clean the wound and then using distilled coconut oil and a touch of peppermint to moisturise her . she hates it once a day and falls out with me in a mood after i use it . so some days i skip a day just to keep her happy
You’re a great cat parent! She’s a lucky cat. Our other cat holds mad grudges so I feel ya. Sweetest cat ever but if I piss him off he protests Forsure.


ICMag Donor
Sparkie, the black cat, always lays with my big dog Wiley to stay warm. Its so cute, they're friends. Sparkie is a good cat, and Wiley may just be tolerating it. He doesn't notice half the time.



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