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Ron Paul Is In!

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Some of you's are forgetting the Supremacy Clause where-in the Supreme Court has ruled that in that in the event of a conflict between state and federal law, the federal law supersedes state law. This is why the feds can raid MMJ legal states or use the IRS to get them now-ie-illegal gains are not tax deductible, etc. -------Geez, what did those 9 wise heads on the Supreme Court do to states rights?
After taking out bin laden, Obama is a shoe-in for 2012. When has a successful war president ever lost an election? Oh yeah, George Bush senior. Oh well, lightning can strike twice in the same spot!


Active member
Rouge;4443525tax deductible said:
heres alittle somthing that goes unoticed by most,they are supposed to serve life time terms that mean in the ground as far as im concered,how can they retire? how can the president pick them at will and there seems to be new ones with each administration.what happened to the old ones? i guess they didnt go along with the program or got paid off.



Game Bred
when they get older they tend to try to hold out on retirement till a president of the same political bent is in office to appoint their replacement...


Active member
i just consulted this book i had for a law class i had in HS, it leaves this question open ended,saying some beleive the president should be able to vote in whomever he/she wants based on political views,others say they should be above politics because they "sit for life and make decisions in private" and should be elected by there judical experience intillect and moral charicter.
this is a important subject because they have the job of interprating the US constitution
and federal laws all other courts must follow these interpratations.


Man, They're at it again. Check this article out from Yahoo.com by AP


Court sides with police in warrantless search

By MARK SHERMAN, Associated Press – Mon May 16, 6:00 pm ET

WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court on Monday ruled against a Kentucky man who was arrested after police burst into his apartment without a search warrant because they smelled marijuana and feared he was trying to get rid of incriminating evidence.

Voting 8-1, the justices reversed a Kentucky Supreme Court ruling that threw out the evidence gathered when officers entered Hollis King's apartment.

The court said there was no violation of King's constitutional rights because the police acted reasonably. Only Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dissented.

Officers knocked on King's door in Lexington and thought they heard noises that indicated whoever was inside was trying to get rid of incriminating evidence.

Justice Samuel Alito said in his opinion for the court that people have no obligation to respond to the knock or, if they do open the door, allow the police to come in. In those cases, officers who wanted to gain entry would have to persuade a judge to issue a search warrant.

But Alito said, "Occupants who choose not to stand on their constitutional rights but instead elect to attempt to destroy evidence have only themselves to blame."

In her dissent, Ginsburg said her colleagues were giving police an easy way to routinely avoid getting warrants in drug cases.

"Police officers may now knock, listen, then break the door down, never mind that they had ample time to obtain a warrant," she said.

The case concerned exceptions to the Fourth Amendment requirement that police need a warrant to enter a home.

The issue was whether warrantless entry was justified after the officers' knock on the door triggered a reaction inside that sounded like the destruction of evidence.

An odd set of facts led to Monday's ruling.

Police were only at King's apartment building because they were chasing a man who sold cocaine to a police informant. The man entered King's building and ducked into an apartment. The officers heard a door slam in a hallway, but by the time they were able to look down it, they saw only two closed doors.

They didn't know which one the suspect had gone through, but, smelling burnt pot, chose the apartment on the left.

In fact, the suspect had gone into the apartment on the right. Police eventually arrested him, too, but prosecutors later dropped charges against him for reasons that were not explained in court papers.

In other action Monday, the court refused to revive a lawsuit challenging a controversial post-Sept. 11 CIA program that flew terrorism suspects to secret prisons. The appeal asked the court to examine two much-disputed aspects of the U.S. response to the 9/11 attacks, "the extraordinary rendition" program that sent the suspects to secret prisons and the "state secrets privilege."

The high court has refused several other appeals based on the government's invocation of state secrets to derail lawsuits.

The case involved five terrorism suspects who were arrested shortly after 9/11 and said they were flown by a Boeing Co. subsidiary to prisons around the world where they were tortured. A divided 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco cited national security risks in dismissing the men's case last year.

The justices also turned aside a challenge from atheist Michael Newdow to the use of the words "so help me God" in the presidential oath of office.

In a case involving the federal whistleblower law, the justices voted 5-3 in ruling that information acquired through a Freedom of Information Act request cannot be used to trigger a False Claims Act lawsuit.


Associated Press writer Jesse J. Holland contributed to this report.


It's seems hopeless. Is there no respect for property rights? I don't care how Libertarian Ron Paul is if he should ever win the presidency, THIS conservative Supreme Court will be the final arbiter on the unconstitutionality of drug criminalization, that is if the Congress doesn't "bushwack" him first. And based on the Court's track record on this subject....................I dunno? But it sure as hell is going to be one hell of a drama over the next few years.


Game Bred
is this how it's "supposed" to work?
departments and agencies operate under established law, not the whim of the director

The Wall Street Journal is reporting this afternoon that Republican FCC Commissioner Meredith Atwell Baker, nominated to the FCC in mid-2009, is preparing to leave her duties to take a job with Comcast Corporation, just four months after voting for the controversial merger between NBC-Universal and the nation’s largest cable company — her new employer

sounds like someone operates the FCC at the "whim" of her boss(comcast)


Power corrupts! Absolute power corrupts absolutely!
It is the Game EVERYWHERE and is more potent than any drugs discovered or invented. It perverts human character and rarely does anyone rise above it all the time. We are not very far from the apes in the trees.


So wait Ron Paul is running as a republican? If it comes down to Paul vs. Obama I'd be so happy, would definitely vote, might even donate my time to the cause.


Active member
Notice that he said he is not "Pro Cannabis", but rather, anti prohibition. That sounds good enough to me. End the "war" on all drugs, and start giving treatment to those in need, like they do in Portugal. Virtually eliminates all drug related crime.


weed fiend
Thanks for the link, RetroGrow. I think ol' Ron's already proved he's as moral and ethical as any national-level lawmakers. IMO, it's unfortunate that his national-level proposals would apply to less than moral and ethical individuals. IMO, Dr. Paul would need enforcement the size of Texas to go after individuals who choose profit at our peril.

Imo, living in a collective is approached more responsibly and efficiently as a collective.


Active member
actuall hes doing pretty good from the polls ive seen on TV and you must take into account +/- % .
and the best choice out of any of the republicans or the alternitive obama.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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Warnging Dark Humor Alert!

Warnging Dark Humor Alert!

^ya seriously. Ron Paul actually has a great chance this next election. He is running against Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney. The reason I know he will beat them is because, if either Romney or Palin get to close to winning I will kill them. I do hope some one shoots Palin And Romney Right in Heart. I would say shoot them in the brain but it is hard to hit a pea sized target.

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