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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
some paradise cheese ibl maturing . the lower leaves are fading . these will be next . and then she gets chopped


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da boveda kid

@zaprjaques damnn. this track.

went extremely well with my breakfast, a coffee and a james. thank you!
dense work day yesterday, but in a good way, slow and steady wins the race pa!
the feeling of contentment has bled into the next day.

@goingrey i'm really curious about the nepal mist. i think it has the lost nepal kathmandu in it that dubi was so in love with. wild strawberry aromas and such.
paired with the old kali mist, man it sounds pretty nice.
i remember the kali mist from back in the day, really good herb for my head.



Well-known member
went extremely well with my breakfast, a coffee and a james. thank you!
dense work day yesterday, but in a good way, slow and steady wins the race pa!
the feeling of contentment has bled into the next day.

@goingrey i'm really curious about the nepal mist. i think it has the lost nepal kathmandu in it that dubi was so in love with. wild strawberry aromas and such.
paired with the old kali mist, man it sounds pretty nice.
i remember the kali mist from back in the day, really good herb for my head.

Yo goingrey! In that case don’t forget to take cuttings!