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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor
Revegging well, vigorous already! Do you leave 2 to 3 lower buds I guess you said. These plants are tough.

Fresh meds are the best. Enjoyed that Early Skunk x Lebanese. Its a well rounded smoke. Good for breakfast.

Took the dogs for a walk out at a new county park which was made on 70 acres of farmland one of my customers donated. Had a pipe of DC x Blueberry.

Good time of year to smoke. At least when its cold, maybe the smoke is cooler and the taste is better. :smoke:


Well-known member

My smoke for today. Dry sift I made in the summer when I was scared my stash was getting so big it wouldn't go through as percy anymore if busted.

Lightly pressed by putting it in my sock and going for a walk. :D


ICMag Donor
Wily got all that hash I had. I don't ever use it. However usually my harvests are not so good, but this last batch I did this fall with the 2022 harvest was pliable and really tastey. I will need to go to Willy's more to smoke test it and help with chores then. :smoke:

Glad to be able to help. Smoking concentrate very much would raise my tolerance and possibly make it more difficult to discern flower phenotypes in smoke testing. :smoke:


Well-known member
i believe jesus of nazareth took pilgrimage and spent time with buddhists, hindus and other faiths along the way


ICMag Donor
Yeah the video was showing how several types of hash they bought in lebanon or wherever it was, were not melting when burnt with a flame.

I love charas, compared to bubblehash, my ball of charas from this year is very fregrant and pliable like putty. Would love to have a slab of charas type resin. I wonder if thats like Rosin with mostly essential oils? Its the result of build-up from broken ruptured trichomes.


Well-known member
that was the time the c.i.d searched my apartment looking for my friend , he was missing, and they thought he was maybe dead, and even kicked my boxing bag that was lay on the floor to make sure there was no body inside lol. i had black tar opium , buds on the table , a cabinet with plants etc . i shit my pants


ICMag Donor
Yeah he engaged with people of other faiths who were cast out for their beliefs, or were looking for deeper truth. Jesus drew a multitude of people from His ability to teach people, open their eyes and allow God to heal them. :smoke:

My close friend at college Utzov was from New York and he was Indian buddist. He loved contemplating the greatness of God and all of nature. Was a thoughtful smoker, kind hearted man. :smoke: