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S.A. Meeting Hall - Doors Are Always Open (Seeds Anonymous) Share Your Relapses


i dont have a fucking clue what to start first.

I run a perpetual garden, and keep ≤ 99 plants.

Its hard to start a decent population sample without fucking with the perpetual.

20 seeds will need 20 clones, until sexed. 40 unproven plants is a big fucking chunk of my garden.

Ive got at least twenty seeds of each 'strain', ill probably start 7 beans of a single strain, once every 5 weeks. (It will give me three times to 'sample' the strain.)

You know ill figure it out.


i dont have a fucking clue what to start first.

I run a perpetual garden, and keep ≤ 99 plants.

Its hard to start a decent population sample without fucking with the perpetual.

20 seeds will need 20 clones, until sexed. 40 unproven plants is a big fucking chunk of my garden.

Ive got at least twenty seeds of each 'strain', ill probably start 7 beans of a single strain, once every 5 weeks. (It will give me three times to 'sample' the strain.)

You know ill figure it out.

One of the marks of a genetics junkie , more space devoted to cloning , seedlings and veg than the square footage in flower , you'll end up jammed up on the flower end too , I'm in a quandary as to which batch of what to put through next.


Pss pss anyone know where I can get hooked up . Lets keep it on the down low. Lol

Yea I just can't help myself when I got money coming I buy some when the money gets to me I buy some . And even when the money is gone I buy some . Thinking of taking a second morgage out on my home.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
seedee, the boo and bay are great places to relapse, shhhh.... you didn't hear that from me... :listen2:

i would share my wishlist with you but the shear size of the list might bog down the icmag bandwidth and crash the site :tiphat: :D
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Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
well i have been doing really well... less cash flow doesn't hurt either, but then i relapsed...

i purchased some lemon stinky and received those along with some kali dream !!! :D :dance: oops, i mean :hide:

before the weekend was up i was lucky to get to smoke some sour diesel and some blue dream. on several occasions, on several days... the guy who gets it is also threatening to grow a little something in his garden in the country (remote weekend get away)... so anyway after he gets me fucked up on sour d all weekend he brings me a little baggie of seeds and tells me to count out 10 or so. told him i would repay with a little something. so i'm gonna give him a little AK47, a little Blue Moonshine and i'm even gonna throw him a BOO 'Lucky Dip' package, since i have three of them, oops, did i say that aloud :peek:

so now i have added some 'SOUR DIESEL' to the ranks... and let me tell you the shit we were smoking was unreal. The Blue Dream was quit tasty and I really liked the high, but the Sour D was just mind boggling !!! Can't wait to grow these babies :D, i mean, sorry, just got carried away with my story...

well that's my story and i'm sticking to it...

later :wave:
Hi all, I'm Luv a Grow and I'm a seed buying addict..
I've got a freezer full of my own crosses from over the years, yet still can't stop buying the fcukin' things!!
Latest was C99 fems and 2 different companies Lemon Skunk..
I'm sick of C99, grew the original stock plus a couple different companies lines and crosses for years to the point where I had smoked it 2 much.. Had a great clone that I ended up binning..
Female seeds though, so couldn't resist!
Got a great Lemon Skunk clone, bought more beans to get a better 1!
Thanks for letting me share


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
welcome 'Luv a Grow' :wave:

coffee's in the back, have a seat and keep coming back...


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
I too had been doing well... :D

then I lapsed...
I was fortunate enough to snag a pk of KMG Ghostrider OG....

then I grabbed some PUS triplekushxSourjack ..... then some Ultra sonja.... then some HFH Hashplant... and HFH Mighty Gold... then some DWS Atlantic Diesel...

I had to stop myself!! found myself looking through DGS stock and the server fund.... it was quite hard to hold back....

Then I go to send payment.... send express... now $10 more then in Dec.... $38... wtf!?!?!

NOw if I could just send in some of the seeds I have made over the years... to share the wealth.... :smoky: :whee:


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
milo i feel your pain/joy...

you can donate to the bay server fund and share the wealth if you would like ;) :tiphat:

or send some in for freebies ;)

whatcha got ? :D


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
I have been making seeds since joining the site, specifically with the intention of freebies and server fund.... there are so many... most will be just a few pks... I will try to get a list together as I intend to send em in soon... :tiphat:

215 User

Krome's White s1's on da way and eyeballin' the Alien strains for next hit in a few.


Been looking for a thread like this, glad I found it...

Not much going on right now. Got a lot in the mail recently: Leia OG, Bright Moments, Blue Magoo x JBJ, Stardawg x JBJ, Firestarter, Pakistani Citral Kush x Chem D BX, GTH1, some others, plus my freebies like MSS X HK which I can't wait to pop.

Don't got anything going because of some mold that was found in my house. Took everything down and removed the plants until it's resolved which should be soon. Then I gotta figure out what to throw in the tent first. Got another order or two on the way and once they get here I'll throw down my collection list. S


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
So I got a pk of DGS Xanadu and Arctic Storm a few wks back.... told myself thats it for a little bit!!

The 420 specials.... couldn't resist! :whee:

2 for 1 DGS?!?!?!
grabbed some LUI13 and DTC99 f2.... I managed to resist the rest...


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
funny this thread should resurrect itself...

i've been so good for so long, my disease was under control and life was good... boring, but good... lol...

then it happened again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so i am online friday cruising ICMAG, when right before my very eyes a 420 Specials Drop is about to be underway.... Cash is low these days and i was gonna resist but a pack of GN Collection Thai Stick Sativa at half price was too much for me. The strain was on my short list anyway so it was a win-win situation, yeah :jump: ...

oops, i mean the guilt, no, i didn't feel guilt but i find myself in this thread again...

so before i send any money off i start thinking of freebies, being the diseased individual i am. now for the most part i don't ask for anything, i just let the freebies land where they may. i have asked one other time and it was granted. this time i feel compelled to ask for something that may or may no longer be available as freebies, but i am going to ask anyway. so with that i decide if i am asking, i should at least be purchasing 2 packs...

so after a quick once over on my short list BC Roadkill x DC from Cannacopia quickly is added to my list.

what really got the ball rolling is the fact that i was one of the lucky ones who is being sent Mass Super Skunk x Hindu Kush.

so within the next few weeks, 4 new strains will have been added to my collection :D

oops i mean i have sinned. my name is GP73LPC and i am a seed junkie :tiphat:

EDIT: i forgot to mention, this sudden backslide has also caused me to update my short list and the following previously un-mentionables have moved up...

Killing Fields
Blueberry Sativa
Agent Orange
Chocolate Rain


okay...here goes...
my name is self, and i have a problem!
thanks to gp73 i understand the jittery trips to the mailbox and blackout impulse buys. the lying to myself and friends, the mom hoarding...
i was doing pretty well, getting by on picking up three or four seeds at a time from single seed sellers...just to round things out, you know?
but then bog put up his medley packs (3strains, 20 seeds!) and not two weeks later i get hit with the 420 specials (mikado99 and erdbeer x sativa erdbeer).
i already am behind on construction of a greenhouse to house the best of the 5 packs of skunkman hazeskunk x mixed and personal crosses.
god give me strength...


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
with all of these doomsday shows on...

Doomsday Preppers

Doomsday Bunkers

and the way politicians suck you never know. i'm stocking up now, i've decided :D

I had a fall off the wagon - ordered some of the GN Collection Mikado99 (1/2 price - what was I to do?)

And Ms. AS at the Boutique tempted me further with some awesome freebies that she sent with my last slipup (I mean order).

How am I supposed to abstain from the seed orgy when they make it sooo seductive?