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S.A. Meeting Hall - Doors Are Always Open (Seeds Anonymous) Share Your Relapses


Well-known member
does anyone else think that maybe its linked to some sort of obsessive compulsive disorder.
like do we seriously have problem here?


Well-known member
On my 50th post i shall say.
If you are worried about today buy a bud,
if you are worried about tomorrow buy a seed.

edit- im 90% sure i just botched some sort of Chinese proverb.


Re: S.A. Meeting Hall - Doors Are Always Open (Seeds Anonymous) Share Your Relapses

Hey man why can't it be your proverb, not botched it works


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
On my 50th post i shall say.
If you are worried about today buy a bud,
if you are worried about tomorrow buy a seed.

edit- im 90% sure i just botched some sort of Chinese proverb.




I can't believe I'M here...

I can't believe I'M here...

I can't believe I'M here-
After saying that I probably won't be able to sprout, much less grow-out the few packs of "bought" beans I have , and keep my Landrace collection active and viable, I went and did it agin. I was potting-up some clones of my Berry-good-2-me bud, and took a break to rest and vape...
and then check if Bushy had announced the arrival of a new, fresh, batch of SourBubbleBx1/2 seeds... He had warned that only 100 packs would hit this week-:clock watch: but they would not last...:p Hmmm that's only 50 each for the bay and the boo, so that means if all the sourBog fans got 4 or 5 packs each, do the math....they might not last a day...or two at most! I thought I'd just go lurk in Romulan Mode and see..:peek:
Yah Mon! Dey R Dere' Bushy say in Posts all ovah! :woohoo: I'll have to get that last clone in the dirt quick and log-in to verify arrival of Bubble of Sour Early backcross to go with my yet-popped Bx3/4 pack...Time-warp mode on...:Bolt: Just git 'er dun.
Got done...dirt everywhere... Back to check the Boo..
Login.. Damned java script not enabled... OK-Logged-In and just gonna get 2 packs of SB before they sell out again; no...wait...:thinking:
I sure would like to try that SourStrawberryKush and see if it's Berry-Good as I hear, or maybe the Sour LSD....oh well...I'll go for all-out and grab the Sour Lifesaver and max-out a 4-pack limit; at least I'll have all the flavors covered...Git 'er dunnnnn!! There- I did it..
Now to check if the confirming mail is in...Yes~! Looks like there's still some SB in stock at the Boo...maybe I shuda got sum more?
No; that will doo it; as the adrenaline level drops to normal again..
Take some aspirin to thin the blood and vape a while for Ole' Grower's Backstrain relief....
So I'll Exp-Mail my contribution in for the "BOG Research and Retirement fund tomorrow"- and hope that there's still a bonus pack of Sour anything BOG offers, or maybe some EOL landrace Thai...or even some of that dreaded "Kush".
Now you know the rest of the story...
I admit it -I'm a Seed Junky!


Active member
Well I have a different take after trying dozens of strains from seed that just dont do it for me anymore.Thank god I had some dinafem moby hash in this grow or it would have really been another bad experience.I dont think I've grown out anything really good from seed since blockhead.I had that pheno going 3 glorious years then made a boo boo dammit.I'm dying to try some clone only strains and some kush of course.God you guys out west are lucky.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Well I have a different take after trying dozens of strains from seed that just dont do it for me anymore.Thank god I had some dinafem moby hash in this grow or it would have really been another bad experience.I dont think I've grown out anything really good from seed since blockhead.I had that pheno going 3 glorious years then made a boo boo dammit.I'm dying to try some clone only strains and some kush of course.God you guys out west are lucky.

this ^^^


Yeah That :laughing:
If we were ALL out west, instead of north, east or south, then we would not have to have our Golem's "Precious" sent back and forth across the big pond... :help: :shark: :pirate:

much less have to wait, hope and pray for the mail coming and going...:clock watch:

Thanks for the Coffee, GP!
Hope you get well and back to LED speed soon!
Now, where's my hourglass?


I am cateros and I am a seed addict and as well as a breeding junky. I think presently I have at least 20 strains from seed banks like reserve privada, grand daddy purple, autoseeds, femaleseeds ,ch9, not mentioning about 200 seeds I had left from my last breeding project I completed before idiot contractors set our roof on fire and destroyed all 10 of my mother plants which included el nino, cheese, great white shark, 3 strains of my own one of which one an award for plant of the year over at another growers site which I wont frequent due to the fact that they wont let me even run a journal that shows a product from a banned sponsor. SO all my posts will have to be here and not there and to think I was once considering taking a staff position with a site the feels that its okay to suppress info on any product they don't personally like or have a problem with its manufacturer instead of letting its performance speak for itself wether they have a problem personally with the company or not.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
welcome cateros,

we all share your addiction here and we just can't help ourselves :D

coffee is in the back, take a seat and keep coming.

btw, we used to be more censored here, but it has loosened up a bit in the last year or so.

welcome again :good:
Ok, I am only 3 pages into this thread and I am a wanna be seed hoarder. Well, I really AM a seed hoarder, as I have over 1,000 packets of vegetable, herb, and flower seeds. BUT, what I REALLY want is the beloved cannabis seed...
I too dream about all the wonderful strains out there, and my wish list is full of my future HIGHs. Looking at my current seed collection, the Bay and the Bou can be real trouble for me... and I like that heh heh heh!!!!
Alright, back to reading this thread. Oh you poor people...


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
we're seed addicts :dunno:

i've been clean for months but feel i will soon be relapsing. :ying:

welcome TwistedPistils :tiphat:

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
My name is Third Coast and I'm an addict. (Hello Third).

I was very tempted today. I logged on to the Bay this morning only to see some of Raskals Wifi sitting there waiting for someone to pick them up.

I watched as the number of packs dwindled from several to three, to two, to one, and then they were all gone.

It was tough but I remained strong and did not give in to temptation.

Thank you for listening.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor


hiya,,just thought i would share,,i am heading for a binge,,nothing seems to be able to stop me,,looks like its going to be 35 fem seeds and 5 regular,,facing up to facts that i am an hopeless seed addict and admitting my actions before they have occured lol,,,keep popping,,peace and regards s2


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
we feel your pain 944s2. your welcome here, we will listen ;)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
we feel your pain 944s2. your welcome here, we will listen ;)
thanks gp7,,this is not my 1st visit and wont be my last,,i keep repeating my mantra of "one seed is too many and a thousand is never enough",,but alas no damn use whatsoever,,lol,,keeping fighting the fight,,s2
I have a question for you poor addiction riddled people. In regards to freebies, you get some every order. If you by a lot of packs of seeds, in one order, do you get lots of freebies? If not, is it best to make multiple orders if a poor soul needs multiple freebies. Just curious as to how this disease works... you poor people :D

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