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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor
I guess its pretty friendly smoke, definitely energetic type effect. Its cerebral for sure though. Not a trippy effect yet, just comfortable hybrid cerebral with skunk tones.

Go for it for an outdoor grow, they are thin enough not really mold outbreak prone, but I did see some minor spots to pick out as expected. They were behind dense foliage in my garden. Will probably finish a little on the early side, they triggered flowering earlier in mid to late July I think it was.



da boveda kid
To grow they might need the supplemental light but they should stay alive just fine without it and still have a good head start over seedlings.
i put a habanero plant inside and didnt water the whole winter, just checked if the pot, it was a big one, goes totally dry, and it didnt.
after the winter it was basically just a stump with a bunch of scraggly 'branches' and it came back with a vengeance in spring. :>
it had light coming through the window though, but a very cold room.

edit: my conclusion, of theres no leaves, who needs light?


Well-known member
'bean. could of been, should of been , would of been , runner bean , baked bean , beans on toast . creepy bean just tell us where the bodies are buried '


ICMag Donor
Checked and I still have 5 seeds of Early Skunk x Lebanese V2. I pretty sure thats what it was, V1 was probably used up with round 1 and 2 of planting that almost all got scrapped because of being stunted. I probably only planted 5-10 of them in the 3rd round, and these are the leftover seeds.

Not the best for shade tolerance with more narrow leaves, but should still yield moderate at least.