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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor
Bonnie has to eat a bland diet of chicken and rice with cottage cheese, so we are celebrating Christmas with a little extra chicken for the dogs. They love the gift. :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Yeah thats what I meant, is later on after the coast is clear, and its more normal, enter the system if necessary.

It seems silly to allow someone to grow only 6 plants! Also posession limits are still 2.5 oz in the state next tu us even though they allow home cultivation. How do you grow 6 plants and end up with 2.5 oz flower, what if you have more? What if you need more to get through the next production cycle.

The limits set by the politicians are a big turn off from my support. Its ignorance in action. They think they're making themselves look good to keep heavy opressive restrictions going, having learned NOTHING from prohibition. :smoke:

Need to look back at how alcohol prohibition was lifted. They had to amend the US Constitution, the 21st Amendment, in order to give the federal government authority to regulate it. Nothing goes off the Constitution now, the power is in the hands of the DEA right now.

Wondering how they went about lifting the ban on alcohol if and how they allowed home production of alcohol.

Scary time for people who want to use this natural botanical medicine. Its in the hands of the DEA, a drug abuse oriented agency, and our Elected Represenatives have no power over their decision.


Well-known member
Yeah thats what I meant, is later on after the coast is clear, and its more normal, enter the system if necessary.

It seems silly to allow someone to grow only 6 plants! Also posession limits are still 2.5 oz in the state next tu us even though they allow home cultivation. How do you grow 6 plants and end up with 2.5 oz flower, what if you have more? What if you need more to get through the next production cycle.

The limits set by the politicians are a big turn off from my support. Its ignorance in action. They think they're making themselves look good to keep heavy opressive restrictions going, having learned NOTHING from prohibition. :smoke:

Need to look back at how alcohol prohibition was lifted. They had to amend the US Constitution, the 21st Amendment, in order to give the federal government authority to regulate it. Nothing goes off the Constitution now, the power is in the hands of the DEA right now.

Wondering how they went about lifting the ban on alcohol if and how they allowed home production of alcohol.

Scary time for people who want to use this natural botanical medicine. Its in the hands of the DEA, a drug abuse oriented agency, and our Elected Represenatives have no power over their decision.

If hard liquor was just hitting the scene....with all the destruction it causes documented....people would be getting lengthy sentences for distributing it not to mention producing it. Prohibition era was nothing compared to the impact it has on society today. Just this former alcoholics opinion


Well-known member
Yeah thats what I meant, is later on after the coast is clear, and its more normal, enter the system if necessary.

It seems silly to allow someone to grow only 6 plants! Also posession limits are still 2.5 oz in the state next tu us even though they allow home cultivation. How do you grow 6 plants and end up with 2.5 oz flower, what if you have more? What if you need more to get through the next production cycle.

The limits set by the politicians are a big turn off from my support. Its ignorance in action. They think they're making themselves look good to keep heavy opressive restrictions going, having learned NOTHING from prohibition. :smoke:

Need to look back at how alcohol prohibition was lifted. They had to amend the US Constitution, the 21st Amendment, in order to give the federal government authority to regulate it. Nothing goes off the Constitution now, the power is in the hands of the DEA right now.

Wondering how they went about lifting the ban on alcohol if and how they allowed home production of alcohol.

Scary time for people who want to use this natural botanical medicine. Its in the hands of the DEA, a drug abuse oriented agency, and our Elected Represenatives have no power over their decision.

I agree. Regarding possession limits in states that have legalized: Is there a possession limit on the amount of wine a person can have if they're into wine? A possession limit on homebrew beer? How about a possession limit on cigarettes? Granted all of the examples I give are from descheduled things, but the comparison has merit.

Minnesota's new laws are not much better than Ohio. You can grow up to 8 plants in a household but only 4 can be flowering. So...for autoflowers that flower pretty much right away, long before they're mature, does that mean only 4 autoflowers? While the possession limit in MN is 2 pounds, a person could grow a single plant outdoors and harvest more than 2 pounds.

It's micro-managing personal freedom for the sake of power. That's all it is.


ICMag Donor
Found out the ginger paste and garlic paste products I got are made in China! Also they contain sugar and other ingredients I don't really want. Will get fresh to make currey.

Why would you eat anything that come from China? How could it even be considered organic?


