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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
sounds to good to be true .

i take it you no longer live in iran or the region of persia?
Well that is the risky part….ha ha ha…i have returned to motherland after years outside…kinda a culture shock for me…no the land is amongst pistache orchards…so free pistachios as q bonus


Well-known member
I don’t know if it’s something you want to abuse. it shows you what you need, paradise or hell. And I am pretty sure after visiting (your personal) hell, you have to work a bit on yourself and don’t want to jump into the next ceremony. But to experience ego loss can be pretty scary and amazing at the same time! Time to let it go
Oh I sure wouldn't. But the guy in the thread said he did... Seemed unlikely based on what I'd heard, but who knows, who cares.


Well-known member
big rob tx on tour in iran . hehe . he would love it to be honest . he can wear a scotland football shirt and he will be fine. if you can get him halal sausages for hot dogs then i'm sure you can tempt him to join the party


Well-known member
big rob tx on tour in iran . hehe . he would love it to be honest . he can wear a scotland football shirt and he will be fine. if you can get him halal sausages for hot dogs then i'm sure you can tempt him to join the party

Id love to visit Iran. They think the same shits ridiculous that i do


ICMag Donor
have you sampled the book of enoch yet ? i think it is epic @pipeline
Haven't sampled Enoch yet. I'm waiting to see what the 'Scribes and Scripture' book says about the organizing of the books in the Bible.

There is a new type of church here called Mormon or Church of Latterday Saints that was established in the 1800's based on modern day prophets, and they changed some things, so just be careful to measure what you read against God's word by prayer and Spirit.
how can nature be against the law?

i think of the lad in detox. whos brother passed out smoking a joint in his bedroom and ended up burning the house down and killing the parents , himself, his sister and a brother. only one brother survived . my mate from detox . it is complicated when you get into technicalities. it should be legal , but not used at work imo. same way alcohol should not be used at work either.

i used to wake up and have 4 pints for my breakfast and two massive joints .... dangerous
Moderation is key. You have to remember not everyone will be over-using cannabis. Its necessary to be able to medicate and work for many people. I could not work without it, my friend. I start getting an itchy throat really bad from dry grass dust or sycamore leaf hairs and water doesn't help, only cannabis calms the reaction in my throat. Also helps so much with the heat and soreness. Cannabis can certainly be used responsibly using common sense.

They are changing workplace policies in legal states. It needs to be based on measured impairment if you are smoking too much at work. Doesn't last that long anyway.
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Well-known member
no, i'm of scottish heritage . celtic . last of a dying breed

my mother looks indian though .

my very first profile name was shiva on overgrow around 2001

shiva is a deity dear to me
Great you have stong blood be proud Celtic warrior!

Well I was about to talk Hindi to you…Love India and Nepal have been going there for years to work on myself



Well-known member
Haven't sampled Enoch yet. I'm waiting to see what the 'Scribes and Scripture' book says about the organizing of the books in the Bible.

There is a new type of church here called Mormon or Church of Latterday Saints that was established in the 1800's based on modern day prophets, and they changed some things, so just be careful to measure what you read against God's word by prayer and Spirit.

Moderation is key. You have to remember not everyone will be over-using cannabis. Its necessary to be able to medicate and work for many people. I could not work without it, my friend. I start getting an itchy throat really bad from dry grass dust or sycamore leaf hairs and water doesn't help, only cannabis calms the reaction in my throat. Also helps so much with the heat and soreness. Cannabis can certainly be used responsibly using common sense.

They are changing workplace policies in legal states. It needs to be based on measured impairment if you are smoking too much at work. Doesn't last that long anyway.
Peter 5:8: “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

i think ones intentions differs massively person to person.

like you say medicinal use is beneficial for some people , and helpful and not a problem

i believee you can use cannabis and be of sober mind too, and you can also over indulge though , just like with food and water



Well-known member
Great you have stong blood be proud Celtic warrior!

Well I was about to talk Hindi to you…Love India and Nepal have been going there for years to work on myself

feel free to speak hindi to me . i love india and i love shiva too . om nimah shivaya


Well-known member
i medicate most days . the cold weather makes me seize up . coffee and ganja is the only things that lubricate my joints and body to move and flow