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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor

hey @pipeline what was the lineage of that sativa candy chunk again?

edit: and of course all the best to your doggie

Thanks, she is feeling much better now. She hasn't been disappointed in having to stay home yet. She likes to hybernate, she's a surviver and likes to save her energy and rest.

FYI:---Sativa Candy Chunk is a mixture of the seed from these 3 lines in the garden in 2010 with pollination by 2 (OG Kush x Jamaican Jam) x DC) x DC males.

(OG Kush x Jamaican Jam) x DC)x DC

(Bubba Kush x Bubblegum) x DC

Sour Bubble Bx3 x Sour Bubble bx 4 x DC
what is the pill for ? pain and discomfort ? hope he recovers fast . my mother has the advanced form of arthritis i suffer from and she had her first mri scan in 20 years on her spine and its full of micro fractures . no wonder she is in pain when she ploughing the field ... they going to use some form of cement like injections into her spine to solidify the regions with breaks
Wow sorry to hear that. Older women especially are prone to weak bones, due to osteoporosis.

She has several pills, need to get them straight and find out how to use them from the vet. I'd like to keep them to a minimum and suppliment with CBD hemp oil, but its a serious back issue, so it may be best to keep pain managed with regular NSAID's.

She has 2 NSAIDS, Gabapenton and Carprofen, a muscle relaxer, and a loose stool medicine. Need to remember the CBD oil. Can give it 2-4 times and its probably more effective as a sublingual tincture than the prescribed NSAIDS.

Cannabis is such a blessing. I told my mom about the CBD oil and she asked if it had anti-inflammatory properties! Its amazing how the propaganda has hidden truth from the wise and prudent. For some reason she and my dad don't want to take natural medicine, only prescribed pills and beer. Times are changing. Jesus is our teacher.
carrots . i grew hundreds and everyone enjoyed them, and they vanished quickest . i'm going to up my carrot crop numbers this year
Awesome! I absolutely love carrots. Fresh carrots are better than candy, really refreshing and tastey food! They are very healthy for you and since they are a root, they are easier to store and don't go bad as fast. I have a big bag of organic carrots in the fridge, but they aren't nearly as good as ones from my garden or the fresh ones from the store.
the space monkey at just short of 4 weeks flowering. she takes between 9 and 10 weeks i'm told . shout out to 'cantona' for this cut gifted to me . the stem rub is sensational already . looking forward to trying this pheno.
That was nice of him! That looks outstanding, very frosty for this stage! A fancy stem rub is a good sign! What is the genetic background. Remember to back off the nitrogen in a couple weeks! :smoke:


ICMag Donor

Not sure if I mentioned to you yet, my line has been in the works longer than I was saying. It was 2008 when I made the original crosses with Deep Chunk. Then in 2009 males were selected from ((OG Kush x Jamaican Jam) x DC) x DC and pollinated the gardens that also had (Bubba kush x Bubblegum) x DC) x DC and (Sour Bubblebx3 x Sour bubble bx4) x DC) x DC.

This year, 2023 was the F14 generation, and it was the 15th year of the project. Next year is the F15 and 16th year of the project. Starting to get somewhere. Wanting to select out some of the more fruity loose structure phenotypes and promote the others with more indica balance with pine and candy flavor and higher potency.

Almost ready for the market. Would be cool if I could sell the line. Been working on it for a long time, and I think its unique. Its acclimated for the local climate and early finish as well. :smoke:


Well-known member
i have to return to work tomorrow for 45 minutes to finish off. such an awkward job , i did not finish it . too many precision cuts and splices


ICMag Donor
Haha, better to start fresh and get it right than have to make mistakes and scrap material. Good call, have a good Sabbath. :smoke:


Well-known member
arches , beams , and pillars , plus terrible existing plastering . mission. i wish i would of said 'no' . haha

no is the hardest word to use in public sometimes


ICMag Donor
Its balance, you have to learn to say no to jobs that are a headache and don't make much profit. I call myself the "Yes Man" sometimes though. I just get it done. Thats how you build a business.


ICMag Donor
God honors those who honor Him. The blessings of the Holy Spirit are on those of a humble heart. Ask God for some mercy and be thankful for His grace.


ICMag Donor
Been preparing myself for the idea of legal medical cannabis in this state, if they are going to do that as a step toward legalization. Or really the Federal law is about to be changed from Schedule 1 to Schedule 3 which means its still illegal but can be prescribed.

Will be very difficult not to get a medical card to get legal status. I know people have said after the 1996 California medical program began there were lots of people who didn't get the card, but later they did once they saw how the system was working.

It is a deal with the devil though, is it not? It will be a tough choice, but my gut is saying STAY AWAY.


Well-known member
just sit it out. let the dead bury the dead , and wait until the coast is clear to go legit if your gut says that

i'm like the wisest man that has done nothing with his life lol. that is my advice though