ICMag Donor
I used to be a student at a college which soon after I graduated began a hemp research program thats still going on today. I would have loved to get into that. I would probably be working in the industry if I had.



da boveda kid
If hard liquor was just hitting the scene....with all the destruction it causes documented....people would be getting lengthy sentences for distributing it not to mention producing it. Prohibition era was nothing compared to the impact it has on society today. Just this former alcoholics opinion
i'm closely watching whats happening in germany.
one single person is trying to stop the entire new 'cannabis law' wich is super retarded and super restrictive anyway.
and hes sayin its too loose lol!
first they said 3 flowering plants per person, but only 25grams of harvested bud hahahaha, didnt even mention if its dry or wet weight. the health minister was suggesting to only harvest 25 grams at once and go back and harvest more when you used it up hahah
now they say kk, you can have 50g of dried material, doesnt matter if its buds or hash. wtf?
so then comes along this ex cop politician who says, thats way too much!
the law isnt strict enough!
anti weed people are in a rage, they dont want it, they know they cant stop it.
they postponed it once because of the israel palestina bullshit, now theyre having problems with their budget.
they think its a bad look to 'legalize'.
in the meantime they have had the time to 'reschedule' the use of small mowing vehicles (hallo @pipeline ) so they can be taxed and have to have insurance just like regular vehicles.
bro seriously, what the duck is going on on this planet..?!


da boveda kid
Found out the ginger paste and garlic paste products I got are made in China! Also they contain sugar and other ingredients I don't really want. Will get fresh to make currey.

Why would you eat anything that come from China? How could it even be considered organic?
just smash the garlic and ginger on the spot. 👌


Well-known member
i'm closely watching whats happening in germany.
one single person is trying to stop the entire new 'cannabis law' wich is super retarded and super restrictive anyway.
and hes sayin its too loose lol!
first they said 3 flowering plants per person, but only 25grams of harvested bud hahahaha, didnt even mention if its dry or wet weight. the health minister was suggesting to only harvest 25 grams at once and go back and harvest more when you used it up hahah
now they say kk, you can have 50g of dried material, doesnt matter if its buds or hash. wtf?
so then comes along this ex cop politician who says, thats way too much!
the law isnt strict enough!
anti weed people are in a rage, they dont want it, they know they cant stop it.
they postponed it once because of the israel palestina bullshit, now theyre having problems with their budget.
they think its a bad look to 'legalize'.
in the meantime they have had the time to 'reschedule' the use of small mowing vehicles (hallo @pipeline ) so they can be taxed and have to have insurance just like regular vehicles.
bro seriously, what the duck is going on on this planet..?!

The worlds going downhill fast. thats for sure


Well-known member
Found out the ginger paste and garlic paste products I got are made in China! Also they contain sugar and other ingredients I don't really want. Will get fresh to make currey.

Why would you eat anything that come from China? How could it even be considered organic?
get fresh or go to the local halal butcher and grocerie store type shop you will have . the freezer will have imported but pure frozen cubes of each , and also fresh. fresh is best though. just more costly


ICMag Donor

Sativa Candy Chunk

It hurts to see your politicians so uneducated and lacking logic and common sense. They have been hand picked puppets for the most part who are there to manipulate, silence and block any real opposition and discussion in the legislature.

Proverbs 9 NKJV

The Way of Wisdom​

9 Wisdom has built her house,
She has hewn out her seven pillars;
2 She has slaughtered her meat,
She has mixed her wine,
She has also [a]furnished her table.
3 She has sent out her maidens,
She cries out from the highest places of the city,
4 “Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!”
As for him who lacks understanding, she says to him,
5 “Come, eat of my bread
And drink of the wine I have mixed.
6 Forsake foolishness and live,
And go in the way of understanding.

7 “He who corrects a scoffer gets shame for himself,
And he who rebukes a wicked man only harms himself.
8 Do not correct a scoffer, lest he hate you;
Rebuke a wise man, and he will love you.
9 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser;
Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.

10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
11 For by me your days will be multiplied,
And years of life will be added to you.
12 If you are wise, you are wise for yourself,
And if you scoff, you will bear it alone.”

The Way of Folly​

13 A foolish woman is [b]clamorous;
She is simple, and knows nothing.
14 For she sits at the door of her house,
On a seat by the highest places of the city,
15 To call to those who pass by,
Who go straight on their way:
16 “Whoever is [c]simple, let him turn in here”;
And as for him who lacks understanding, she says to him,
17 “Stolen water is sweet,
And bread eaten in secret is pleasant.”
18 But he does not know that the dead are there,
That her guests are in the depths of [d]hell.